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  1. SRZMK3

    7mGTE or 7mGE transmission, for street and for drag

    r154 is one burly ass transmission dont underestimate it
  2. SRZMK3

    Pussy supra

    she found out that YOUER DOING IT WRONG, and its trying to make corrections ---------- Post added at 12:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 PM ---------- shes trying to sabotage your engine because she overheard you saying that you have a bad cat and you need to replace it.
  3. SRZMK3

    7mGE turbo NOS, alcohol, methanol, ethanol, VP race fuel....

    first off if your not using a turbo you shouldnt be putting low compression pistons in it.. but since you included a MHG and ARP studs you should use nitrous because with that 1000cc added fuel (i dont know why you would have that big of injectors) you could run an AEM EMS and tune it for a good...
  4. SRZMK3

    low end garbage!! 86.5 N.A.

    your acis is broken.. mine does the same crap teerible low end and then amazing top end... i also have the na LSD
  5. SRZMK3

    accelerator issues

    yeah it really sounds like you have a short somewhere in your TPS circuit then...
  6. SRZMK3

    heater lights go out when i hit the brakes

    check your tail light failiure sensor near the driver side tail light housing in the back its a yellow box and they go bad in wierd ways//// theres instructions on how to hard wire and bypass the stupid thing
  7. SRZMK3

    accelerator issues

    is the connector to your TPS broken? if the top two connectors are touching the car will sort of fuel cut at 2k rpm
  8. SRZMK3

    Bleeding the clutch

    yeah dont let it run dry ive blown 2 master cylinders that way lmao
  9. SRZMK3

    Purple Power FTMFW!

    for my engine i use non chlorinated brake clean it just blows all of the grime away in an instant, for my engine bay i use simple green simple green doesnt destroy anything if you rinse very well..
  10. SRZMK3

    Probe GT Rims

    /sigh yes it has been called that too...
  11. SRZMK3

    RSR Ran Up.... anyone thinking of trying it? it seems that this is an unbiased experiment proving its validity i wonder how i get my hands on this stuff?
  12. SRZMK3

    kick panel fuse box help

    the same for both engines. i think it changed in year tho
  13. SRZMK3

    decisions..... HELP!!!

    thank you :D and to all of the guys calling it rice to bodykit first... your reasons are pure and simply impossible....
  14. SRZMK3

    Probe GT Rims

    and lets not forget.... delorean.... when you have a silver one...
  15. SRZMK3

    Tail Light Covers! Check em!

    i like it a lil more user friendly honestly... alot more room to drive on
  16. SRZMK3

    Probe GT Rims

    no.... no no no no n o......... selll the probe rims and get some mk3 fat 5s
  17. SRZMK3

    decisions..... HELP!!!

    ima get the kit... and then when i have the money ill paint all of it.. i dont want to spend paint money twice now will i....
  18. SRZMK3

    decisions..... HELP!!! SHINE AUTO BODY KIT? OR PAINT? i have awesome rims im just repainting them ATM
  19. SRZMK3

    Wheel stud replacement

    yeah.... ima cut