RSR Ran Up.... anyone thinking of trying it?


Active Member
May 19, 2010
I'm sure a few people read the fact or fiction featuring this stuff in Import Tuner a few months ago. I'm still pretty skeptical, but it did spark some interest. They seem to do those tests with no bias... they flat out flunked that fuel line magnet Top Fuel was selling.

Anyway, I was looking around and they didn't release the stuff in the US yet (or even announce a price)... but I used google translator to dig around on the RSR japan site and found a price of 6300 yen ($76 USD... lol). I don't think I'll be trying it for that price.... maybe if someone else tried it first and found out it gave them 40whp and x-ray vision that only worked on supermodels... and made sure it didn't blow their engine.

I also wonder if it's a one time treatment, or if it's $76+ each oil change? That would be insane.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Queens, NY
I don't like adding anything to my oil, coolant, gas, power steering fluid, brake fluid, diff fluid and gearbox fluid. I don't believe in it really.


Active Member
Oct 18, 2009
Miramar, FL
IBoughtASupra;1670995 said:
I don't like adding anything to my oil, coolant, gas, power steering fluid, brake fluid, diff fluid and gearbox fluid. I don't believe in it really.

Many people say that the Water Wetter additive for the cooling system works, and had success with it. Not sure tho.


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
I just dont see how it would help that drastically. I cant imagine that rod bearings riding on a layer of oil without contact would have enough drag with conventional oil, that adding something "slipperier" to the oil would really free it up enough to make a measurable amount more power.

xzeror;1671005 said:
Many people say that the Water Wetter additive for the cooling system works, and had success with it. Not sure tho.

All water wetter does is break the surface tension of water so that it contacts the surface of the head/block and radiator and transfers heat more efficiently. Coolant has the same effect. Water wetter with straight water in a cooling system would make much more of a difference then water wetter with coolant.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
SRZMK3;1670993 said:

it seems that this is an unbiased experiment proving its validity

i wonder how i get my hands on this stuff?

They did the same crap with Royal Purple. Come to find out, Royal Purple tends to be a lower weight than most other brands going by what's indicated on the bottle (not saying Royal Purple is bad, it's just the same marketing gimmicks used by snake oils that hurts their reputation). You can get more power from running a thinner oil, been shown numerous times.

xzeror;1671005 said:
Many people say that the Water Wetter additive for the cooling system works, and had success with it. Not sure tho.

Water wetter breaks the surface tension of the water to cool better....but it has a nasty side effect of producting leaks. Wanna see some fun with it? Put water in a tupperware container and close the lid well. Shake it and see it has no leaks. Now add a little water wetter to it. Seal it real well and have someone else shake it cause they're gonna get soaked...

Nosechunks;1671006 said:
I just dont see how it would help that drastically. I cant imagine that rod bearings riding on a layer of oil without contact would have enough drag with conventional oil, that adding something "slipperier" to the oil would really free it up enough to make a measurable amount more power.

Usually it's other items like rings.

Nosechunks;1671006 said:
All water wetter does is break the surface tension of water so that it contacts the surface of the head/block and radiator and transfers heat more efficiently. Coolant has the same effect. Water wetter with straight water in a cooling system would make much more of a difference then water wetter with coolant.

And water wetter doesn't protect and lubricate like coolant does.


New Member
Oct 21, 2010
powell river bc
Poodles;1671021 said:
Water wetter breaks the surface tension of the water to cool better....but it has a nasty side effect of producting leaks. Wanna see some fun with it? Put water in a tupperware container and close the lid well. Shake it and see it has no leaks. Now add a little water wetter to it. Seal it real well and have someone else shake it cause they're gonna get soaked...

i will indeed have to try that.

but yes the surface tension of water will stop alot of small coolant leaks. ever notice how your car will leak antifreeze, but not water? but soap will also break the surface tension of water.

and on the same subject none of the oil additives ive tried never really work that well. all the stop smoke and valve seal fix in a bottle. the valve seals are shot and need replacing, nothing i put in the oil stoped the blue smoke from comming out the tailpipe, short of filling the block with 2 stoke oil.


Active Member
May 19, 2010
I use water wetter in my 2-stroke dirtbikes on the recommendation of the suzuki dealer, I was overheating going through silt bogs in the summer when it was over 90 degrees. It seemed to help, but who knows. Getting stranded 5 miles from home with a seized engine again seemed like it was worth $7 to try to prevent it.

Also, about the royal purple thing... I thought any synthetic oil was supposed to have a power advantage over a conventional?


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Where's JJ when these threads pop up? Usually doesn't take long... :)