accelerator issues


New Member
Jan 8, 2011
So i got the valve covers on and my 1988 Supra N/A 5-speed manual, back together after changing the spark plugs, oil, timing belt, accessory belts and coolant. Got the car to actually start but when i hit the accelerator, the responds is slow and it wont rev pass 2000 rpm. It backfires as the rpm's go back down from 2000. Anyone else experience issues like mine?


New Member
Jul 26, 2007
When you put the timing belt back on did you verify all the timing marks were on? Also after putting it on did you rotate the motor a couple of revolutions and check the marks?


New Member
Jan 8, 2011
yup, i made sure that it was TDC when i put the timing belt together and the crank was at 0 and both cams were aligned to the marks, I had a chop stick in cylinder 1 to make sure, lol. I did the distributor alignment, but its my first time doing so but i got the rotor to be at the #1 spark plug wire but the contacts underneath that i couldn't align that level... its maybe an eighth of inch off. I didnt check the timing with a timing gun yet and i didn't "set" the TPS for continuity.


New Member
Jan 8, 2011
SRZMK3;1671011 said:
is the connector to your
TPS broken?

if the top two connectors are touching the car will sort of fuel cut at 2k rpm

no, but the previous owner said that his mechanic butt connected a new line with a not broken connection. Come to think of it, the supra rev'd fine when i had the TPS offset way too high to where it rev'd up by itself.... lol but since i placed it in a neutral position it idle's fine but like you said seems like it fuel cut at 2k rpm, cause it sounds like it starting to initiate a launch controller.


New Member
Jan 8, 2011
SRZMK3;1671073 said:
yeah it really sounds like you have a short somewhere in your TPS circuit then...
In the TPS it self or the harness?? The previous owner gave me three of em. one had a red sticker with the part number of 89452 14050 and two blue ones. the blue ones seem to not fit properly... probably for a different engine. is there a difference for a non turbo and turbo version TPS?
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New Member
Jul 26, 2007
QuattroNinja;1671422 said:
In the TPS it self or the harness?? The previous owner gave me three of em. one had a red sticker with the part number of 89452 14050 and two blue ones. the blue ones seem to no fit properly... probably for a different engine. is there a difference for a non turbo and turbo version TPS?
The TPS is a wear item, if you can't set it right according to the TSRM then it probably needs replaced.

I believe the TPS is the same for NA and turbo.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
QuattroNinja;1670803 said:
when i hit the accelerator, the responds is slow and it wont rev pass 2000 rpm. It backfires as the rpm's go back down from 2000. Anyone else experience issues like mine?

If you ran into fuel cut, you wouldn't have a backfire(muffler explosion) because the fuel is cut. But since the engine is out of time, it just pumps fuel straight into the exhaust. And check the TPS while you are at it. If you are out of time by a tooth, you can usually still bring the engine speed up to redline.


Feb 24, 2007
AJ'S 88NA;1671643 said:
The TPS is a wear item, if you can't set it right according to the TSRM then it probably needs replaced.

I believe the TPS is the same for NA and turbo.

The Tps's very to the Throttle body and year/model. There are 2 types of tps's that i know of. The vertical and horizontal positions. Basically, if you take the tps off the throttle body, look to see if the linkage on the inside is vertical or horizontal. If you find a tps(turbo or non turbo) that has the same position as yours, it should work fine...unless it is damaged due to wear. If you cannot find a tps, but can get a hold of another N/A throttle body(with the opposite position of what you have now) you should be able to use the other 2 Tps's you have. :]

Here is an example of a vertical tps. (This is a Turbo model BTW, just using it for example) ;]


New Member
Jan 8, 2011
BlackDynamite;1672845 said:
The Tps's very to the Throttle body and year/model. There are 2 types of tps's that i know of. The vertical and horizontal positions. Basically, if you take the tps off the throttle body, look to see if the linkage on the inside is vertical or horizontal. If you find a tps(turbo or non turbo) that has the same position as yours, it should work fine...unless it is damaged due to wear. If you cannot find a tps, but can get a hold of another N/A throttle body(with the opposite position of what you have now) you should be able to use the other 2 Tps's you have. :]

Here is an example of a vertical tps. (This is a Turbo model BTW, just using it for example) ;]

thanks you guys. i put the supra into diagnostic mode and got code 41, TPS sensor open circuit. so i'm just gonna get another one and hope it fixes my issue so i can finally take it out! thanks again for all your guys help.


New Member
Jan 8, 2011
So i got the correct TPS sensor and put it on and everything, the engine can rev higher but not that much more (3800 rpm). i checked my wiring for the tps and it has a butt connected pigtail with different colored wires than the ones going to the ecu harness. anyone know which wires are what or have a wiring schmatic? i was searching for anything related to this but couldn't find anything. i bought the tps off of ebay and it came with a pigtail but its to a cressida. the wiring colors for the harness that was from a cressida are; red, brown, red with silver/white, and brown with blue.


Rally Supra
Jan 24, 2010
Carlton, Oregon
Just noticed you mentioned you haven't checked your ignition timing with a gun yet in the beginning of the thread only got the rotor close to #1 cylinder. Might want to get it timed in with a good gun before screwing around with the TPS more. My guess is your timings been to far off this whole time.


New Member
Jan 8, 2011
O yea forgot to mention that, i did do the timing and cleaned out the tb when i was changing out my spark plugs. i put the supra into diagnostic mode adjusted the distributer and used a timing gun and i have it at 10 degree mark, but its kinda weird i got it to line up with the 10 but every time i go to tighten it the distributer down it moves between 12-8. its a little bit strange and i can't keep the timing mark still at 10. Ok, to set the tps what do i do with a feeler gauge? i get i gotta measure something out but i don't know exactly where.... i know hella noob. anyone have clear pictures on what i'm suppose to do instead of a scan of a manual?


New Member
check to see if the cressida connection was poorly done... mabey the wiring job is shorting somewhere because it still seems like that exact problem i first stated. get a pigtail from a na supra.. my car has done this before and my friends supra is doing the same and i fixed it the same way as mine, a new connector to the tps with correct wiring.