Dude, you need to check out the place first. While they do sell body kits, a fair bit of their stuff isn't add on parts, it's replacement parts. So for instance, the widebody fenders I pointed out are a replacement fender that's another 35mm wider, giving you room for a lot more wheel / tire...
Two things that I'd be concerned with.
1. Idle... I'm not sure the stock setup will go that low.
2. Timing. And I'd be more worried about this. I'm certain that, while we can go +25% without much concern, there's no way the stock ECU has timing maps for +100%.
As I posted, new one is under $50. Well, if you buy from the right Toyota dealership, anyway. Used one should be fine as well... as a rule they don't wear much, the only thing touching 'em is a belt, which is distinctly softer than the gear. :)
The timing gun is really simple. Connect it to the battery, and put the pickup over the #1 spark plug wire. Make sure the notch on the front main damper is visible - I tend to use a bit of white crayon, or liquid paper. Clean off the marks on the timing gear cover that show degrees. Jumper...
Anyone else seen this? There were girls walking around the local mall with black and blue frisbees in tight black tops and pants with blue stripes... I'm guessing it was to promote Tron Legacy. Something like so:
I call BS on your local dealer. If the part is seriously discontinued, come back and someone on here will dig one out of the bits bin for you. I think I've probably got one somewhere in the shop.
200 lbs of extra weight, snow tires, and a short piece of rope will work wonders. Tie the rope around your right foot, and pull on it to keep it from pushing to hard on the gas. ;)
Take off the switch panel to the left of the steering wheel. Slide the 10mm deep socket in on two long extensions, guide it onto the nut from under the dash. :D
This looks like a car that's been owned by McGuyver himself for far too long.
- There are no heat shields on the exhaust manifold and turbo, so check the wiring and hoses above them carefully for cracks. Anything that's hard or brittle will need to be replaced. Pay special attention to the...
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