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  1. F

    what has figgie been so mum about???

    I enjoy wiring and harness building.... and this task at hand is niether enjoyable or fun! More like PAINFULL and teidius but I am neck deep in it and can not go back!
  2. F

    what has figgie been so mum about???

    I will try. There is nothing more on the uninstall side to take pictures of :) The next part is building FOUR harness for the PDM. This uses the steps and tools that in my wire thread so won't do that part.
  3. F

    what has figgie been so mum about???

    of course this leaves.. what is figgie replacing the mechanical system with? well, to bring the supra into the 21st century and doing it the way i do everything (overboard or better known as Obsessive compulsive Disorder).. A MoTeC PDM32 digital based power distribution box. so what...
  4. F

    what has figgie been so mum about???

    well a dig up. I haven't updated and for good reason..... 40+ lbs of main and in-cabin front electrical harness + relay boxes etc. I am in the middle of a rewire of the entire car. This is not the hard part. The hard part is isolating circuits for the likes of A/C Wiper motor...
  5. F

    RHD conversion???

    See the US Postal Service mail delivery trucks. All are RHD.
  6. F

    RHD conversion???

    you are full of it and so is he. Why you ask? Because I have all three harness in my garage OUTSIDE of the supra (and since this thread insists, I WILL post pictures when I get home). The reason you are full of "it". 1. Flipping the harness won't do shit unless you MOVE the...
  7. F

    Bad Coils?

    when in doubt, deffer to the TSRM. TSRM states coils should read betweem .3-.5 ohms. Outside of that replace coils. #2. (this is for 89+ supra).
  8. F

    RHD conversion???

    correct there are a total of 4 harness. 1 ECU harness 3 x electrical main harness + all relay blocks etc. The front electrical harness should be part of a front clip. The front in-cabin one might get butchered or not. Toss a coin. The In-cabin REAR WILL get slaughtered in a front clip.
  9. F

    quick oval track vid.

    wrong forum!
  10. F

    Bad Coils?

    the number you gave is out of spec. Are all three coil packs measuring .7 ohms? is the coil pack grounded properly? There is a wire that goes to the engine block, i would re-route that wire directly to battery ground (if your battery is upfront still). What are the spark plugs gapped...
  11. F

    Lets Talk about Grounds

    Well here is some food for thought. Grounding points on the supra are all over the place. There are tons and tons of points as evident here.
  12. F

    Rev Limiter and Speed-o

    as stated above. you are the reason buying used cars sucks. Regardless if the owner was there or not... oooooooh so I wish that you had broken the diff at that point to teach you a lesson in restraint. sometimes this board is wrought with too much ignorance and stupidity. Luckily I am...
  13. F

    Just got an MK3 that has been sitting for 3 years help!!!

    umm and what exactly does this have to do with any supra discussion at hand? To Reiterate IJ. No pics, never happened!
  14. F

    RHD conversion???

    In the US Right Hand drive cars are fine as long as they pass DOT safety standards and emissions standards. The Postal services uses right hand drive cars to deliver mail. If the op want to do a conversion by all means! I for one would be curious as hell how they overcame the electrical...
  15. F

    crank pulley question..

    Wow that many people have bought it to make the price that inexpensive? :o
  16. F


    Not assholes. Just that your post was bullshit. If you are typing fast. Make damn sure to proofread the damn post before pressing "Submit reply". I read the post prior to the edit and it just sounds like freaking corky from life goes on, contracted some autism plus perhaps a dash of...
  17. F

    ED & CC: Carbon Fiber Parts

    when it comes to $. You do it yourself and when the company that is doing it starts to be able to offer it to ANYONE, then people will know it is legit. Otherwise it is a waste of diskspace to even start a "wishful" thinking thread. They never ever end up well. See the countless S2 carbon...
  18. F

    stolen supra bad day....

    and? not for anything but exactly what type of "friends" do this shit? Sorry dude, something is not jiving. :nono:
  19. F

    ac question

    ummm.. wow please try to use some sentence structures and punctuations. Makes for an easy reading there by more help (something to think about). The A/C systems of the GTE and GE are the same (ie interchangeable).
  20. F

    RHD conversion???

    and too add everyone is looking at the easy stuff (ie body, steering etc). Has anyone actually tried to decipher the MAIN electrical harness? All I will say is good luck if you don't have the MAIN harness from a OEM RHD supra. It will niether be easy, cake or anything. And I am...