Ever get mad at the previous owner of your car?


Feb 23, 2006
Aside from the MAFT, although by choice/priority I replaced everything under the hood from turbo, to wiring, to hoses, to everything. Wiring under the hood was semi-hacked up. Somebody was trying to go fast, too fast..lol..If that makes any sense..


Oct 2, 2006
kettering ohio
I guess i had a bunch of previous owners but some things they did were,
Disconnect the real fog lights to light up some dumb blue lights in the headlight, wich now don't even work and i believe is causing my headlights not to retract at all.
Punched the pasanger side quarter out of anger
Painted the car with only minimal prep work
Failed to mention some random probllems like all the rust in the spare tire compartment.
Rubber floormats that say "type-S"
Loud as hell exhaust that is ok sounding but can get annoying. I'd rather have a quiet exhaust so that when i do something stupid,barely anyone will hear it.
There is probally more but i can't think right now.
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( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
I got mine with a BHG 7MGTE from a teacher at my school, she was the only owner of the car and after puting in a new motor and losing a mint paintjob to a tornado that hit the shop while it was there it was in decent shape, typical woman problems though like the suspension was bad, the brakes needed work, etc but I got most of it all worked out now. She asked me recently to sell it back to her and I told her hell NO she can keep her monta carlo SS .


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
If I had known the previous owner of my car better, I wouldn't have bought the car. Things found out once owning the car:

Front bumper held on with zip ties
Intake plenum gasket made out of corrogated cardboard
"wet sanded" the clearcoat off the front half of the car
did THE WORST attempt at a fiberglass center console, ever
the car was missing a stud on the FR wheel.
No speedo gear in the transmission
the aftermarket alarm was wired in with electrical tape
window switches superglued together
leaky targa

thats about all i can think of now... with the money and time i've put into fixing these things, I could have bought a car in better shape and properly done almost all the upgrades that are currently on the car. Once the car is finished, I'm gunna drive it back down to him and punch him in the chode.


Going for broke
Mar 30, 2005
The last owner of my car had the desire to cut holes in everything. I have several extra holes through my firewall, and in my trunk, and through the floor, and one in the front subframe(why I have no idea). He also managed to break a hole in the rear subframe but it's ok he was putting down alot of power.

He also liked to hack up the wiring. I spent a long time reassembling whats left of the body harness. I still have several wires that are just hanging around cut because I don't know what they ever went to. When I dropped my engine in, I couldn't figure out for several days why it wouldn't start until I noticed the ignition switch wires had been cut.

It was still worth it though.


Apr 24, 2005
Tampa, Fl.
JustAnotherVictim said:
All the time, the guy was ridiculous. Drove the car around with blown shocks and cut stock springs. Did a half ass 89+ conversion that I gotta fix now, he used the 88 bumper support for 89+ bumper and did a terrible job mounting the main spoiler. Claimed he put on a mhg to the guy I bought the car from and claimed the stock ct was upgraded. He also did some weird thing with the pcv system that I had to fix also. Broke the winshield also so it's a never ending search for shards of broken glass, which I've found most of now.
The guy I bought it from was honest, but the guy he got it from was a idiot.

Forgot to mention the guy I bought it from bought basically everything I needed to fix it. Almost everything.

was the guy he got it from named kirk by any chance? and lived in tampa? maroon mkiii?


Jun 5, 2005
Florence, KY
I don't even know where to begin! The previous owner of my last supra failed to mention so many things. The hvac controls didn't work right. The rear defrost didn't work the temp gauge was bad. He put a after market gauge in there and told me he didn't like the factory gauge and un hooked it. Two of the manifold bolts were broken. The hatch didn't open. The car had a jdm motor in it. I later found out that the car was used as a drag car he told me about that in a email after I got home the car interior was gutted by the previous owner apparently when he put it back together there was a bunch of extra parts that he had left over and threw away. I know there was a few more things wrong with the car but I can't remember them right now. When I called him about everthing I found out about it he said it was normal for mkIII's and hung up on me. I knew about the hatch. No one to blame but myself for buying the car though.


New Member
Mar 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
My car has had SIX previous owners.
One of them put in a Non-ABS 89+ GTE Auto into my ABS 88 GE Auto Supra.
Another one painted my car with two coats of uber expensive paint... but with a paint roller... over rust.
Another owner before the two coat rust job decided to spray paint the car without removing ANYTHING.
Another owner got the car rear ended.
Another owner blew the head gasket, twice.
Another owner installed a horendous aftermarket alarm system with shock sensors and what not that no longer worked when I got it, I enjoyed ripping that out and going back to stock. (I have a picture of me stomping on it on my myspace).
Another owner drilled a random hole in my trunk that lets water in.
Another owner JB welded my spare tire cover onto the frame.
Another owner took out the dash without moving/removing the steering wheel thus cracking the dash in half.
Another owner decided that they wanted to remove their horendous sound system and just cut all the wires and left them dangling all over the car.
Another owner decided to jack up the car not using the proper jacking loaction and thus leaving a noticable dent on the frame.
Another owner actually put the STOCK speakers back in when they ripped out their sound system.

Gah I woulda kept going, but I have to go. Will add the rest later :eek:wned:


Oct 3, 2006
i don't even have the time to name everything that the previous owner left me with. lool but i still love the car :]


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Im lucky i guess. My car was all original stock well taken care of. Except the bastard that overtightened the targa. It leaks like a siv because its a bit mis-shapened. I cant afford another top with paint right now.


Drft What do u mean drft?
Mar 31, 2005
Southern, Ca
At this point No. I found him to be quite honest about the car. He said the made a weird noise when his brother started it. After that they towed the car home and laid for 6 months till i bought it and started it and found it had rodknock but u could barely hear it at idle. Only when u start it u could hear it more. Interior was in great condition (blue) and had a dashmat which protected it from the sun. Only think is the seats are cracked and center console cover is cracked/torn. Only bought it for $400 so basically it was a steal!


Oct 2, 2006
kettering ohio
I<3Supras said:
At this point No. I found him to be quite honest about the car. He said the made a weird noise when his brother started it. After that they towed the car home and laid for 6 months till i bought it and started it and found it had rodknock but u could barely hear it at idle. Only when u start it u could hear it more. Interior was in great condition (blue) and had a dashmat which protected it from the sun. Only think is the seats are cracked and center console cover is cracked/torn. Only bought it for $400 so basically it was a steal!
Good deal! I'll be lucky to buy this non running one with a bad body for $800. Then i can do another post on how much i hate the previous owner because this one is bad.


Jul 5, 2006
lets see when i bought the car it had a bhg the guy did a full rebuild oversized pistons new bearings ect..and used an ebay head gasket and stock head bolts torqued to stock specs. He shimmed the wastegate, cut off the stock exhaust after the stock cat and left it that way. He installed an aftermarket alarm that he later uninstalled by dissconnecting the hot wires and leaving them behinde the dash uncovered. He broke the door seal and back trunk plastics, also crashed the car on a dirt road destroying the fender trim peice and headlight cover and cross member. Car came with 4 different size tires and 2 extra sawblades with to different size tires on them all dry rotted on the plus side the car came with an autometer boost gauge, its a targa turbo and it alredy had the new body parts on it painted brown but it only cost me 700 bucks and has 130k on it so i guess i cant complain but so much
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Freeway Foreplay
May 11, 2006
c-ville, Utah
yes, the previous owner of my car was a total dip shit....it had a jdm 7m in it with like 10,000 since the install.... he had already blown the headgasket, got in a small front end collision, the interior was trashed (i found a whole bag of opened peanuts under the seat in the vent) and the turbo was near blown, i couldn't get more than 2psi.......

but whatever i got the car for 1000$ and look how far it has come!


that's it!
Sep 30, 2006
Salem, Oregon
Hell yeah. The previous owner didn't change the oil once in the year that he owned it. I dont even think he washed or vaccumed it either. The owner before him used spray paint to touch up scratches on the driver side door and the bumpers. He also leaned on the door so much that the door now hangs down just a tad. Bastards I tell you!!!