My car has had SIX previous owners.
One of them put in a Non-ABS 89+ GTE Auto into my ABS 88 GE Auto Supra.
Another one painted my car with two coats of uber expensive paint... but with a paint roller... over rust.
Another owner before the two coat rust job decided to spray paint the car without removing ANYTHING.
Another owner got the car rear ended.
Another owner blew the head gasket, twice.
Another owner installed a horendous aftermarket alarm system with shock sensors and what not that no longer worked when I got it, I enjoyed ripping that out and going back to stock. (I have a picture of me stomping on it on my myspace).
Another owner drilled a random hole in my trunk that lets water in.
Another owner JB welded my spare tire cover onto the frame.
Another owner took out the dash without moving/removing the steering wheel thus cracking the dash in half.
Another owner decided that they wanted to remove their horendous sound system and just cut all the wires and left them dangling all over the car.
Another owner decided to jack up the car not using the proper jacking loaction and thus leaving a noticable dent on the frame.
Another owner actually put the STOCK speakers back in when they ripped out their sound system.
Gah I woulda kept going, but I have to go. Will add the rest later
