Hey all, i've been trying to read up on what a knock sensor does for our car but pretty much of the threads i found were of code 52 or the wire breaking... what exactly does a knock sensor do besides detect knocks. Does the ecu use the vibrations to calculate any sort of data? i know i...
yea.. i'm gonna get some wire from work later today and just do the rewire... i just hope i can make it to canada since i've been waiting for this trip for a year
darn... i'll shoot for 29ft lbs.. i have about 5 hours to screw with it tonight is it enough? remember my car is a na-t so i don't have coolant lines and no hard lines for the oil feed or return.. i just don't wanna dive in on this project and not have enogh time to get it done...
well the starter draws alot of amperage, amperage that it couldn't get thru the dirty connection, the sub will work fine because it doedsn't draw nearly as much
hey can somone measure their stock front endlink hole to hole for me? i'm at work and didn't drive my car today so i need these dimensions so i can get em to a friend. I think the fronts were 4" but i can't rember thanks
i vote elbow, i had a full 3 in exhuast minus the elbow b4 and then when i slapped on the elbow it was a nice noticable difference, car spools alot earlier
I know i've kinda been procrastinating on this problem but my car doesn't boost properly when the motor is hot, i know i started a few posts about this back then but i never got a complete answer.... so heres the problem, i can drive on the highway for countless hours and boost 11psi psi just...
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