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  1. Adjuster

    Veitnam Part 2?

    Oh, we need to tie up where we are now, vs where we were then. So, Iraq and Iran stop killing each other after at least 6 million deaths. (I've actually heard it was more like 20 million total died in that war, but only 6 million of them are claimed to have died...) Iraq has a large army...
  2. Adjuster

    Veitnam Part 2?

    Some little known history about Iran and Iraq. 1) In the 70's, Iran was our ally. A very strong ally in fact. Stronger than the Saudi's, and our government supported and was on very good terms with Iran and the Shaw of Iran. (The rulling family for many years.) 2) Russia hated the fact...
  3. Adjuster

    anyone here a JW?

    Yep, Flawed from the start. Here is the premise. Only 144,000 will be resurected and continue on. Yep, there have been billions and billions of people who've lived on this planet, but let's only select 144,000 of them to be chosen ones..... Perhaps that's where the live, drink and be...
  4. Adjuster

    Rant: Im over this spoon-fed tobacco ignorance crap!

    Most of the serious pot heads I know have so little intrest in anything but smoking new and exciting varieties of Canabis, they are pretty harmless... And they would rather spend the money on more weed than buy cars, so unless the nursery they run needs a new truck, they don't drive much... LOL...
  5. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Joel, you still belive that crude oil is from plankton? (And other assorted decomposed bio mass?) There is a huge problem with your logic. It's based on bad science theory. It was never PROVEN that crude oil was from decomposed, crushed bio mass. It was a THEORY, nothing more. When crude...
  6. Adjuster

    wtf is ftw?

    LOL @ foofer... LIST was for Low Impact, Soft Tissue injuries like "whiplash" (A term inveted by trial lawyers for the more medical and corect term "muscle sprain and/or strain.") Basicly when you strain or sprain a muscle or the connective tissue where those muscles attach to the bone...
  7. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Wow, this thread is still alive and kicking... Amazing. Let's go over what's been said. Global warming as a theory is proven false. (As far as it's being caused by man in anycase.) Warming and cooling trends in Earth's climate are normal, and outside of the 90,000 year ice ace cycle...
  8. Adjuster

    wtf is ftw?

    Wow, such drama for a POS thread. What a PITA it must be to think up all these IMHO. (Or is it IMNSHO?) IDK, BRB and discuss it further. BTW, POS is Piece of Salvage in insurance speak... and I love to UPOD, or under promise, over deliver... LOL Crap, this is what I deal with on a...
  9. Adjuster

    anyone here a JW?

    Trying to argue religion is like the Special Olympics. Even if you win, your both retarded. I've been all over the world, and have seen first hand the great and terrible things that people have done in the name of God. (I'm sure he's pretty offended most of the time by the stuff his kids...
  10. Adjuster

    wtf is ftw?

    Never would have guessed "for the win" but thanks you guys, and sorry about posting in the wrong location. :) FTW, it's now moved,.... or something like that...
  11. Adjuster

    wtf is ftw?

    Ok, title says it all, but I'm too old to know I suppose. (Already feeling silly asking, but FTW? WTF is that?) LOL My guesses. Feel the word. Found the Weeze. From the womb? For To Woman? Found the woman? Farts to Wombats... Final answer is fuck the world, but that's just a...
  12. Adjuster

    eagle rod oil squirters?

    So, on that rod, it appears the bolt let go first right? Interesting. On two other rods I've seen, both failed right through the oil squirter hole, you could see the drilled hole in one or both sides of the metal left over. One failed there, then bent and twisted up the rod beam, the other...
  13. Adjuster

    eagle rod oil squirters?

    Every stock rod that I've seen fail, has been at the squirter hole, then the rod let's go, and becomes scrap metal along with the rest of your motor. My pauters only have a small hole in the very top of the pin bore. No squirter hole in the shoulder as IJ noted. (Or a cleft in the shoulder to...
  14. Adjuster

    7mgte CAMS can someone do a group buy

    Well, since I'm running a stroker, and will likely not ever rev past the stock rpm limit, or at the most, I'll have it re-clocked one of these years and go for 7500rpm max, then the bucket shims we have now should be OK for the higher lift/duration stage 3 cams..... IIRC, the 2JZ crowd says...
  15. Adjuster

    HPF Goliath 3.5/4" exhaust system

    Beats the hell out of golden showers, but still just as messy.
  16. Adjuster

    junk yard mods??

    My first reaction to the Firebird wing on the Supra was "Kit, hit the turbo boost now!" and 80's big hair, but then after looking it over some more, I can see where your headed with this. The claim then was that spoiler made the Firebird have a better .cd. (Helps to smooth the air as it exits...
  17. Adjuster

    HPF Goliath 3.5/4" exhaust system

    For nearly a grand, it should be made of Ti and come with a happy ending...
  18. Adjuster

    7mgte CAMS can someone do a group buy

    Interesting. They show nothing about using shimless buckets, or shim under buckets. With the 272's and the extra duration and lift, do you need the shim under buckets? (I would hate to have the cam spit a shim out at high rpm...) The stage 2 cams are interesting too. I already have...
  19. Adjuster

    Anyone Buy This Turbo Manifold?

    So, has anyone cut the manifold to head flange in half at the middle point? (Right through the center stud hole.) Should allow the manifold to float v/s warp, but I've not heard of any warping problems actually, so it's likely not needed.
  20. Adjuster

    AC ???

    Questions. 1) How long was your system open to the air? 2) Did you replace your reciever/dryer? 3) Did you evacuate the system before you filled it? 4) Why did you think 36oz of r134a would be a good idea in a system designed for r12? My theory based on your comments so far. 1) You have...