Trying to argue religion is like the Special Olympics.
Even if you win, your both retarded.
I've been all over the world, and have seen first hand the great and terrible things that people have done in the name of God. (I'm sure he's pretty offended most of the time by the stuff his kids are doing in his name here on Earth.)
BTW, substitue whatever god you belive in for "God." (Allah, Jehovah, Great Spirit, Mother Nature, Eagles, Bears, Salmon, Buddah or Jesus. 99.9% of the time any causes that are backed by "god" end up being brutal wars that have killed millions, and created havoc we are still dealing with today.
The idea that only 144,000 will be saved is totaly BS. That being the main construct of the JW, they are flawed from the start, and it leaves them grasping at straws to find meaning in their worthless lives. (Worthless since the idea they are going to be one of the 144,000 out of the billions of souls who have lived on this planet is about as likely as them willing the 144billion dollar lotery....)