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  1. Adjuster


    Did not stir the pot. I just pointed out that this is just yet another form of racing involving power oversteer. (Watch some ice races if you like this, it's very entertaining.) I think that outlaw dirt track racing has more sliding involved than "D1" anyday. And they are going faster than...
  2. Adjuster

    Anyone Buy This Turbo Manifold?

    Header wrap really makes them quiet as well. Cup of suprA, do you have the china manifold? Just wondering where yours cracked at? So far, I do not know of any failures of this manifold yet. (And there are many examples out there running around with no problems.) For the money, it can't be...
  3. Adjuster

    jet hot

    Here is where I buy mine from. A few years ago, Shawndude pointed me in this direction, and this company is awesome. I've used the following coatings. Molydisulfied. (Anti friction coating for bearings, piston skirts and other surfaces you don't want...
  4. Adjuster

    Front bumper / lip

    Make that in urethane, and I'd be tempted to go with the newer front end. (I like my 88 just fine.) I've seen the IROC front urethane spoiler grafted onto the Supra front end. It looked very similar, but was not done nearly as nice as this one. IF you did it in urethane parts, and used a...
  5. Adjuster


    It's just a form of power oversteer. (or rear brake induced slide if you don't have the power or the right vehicle type to induce power oversteer.) Reminds me of many other sports where power oversteer is used. Dirt track racing of any type. (Outlaws, sprints and bikes to name just a few.)...
  6. Adjuster

    cheap truck turbos?

    check for a clogged up oil drain line. (Old and burned oil there.) Turbo's don't generally leak oil from "seals" they leak because the oil coming in does not have an easy way to drain out. Unless the piston ring seal is broken, then you could have a constant oil leak I suppose.
  7. Adjuster

    cheap truck turbos?

    Unless they are giving the turbo away for free, don't waste your money. You can get a brand new Master Power turbo from Brazil based on Garrett parts and sizes, from a ISO 9001/2000 company. (That means they can bid on and build OEM quality parts, and they have a pretty good reputation in...
  8. Adjuster

    question about pistons rods and crank

    I would not drill into any pistons! Basicly there should be holes drilled into your pin bore from the oil control ring. This ring (Actually there are three of them, a top and bottem ring and a stainless wavy ring that keeps them seperated.) allows the oil to be scraped off and exit the...
  9. Adjuster

    Does ANYONE have the Full Do-Luck kit?

    The stock car looks fine. Most, if not all of the "kit" bumpers and other parts are made of fiberglass, not urethane, so when you bump a curb, your expensive kit and paint job is toast. As you can guess, I think all the kits and add on fiberglass parts are totally bogus. (Besides the fact...
  10. Adjuster

    Supra almost got toasted!

    The arsonist is likely living in your neighborhood, and was standing around watching the hose draggers do their thing. (They love fire, and they can't help but watch the fire, and the cleanup and the leftover carnage etc.) Just watch for who ever is there, but should not have any reason to be...
  11. Adjuster

    7mgte 10k rpm

    How much money, or how much time? (Both are numbers I suppose, but what are you asking?) Some parts you will want to upgrade to run higher rpm. 1) Rods. (I reccomend Pauter.) 2) Pistons. (Ross, JE or Wisco, pick the forged piston that tickles your fancy.) 3) Comp Cams valve springs, or...
  12. Adjuster

    EGR removal pro/con

    One bolt, one plug and two taps are all you need. (And having the engine out on a stand is a good idea....) LOL The bolt you screw into the back of the head effectively plugging up the port that leads out of the #6 exhaust runner. The plug you screw into the hole in the upper intake plenum...
  13. Adjuster


    What's totally cool about painting is there are like 100 ways to get the job done right. I've run into painters who tack, wipe with prep and all kinds of personal things they do, but the main detail is the best painters are all very clean, detail oriented people. You have to be consistantly anal...
  14. Adjuster

    A/C-gas ...worth it?

    The truth is that R12 is a better "freon" than R134a. You need more R134a to get the same effect that about 20 to 25% less R12 will provide. Your AC system is designed for your car. Each car has different cooling needs, so they engineer the compressor, condensor and evaporator sizes...
  15. Adjuster


    I've always said the best paint jobs had the best prep work done to them. :) I do belive there is overkill sometimes on the sanding between coats, but on the final color sand and buff, you can't take enough time. (It's the one you never want to scratch again if possible.) I think the...
  16. Adjuster

    look what va is doing to control emmission

    Just get view limiting license plate covers. They work great against speed and traffic/photo radar. You can't read the plate numbers from an angle. Only from directly behind the vehicle. Most states have banned them, but the worst your going to get is a fix it ticket, and if you carry a...
  17. Adjuster

    A/C-gas ...worth it?

    Few things to consider about that "test". 1) They used SUV's. They are large bricks anyway, so generally there is tons of areodynamic drag to deal with on a SUV with or without the windows up or down. (It does increase as the windows go down, and the speed goes up, but they are square edged...
  18. Adjuster

    Clear Corner Lights : Ricey?

    I'll have another helping of rice please... Mmm yummy clear corner lamps... Solid amber lenses for me. I have a friend who keeps offering to get me a pair of euro lamps. The ones with the clear part next to the amber? Well I'm not interested in changing my nice looking solid amber ones for...
  19. Adjuster

    A/C-gas ...worth it?

    Oh, well if the scientists at mythbusters say it's true, then I'm changing my mind... LOL NOT! Sorry, but here where we can go 75mph posted, and 82mph with never a second glance, running with the windows open and the AC off would be just stupid. The wind buffet is annoying, and I don't belive...
  20. Adjuster

    look what va is doing to control emmission

    Welcome to the Kalifornication of the Nation. :) I've seen these in Denver, and here locally our air quality has improved so much that the feds told us we no longer had to monitor and test cars... So the people who own all these junker vans that have been converted into test stations made a...