Search results

  1. Adjuster

    head porting?

    I did mine, it was not that hard, but I'm pretty mechanically minded. Larger valves are a must. (Mine are 1mm over size compared to stock.) There have been a few who have used 2JZ valves which are 1.5mm OS, but are .05mm longer than stock, so they have to be cut down to work right. (There...
  2. Adjuster

    Need advice on troubleshooting battery drain

    Start with the fuses in your engine bay, then move to the fuses in your car. (Easy that way, and It's likely something in the engine bay if your draining power that fast.) Remember to check the fusable links too. (Huge fuses basicly.) Once you find the fuse that when removed takes the load...
  3. Adjuster

    Ebay t70 turbo question

    There are two different "T 70" turbo's on Ebay. The "XS Autochrome", or "XS Power" ones I know nothing about, but have read many accounts of how crappy they are. (Claims of glue, pot metal etc.) Ok, Then there is the Master Power T70. This turbo is built in Brazil, and it made to specs...
  4. Adjuster

    Proof of concept (electric drag cars)

    Nice to see there are advances in technology eh? Reality is however, we are not going to replace all our energy needs with wave power, but I could see many of the coastal needs being met. (The capacity of the plants your talking about are not that great however.) You would need hundreds of...
  5. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Yep, once again, you jump to what you think you know Joel. I was there, making slightly more than minimum wage for Volt, a temp company. You don't like the guy who was raised a liberal, lives in a liberal town, and has decided that the whole idea of MMGW is wrong? He's basing his choice on...
  6. Adjuster

    Money, the root of all?

    That guy is a crook for sure, but so are his buddies. At his level, what he took from work is akin to you taking home a pack of post it notes, or pens and paper clips. Not letting him off the hook, but keep it in perspective. (I think that he has a good case that WalMart was using him to work...
  7. Adjuster

    Domestic Spying FTW

    I love 3rd party races! Lately the 3rd party is pretty liberal, and that dilutes the vote for the mainstream democrat, and pretty much assures... Republicans... FTW! Of course, it can go the other way, look at what H. Ross Pariot did to George Sr. Bush.... Ah politics.. the bull...
  8. Adjuster

    *Failure Cycles*

    Slow, that's not even funny, I've twisted my crank before, and I'm just about to start up my car again after upgrading the turbo and fuel system etc..... I'm all in for flat tire month, but nothing else... :)
  9. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Nope, not OK. Water vapor does not reflect heat, it only absorbs it. And it's more of a heat absorber if you want to look at it that way than C02. From what I understand, clouds are condensed water vapor, so now your dealing with droplets of water, a liquid, not a gas. Hey Bonus, nice...
  10. Adjuster

    Domestic Spying FTW

    Well, as someone that travels almost every week, this new "nothing" on the plane deal is a total PITA. Screw being nice, let's just call this what it is, a holy war, declare war on Islam and let's get to the point of securing our country and the world from this use of terrorists to generate...
  11. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Clouds reflect, water vapor absorbs and insulates only. (Clouds can also insulate. Clouds are temporary, but their is always water vapor in the air we breathe.) Get your facts correct please. Both water vapor, C02 and other trace gases trap heat and insulate, and none of them are any more...
  12. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Ha ha ha! Your going to classify gases now as good and evil? Dude, your understanding of the water vapor v/s clouds things is clearly not right. Clouds are not what I'm talking about. (Neither is Wiki, but you have to read very carefully thorough the LEE crap they smother it in.) WATER...
  13. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    Joel, I'm supprised you did not recognize that quote from Wikipedia. (It's just cut and paste from them, word for word, your favorite source man.) Your idea that water vapor condenses into clouds is somewhat correct, but there is water vapor in the air all the time, even in the presence of...
  14. Adjuster

    Money, the root of all?

    You mean the electoral college? I think it did what it was supposed to do, so why would we want to do away with it? IIRC, it's designed to keep the cities from rulling the country, and that's what it did. (Popular vote is not fair for the states with smaller populations, and it's not fair...
  15. Adjuster

    Money, the root of all?

    I belive your right Joel. It will never happen, we have about as much chance becoming a voting society based on land ownership as we do seeing slavery coming back into widespread use in the USA. (And I'm not in favor of that in any way, shape or form incase you did not know.)
  16. Adjuster

    motorcycle insurance

    Well, fellow rider, I wish you the best of luck. Please take your local Star course, and pay attention. I'd rather not find out about another fatal motorcycle crash if possible. (It's the other people on the roads that you really have to watch out for, and your own lust for power too is not...
  17. Adjuster

    Proof of concept (electric drag cars)

    Wind, waves, solar, panels in the road bed and any other idea you have talked about all are examples of using existing movement and converting it into mechanical force to generate power. None of them are free Joel. Some taxpayer or end user is going to pay to have them designed, built and...
  18. Adjuster

    Money, the root of all?

    I did not say renters are worthless, and I don't think of them as slaves.. What I'm saying is voting is a privilege, not something you should be entitled too. When you show your commitment to the country by either owning land/home etc, or serving in the military, you should be allowed to...
  19. Adjuster

    Proof of concept (electric drag cars)

    Nope, not free lunch dude. The cars have to be moving to go over the plates, so there is energy expended to generate energy. There is no free lunch. (Someone, or something is paying for it always.)
  20. Adjuster

    Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

    You love these guys, so you should have read this before. Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are gaseous components of the atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Like the glass of a greenhouse, greenhouse gases are transparent only to some wavelengths of light. When sunlight hits the Earth...