anyone here a JW?

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shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
Joel W. said:
My opinion is not so much winning or losing but that they believe thinking for yourself is bad.

My thoughts exactly, Joel.
That, and the one where you are discouraged from attending college. Why? Because people might break you of your brainwashed state and realize that JW is insanity!

Also the school play one, I think that has something to do with pretending that you're something that you're not.... acting or whatever. Pretending to be someone non-JW.... which is inherently bad! lol


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Many many moons ago I watched my mom invite 2 JW's into our house. She then proceeded to turn the tables on them and spent the next 2 hours trying to convert them to catholicism. Ive never seen two young men squirm so much in my life. They never came back.


sucka got blammed!
Sep 11, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
supra90turbo said:
^ that's a way to get them the fuck out!

heh I do that with the mormons all the time! I always leave them my phone number if they want to further debate or decide they want to abandon their faith.

out of about 16 missionaries, I've had 9 call telling me they abandoned thier mission and actually thanking me for it. Soon after those guys they just quit visiting my house, it's kind of funny to see them approach my driveway and one will say something to the other, then they suddenly turn around and go to the next house. It's hilarious everytime it happens too! :biglaugh:

I haven't had any JW come through though, but they shouldn't be too tough.


Supramania Contributor
Trying to argue religion is like the Special Olympics.

Even if you win, your both retarded.

I've been all over the world, and have seen first hand the great and terrible things that people have done in the name of God. (I'm sure he's pretty offended most of the time by the stuff his kids are doing in his name here on Earth.)

BTW, substitue whatever god you belive in for "God." (Allah, Jehovah, Great Spirit, Mother Nature, Eagles, Bears, Salmon, Buddah or Jesus. 99.9% of the time any causes that are backed by "god" end up being brutal wars that have killed millions, and created havoc we are still dealing with today.

The idea that only 144,000 will be saved is totaly BS. That being the main construct of the JW, they are flawed from the start, and it leaves them grasping at straws to find meaning in their worthless lives. (Worthless since the idea they are going to be one of the 144,000 out of the billions of souls who have lived on this planet is about as likely as them willing the 144billion dollar lotery....)

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
HellsLegion said:
Sniper Jesus!
Actuall, a sharp sword will come out of his mouth. In other words, words.

Anybody who says they know when he is coming back is pretty smart. Considering he said nobody knows, not even himself, but only the creator in heaven.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
Well, a bunch of us know that I've backed Christianity more than once here and I'm not about to bash the JW's. I'm sure they have done some positive things, but I there is one question that seems fair:

If only 144,000 are going to be saved and make it into heaven, does that mean they will quit going door to door when they are pretty sure they've recruited number 144,000? There are reportedly more than 6 million JW's today, so what's the point? It just doesn't seem to fit the concept that Jesus died for all of us.


Supramania Contributor
Yep, Flawed from the start.

Here is the premise.
Only 144,000 will be resurected and continue on.
Yep, there have been billions and billions of people who've lived on this planet, but let's only select 144,000 of them to be chosen ones.....

Perhaps that's where the live, drink and be merry, for tomarrow we die mentality comes from? Why bother, the odds your going to be one of the 144k is seriously billions to one.


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
JustAnotherVictim said:
I wish they wouldn't bother me on Sunday morning, I'm trying to sleep dammit.

For some reason they haven't been at my house in a LONG time. I didn't notice it, but reading this thread made me notice.

I don't know much about the group, but 2 years back my roommate got/found a book for JWs and it was an interesting read to say the least. Definitely made me realize that I could never be one.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
If only 144,000 are going to be saved and make it into heaven, does that mean they will quit going door to door when they are pretty sure they've recruited number 144,000? There are reportedly more than 6 million JW's today, so what's the point? It just doesn't seem to fit the concept that Jesus died for all of us.
They are misquoting scripture also. 144,000 will be called to witness during the "great tribulation" and will be redeemed.


May 1, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Jeff Lange said:
I am a long-time Christian. I think JW's are seriously misinterpreting the Bible, and are essentially brainwashing their followers. It's unbelievable to me what they believe, and I don't understand how they can come up with these ideas, which they reference to specific passaged in the Bible, that don't really say what they're saying.

They're so weird. LOL

The same can be said about Christianity! (or any religion for that matter) even if "the bible" existed as a true book it has been edited and interprated by man over 1000's of years.

Anyway isnt Jesus banned here? ...imagine no war and no religion too!

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
Allan_MA70 said:
The same can be said about Christianity! (or any religion for that matter) even if "the bible" existed as a true book it has been edited and interprated by man over 1000's of years.

Anyway isnt Jesus banned here? ...imagine no war and no religion too!

Assuming the Bible is true, and it is accurate, the JW's still take huge liberties on what verses mean simply to back up what I consider to be rather odd beliefs about it compared to other religions based on the Bible.

There's a difference between bashing and making fun and seriously discussing something. Either way, if it turns out this thread is offending to a large portion of the forum, it will be removed, as it stands, we are discussing what are openly stated by JW's to be their beliefs.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Here we go, another bash religion thread. I personally don't subscribe to the JW line of thought, but I can't condemn it either. Until we die & meet the maker, we will not know who's right. I'll let them have their faith, and I'll have mine.

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
This thread is just confusing now. You know what, I don't think we are going to get any Jehovah's Witnesses in here to respond to this, so the original question is moot. I see no reason to leave it open, as it doesn't seem like any valid discussion will happen anymore.
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