Why I ditched my 7MGTE and went 2JZ NAT with AEM


Mar 30, 2005
I think holding on to 7M's is good for some people. I think it's admirable, and old age of the engine, the rebuilding process, trial and error, smaller aftermarket which is slowly growing due to a higher demand of younger drivers, cheaper... it just seems like the 7M is just a thing of the past with other people, including me. I don't like the piston speeds, but that's just me thinking the 7M is too stroked for it's own good at 8,000 rpms. Just look at pistons speeds.... The 2JZ stock can rev to 8,000 rpms relatively savely. The springs can take it too.

Hell, Zazzn revved some 2JZ Large Core Crower 272, 10mm lift cams on STOCK 1JZ valvetrain to 8400rpms with no ill effects (1JZ/2JZ... very similar).

Dave Henry has used a 220,000 mile 2JZ-GE engine and pulled 9's in his SC300. A lot are in the 10's on stock bottom ends. Lucky? Maybe, but considering a lot of 2JZ-GTE/GE guys are doing the same thing, slapping on turbos and EMS units, and getting their JZ engines tuned and running fast times makes me think a lot of them are just lucky. Go to a junkyard, JDM, or hell, use your engine figgie, but find a 7M that has been "maintained" the best it has, and go for 10's, but make sure you you do it right, or get lucky. Maybe all 7M enthusiasts are doing something wrong with performance, not blaming the engine for a single fault. Slap the same turbo on the 7M motor, and go for 10's, use any standalone you want.

Which would hold more power reliably? Which will give you a sub 10 second car first, and last longer on conservative tunes?

I really wish some people knew how to care for their 7M's, and actually make them fast without going into the engine, without porting the head. Maybe Will N. did it with 730rwhp, but how many have matched it? VERY FEW. I wish the 7M's weren't 15 years old with heads that don't come close to matching the flow of the 2JZ head, GE or GTE stock for stock. Defiant7M might have a great flowing head, wow, he's one of the few..... Because the 7M head sucks ass for flow. Now if you ported a 2JZ-GTE head the same way? Then you can potentially make 1400RWHP++ like MKIV guys are doing. EDIT* so ONE 7M made 1350, and you're using that to make a point? More than ONE MKIV peak HP numbers are higher than that, so there, 1350RWHP 7M owned by 2JZ.

I wish someone would see how much power the stock 7M block can handle before it blows up, which was what around 700RHWP or something on a junkyard motor? 100RWHP cruising on the highway? 2JZ has been to 900RWHP? Maybe it was luck, or the idiot 7M guy did something wrong, again, and again, and again......

All of these point proving 7M owners who keep rebuilding their engines to go faster longer.... I guess (insert all 700RWHP 7M owners here) and others should have just done a better job at maintaining their engines, because they've ALL had to build them up to hit their marks, and many are on their third, fourth, hell they've gone through a lot and spent so much, which compared to a 2JZ is not anything to brag about, just ask any of the big 7M players on any forum, they will all tell you to build the 7M up, even for 600RWHP. I'm confused as to why, I thought the 7M was on the same level as the 2JZ*.

Why do people have posts on Supramania and Supraforums, EVEN Celicasupras with upgrading the 7M oiling system? Now come on figgie, you aren't going deny that those who supported those "7M oiling issues" threads by showing pictures of -AN lines inside their blocks, or using NA filter studs, and installing remote thermostats, larger filters, etc. are a bunch of pointless 7M engineers improving on a "INGENEOUS" design, they must be making a mistake.... if the 7M design was so "INGENEOUS" why fail to mention all of the high HP 7M guys for mofidying the stock 7M oiling system?

I don't see 2JZ threads say "2JZ oiling issues" anywhere on any forum? Dang, maybe the 7M OWNERS are all to blame. I wish the JZ series engines had retained the 7M oiling system, then I would be happy all Toyota engines suffered the same problems, and let the 2JZ guys spend money on it and fix it for us, but wait, then they'd be improving on a INGENEOUS design, how pointless*******

Figgie, is your oiling system 100% stock? Did you somehow improve it? Dr. Jonez still runs the stock cooler bypass? NO? GASP, Dr. Jonez runs a NA filter mount stub, mocal sandwich thermo, -10 lines and a huge cooler. he sees 15 psi @ idle and well over 60 by 3k, WTF???? Figgie, better tell him that high pressure hurts flow or just leave people to believe what they want, the information is out there.

This thread is getting anti 2JZ, hell figgie, even anti-AEM, wtf? You aren't the only die hard 7M lover around, stop bashing in someone's build thread. Nobody's plan is perfect and if you aren't going to support anyone and go out of your way to make someone's promising project look like a bad idea because they are jaded on 7M's, what are you really contributing? Let 7M/1JZ/2JZ owners research and decide what's best for them, like they have for years. It's apples and oranges, and to each their own.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
RacerXJ220 said:
I think holding on to 7M's is good for some people. I think it's admirable, and old age of the engine, the rebuilding process, trial and error, smaller aftermarket which is slowly growing due to a higher demand of younger drivers, cheaper... it just seems like the 7M is just a thing of the past with other people, including me. I don't like the piston speeds, but that's just me thinking the 7M is too stroked for it's own good at 8,000 rpms. Just look at pistons speeds.... The 2JZ stock can rev to 8,000 rpms relatively savely. The springs can take it too.

Hell, Zazzn revved some 2JZ Large Core Crower 272, 10mm lift cams on STOCK 1JZ valvetrain to 8400rpms with no ill effects (1JZ/2JZ... very similar).

Dave Henry has used a 220,000 mile 2JZ-GE engine and pulled 9's in his SC300. A lot are in the 10's on stock bottom ends. Lucky? Maybe, but considering a lot of 2JZ-GTE/GE guys are doing the same thing, slapping on turbos and EMS units, and getting their JZ engines tuned and running fast times makes me think a lot of them are just lucky. Go to a junkyard, JDM, or hell, use your engine figgie, but find a 7M that has been "maintained" the best it has, and go for 10's, but make sure you you do it right, or get lucky. Maybe all 7M enthusiasts are doing something wrong with performance, not blaming the engine for a single fault. Slap the same turbo on the 7M motor, and go for 10's, use any standalone you want.

Which would hold more power reliably? Which will give you a sub 10 second car first, and last longer on conservative tunes?

I really wish some people knew how to care for their 7M's, and actually make them fast without going into the engine, without porting the head. Maybe Will N. did it with 730rwhp, but how many have matched it? VERY FEW. I wish the 7M's weren't 15 years old with heads that don't come close to matching the flow of the 2JZ head, GE or GTE stock for stock. Defiant7M might have a great flowing head, wow, he's one of the few..... Because the 7M head sucks ass for flow. Now if you ported a 2JZ-GTE head the same way? Then you can potentially make 1400RWHP++ like MKIV guys are doing. EDIT* so ONE 7M made 1350, and you're using that to make a point? MKIV peak HP numbers are higher, so there, 1350RWHP 7M owned by 2JZ.

I wish someone would see how much power the stock 7M block can handle before it blows up, which was what around 700RHWP or something on a junkyard motor? 100RWHP cruising on the highway? 2JZ has been to 900RWHP? Maybe it was luck, or the idiot 7M guy did something wrong, again, and again, and again......

All of these point proving 7M owners who keep rebuilding their engines to go faster longer.... I guess (insert all 700RWHP 7M owners here) and others should have just done a better job at maintaining their engines, because they've ALL had to build them up to hit their marks, and many are on their third, fourth, hell they've gone through a lot and spent so much, which compared to a 2JZ is not anything to brag about, just ask any of the big 7M players on any forum, they will all tell you to build the 7M up, even for 600RWHP. I'm confused as to why, I thought the 7M was on the same level as the 2JZ*.

Why do people have posts on Supramania and Supraforums, EVEN Celicasupras with upgrading the 7M oiling system? Now come on figgie, you aren't going deny that those who supported those "7M oiling issues" threads by showing pictures of -AN lines inside their blocks, or using NA filter studs, and installing remote thermostats, larger filters, etc. are a bunch of pointless 7M engineers improving on a "INGENEOUS" design, they must be making a mistake.... if the 7M design was so "INGENEOUS" why fail to mention all of the high HP 7M guys for mofidying the stock 7M oiling system?

I don't see 2JZ threads say "2JZ oiling issues" anywhere on any forum? Dang, maybe the 7M OWNERS are all to blame. I wish the JZ series engines had retained the 7M oiling system, then I would be happy all Toyota engines suffered the same problems, and let the 2JZ guys spend money on it and fix it for us, but wait, then they'd be improving on a INGENEOUS design, how pointless*******

Figgie, is your oiling system 100% stock? Did you somehow improve it? Dr. Jonez still runs the stock cooler bypass? NO? GASP, Dr. Jonez runs a NA filter mount stub, mocal sandwich thermo, -10 lines and a huge cooler. he sees 15 psi @ idle and well over 60 by 3k, WTF???? Figgie, better tell him that high pressure hurts flow or just leave people to believe what they want, the information is out there.

This thread is getting anti 2JZ, hell figgie, even anti-AEM, wtf? You aren't the only die hard 7M lover around, stop bashing in someone's build thread. Nobody's plan is perfect and if you aren't going to support anyone and go out of your way to make someone's promising project look like a bad idea because they are jaded on 7M's, what are you really contributing? Let 7M/1JZ/2JZ owners research and decide what's best for them, like they have for years. It's apples and oranges, and to each their own.

Man i really should bring the real levies because these damn waves are endless.............

you bring a great point about rebuild, rebuild, and stupid people.

you want to know how many motors Will N GRENADED on his quest to the 720 RWHP? Mind you it wasn't thrown rods, or spun bearing. It was melted PISTONS in all case. Sorry, I don't think so. A correct tune would have prevented the melted pistons from EVER taking place. Please spare me the "no ems" as there was plenty at that time (haltec, Motec, fuck even GEMS) but VPC was the answer and guess what. Not one single fucking person even imagined that messing with the signal affected the timing so much (hence his grenade escapades)

As for 10's on a 7m. Been done. Go talk to slow66 on that. Thread is still up on SF if you care to look for it.

and as for "upgrading" the oil system. You are fucking joking? You are talking with one of the guys that was on the fore front of that conversation. I guess you forget what is really upgraded. Nothing to do with the lubrication portion of it no, has to do with upgrading an oil cooling system that is based on pressure instead of temprature. On paper it works great but, add the inevitable stupid people syndrome, people would not change oil and basically run tar through the engine. Yeah like a spring is going to counter act that! Sorry an engineer can only account for some much stupidity. So the next iteration in the MKIV, was again, to get the stupid people out of the equation. (see the theme here?) Funny that the elimnation of stupid people is still occuring with all the FBW throttles, Stability control, traction control etc ;)

as for me an my oil system, yes it is "upgraded" , it has no choice but to be upgraded, unless toyota designed a 7M with a 3.2L in mind along with all other mods done to it and for alcohol useage also ;) Also please enlighten us all when did I say that High pressure is bad.... oh shit! wait, I did not ;) What I did say was that the 7m system was high volume LOW pressure. So how did you surmise that high pressure is bad from my statement is beyond me.

apples and oranges?

not really and from a physics standpoint definetly not really.

as for me hating the 2jz? I have never hated the 2jz, ther eis nothing to hate. LOL. It is metal with reciprocating metal, a machine. Nothing more nothing less. With that said, what I hate with a passion is when people post opinions as facts...... and that bring us here, with me rectifying the amount of stupid, ignorant misinformation.

As for Anti-AEM. you are damn skippy on that. There should be ZERO reason why an EMS should be tested by users, or incase you don't remember. Prior to v1.10. The engine would get flooded with gasoline even though the tables showed the correct number. I am sorry. I don't go around paying $1000+ to test software/hardware. on the contrary, i get paid to test software/hardware. AEM C2DI. Need I say more?

again, no hate. just stating facts ;)

p5150 said:

Indeed you guys are :)

[/class redismissed]


Mar 30, 2005
Awe, I'm waiting for physics to tell me how 7M=2JZ, from a physics point of view. And yes, it is apples to oranges. Structures and materials in the 2JZ are stronger, and most importantly, different, mmmmmmk?

I already stated I admire your efforts.

Forfront of what? A Conversation? Wow man, must have been some good talking.... you're really proud of it, good job!

I'm sorry, who are you again? That wasn't your car that busted 600RWHP was it? I think most of the people who know what you do need your help making 7M's better engines, I really hope they used you like they should have. I think you're doing/did a fantastic job. Keep it up!!! I only managed 360RWHP in my 7M without you, I would like to see what the 7M would do on the "figgie".

And I am glad Slow66 made it into the 10's on a 7M. Was it stock? If so, great, if not great too! I actually do respect people who do great things with 7M's. Stock or not!

p5150, sorry about your thread, man....


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
RacerXJ220 said:
Awe, I'm waiting for physics to tell me how 7M=2JZ, from a physics point of view. And yes, it is apples to oranges. Structures and materials in the 2JZ are stronger, and most importantly, different, mmmmmmk?

We aren't calling you a dumbass either. I already stated I admire your efforts.

Forfront of what? A Conversation? Wow man, must have been some good talking.... you're really proud of it, good job!

VPC tuning with a stock ECU? I'm sorry, who are you again? That wasn't your car that busted 600RWHP was it? I think most of the people who know what you do need your help making 7M's better engines, I really hope they used you like they should have. I think you're doing/did a fantastic job.

And I am glad Slow66 made it into the 10's on a 7M. Was it stock? If so, great! I actually do respect people who do great things with 7M's. Stock or not!

forefront of the oil cooling and "upgrade" conversation along with Adam, Adjuster, Mike, IJ. and I think Duane also put his input on that too.

umm I don't run VPC. Never have (Motec here). Will Neely did, which was a shame too because with what he had, he definetly had lots more power left on the table before melted pistons came about. But not sure why he insisted on buy 6 engines back then, since with what each cost at that time, standalone 3 times - 4 times over.


Mar 30, 2005
figgie said:
forefront of the oil cooling and "upgrade" conversation along with Adam, Adjuster, Mike, IJ. and I think Duane also put his input on that too.

umm I don't run VPC. Never have (Motec here). Will Neely did, which was a shame too because with what he had, he definetly had lots more power left on the table before melted pistons came about. But not sure why he insisted on buy 6 engines back then, since with what each cost at that time, standalone 3 times - 4 times over.

Well, everyone can say this and that about the potential of the 7M, but the potential of the 2JZ has been established, and THAT's the point that you can buy a STOCK 2JZ-GE for $400 and hit 10's with supporting mods, not a stock 7M. And if the 2JZ-GE blows up or melts a piston, okay, spend another $400 on another one, 220,000miles or not, and copy someone else's mod list. The point is speed to cost ratio, not the idealist 7M push.

perhaps 2JZ owners invested more wisely, but the fact that they run low 11's on stock twins says a lot about what Toyota invested into the car from the factory, as opposed to running 13's on a stock CT-26 or low 12's MAYBE an 11 on an upgraded CT-26.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
RacerXJ220 said:
Well, everyone can say this and that about the potential of the 7M, but the potential of the 2JZ has been established, and THAT's the point that you can buy a STOCK 2JZ-GE for $400 and hit 10's with supporting mods, not a stock 7M. And if the 2JZ-GE goes up, okay, spend another $400 on another one, 220,000miles or not.

well actually you can....10's is easy. Don't need lots of power for that (500 rwhp is all it take in 3200 lbs vehicle). Just need the appropiate suspension setup (which in an IRS car is what makes it hard) . :)

and not for anything but (third time I say this)

Mibrum IS putting down 1350 hp on a 7m-gte. That is not potential. That is real, today, horsepower. Of course that won't happen on a $1000 budget, 7m, 2jz, 1jz, or Chevy 383. ;)


Mar 30, 2005
figgie said:
well actually you can....10's is easy. Don't need lots of power for that (500 rwhp is all it take in 3200 lbs vehicle). Just need the appropiate suspension setup (which in an IRS car is what makes it hard) . :)

and not for anything but (third time I say this)

Mibrum IS putting down 1350 hp on a 7m-gte. That is not potential. That is real, today, horsepower. Of course that won't happen on a $1000 budget, 7m, 2jz, 1jz, or Chevy 383. ;)

10's is easy on the internet calculators.

Mibrum IS putting down 1350 on a 7M. You said he was still climbing? Maybe we haven't seen the full potential yet.

That's just ONE engine, ONE time. AND STILL IMPRESSIVE!

Many more 2JZ cars are making more than 1350RWHP, consistently. That says a lot about potential, and not a freak show.

This thread belongs to p5150.


the damn m - jz war has been going on forever. everyone has there own reasons as to why they choose the platform they do. I know people who have switched from the 7m to 1jz only to have the same amount of problems, just different ones. Does the 2j have more potential? I think so as there has been more r&d for it. The 7m is old and no longer made so no real need for any aftermarket support except for those of us that still have them (inc. myself). I think this thread just needs to go back to what it was and leave it at that or else we are going to end up with another 20 page war. I am not biased in anyway and have a built 7m 3.1L, funny thing is is that I know more people rockin with the jz than the 7m in there mk3's so I feel like a minority.
Dec 3, 2003
RacerXJ220 said:
10's is easy on the internet calculators.

Mibrum IS putting down 1350 on a 7M. You said he was still climbing? Maybe we haven't seen the full potential yet.

That's just ONE engine, ONE time. AND STILL IMPRESSIVE!

Many more 2JZ cars are making more than 1350RWHP, consistently. That says a lot about potential, and not a freak show.

This thread belongs to p5150.

I disagree with that. Just because you have seen one guy do this power level it is a "freak show" :nono: Yes the 2J's are doing many consistant numbers but because it is a proven engine. Because the 7M was not tried and tested people just skip it and go 2J. The 7M has just as much potential as the J series period. I know many 7M's putting out big hp and still running strong!

My 7M will hang with the best of them when it comes to aftermarket parts put together. I have proven over and over that it is reliable and can take a beating.

My .02


ASE and FAA A&P Certified
Mar 31, 2005
Central Idaho
I got it on EBAY from a guy in miami! That price did not include the 320 or so in shipping but it came with a wire harness (for my AEM) and auto trans (which I wont be using)

You can probably get one local for a decent rate.... You might have to drive to FL or something, but the 2jzge is WAY more popular down south than here in Spokane, Washington.

Even so, a 2jzge shipped to your door is 700 bucks from the ebay vendors.


ASE and FAA A&P Certified
Mar 31, 2005
Central Idaho


ASE and FAA A&P Certified
Mar 31, 2005
Central Idaho
Another part to remember is that you can sell the TPS, injectors, etc etc piece by piece on ebay and get back about $100 bucks. Its almost like a cash back rebate only you need to put some work into it.


In Pursuit of 500rwhp
Jul 16, 2005
Atlanta GA
MidShipCivic said:
That was bragging thats a lucky price.

Yea that sounds like a bit luck, here in the ATL 7mgte is about the same price as the 2jzge $1000 which isn't too bad considering what your are getting a a great foundation...... but its not "$400"