yea, your right, you dont need an ASE cert to put fart cans on civics but if you plan to do any proffesional work bo one is gonna take you seiously without them and they dont just know the tip they are the ice burg. Now if the oiling system on a 7m is so ingenious then why isnt the 2j's oiling system a cary-over from the 7m, if you knew anything about turbo cars you would know that you cant use a high pressure ssystem because it will blow turbo seals. now if you would like to further argue your point show me some 7m's that make 600hp unopened or 1000hp modified then I'll take you seriously. the superiority of the 2j has been proven over and over again and i'm positive that if you asked toyota's engineers they will tell you that the motor they made 7 years later was better and that they actually worked on design flaws of the 7m in that time they dont get payed fror nothing. and just one last thing and i know its been said over and over again but HONDAS ARE GAY