ARGHRGHRHGHRHGHGHRGHRGH! i was just finishing typing up a single reply to everyone and my browser crashed! AAAAAGHRHRGHRGHRGHRGHRGHRGHRGH. anyway, fear not, i'll reply to everyone later today.....too ticked off @ the computer to do it now. 
drjonez said:ARGHRGHRHGHRHGHGHRGHRGH! i was just finishing typing up a single reply to everyone and my browser crashed! AAAAAGHRHRGHRGHRGHRGHRGHRGHRGH. anyway, fear not, i'll reply to everyone later today.....too ticked off @ the computer to do it now.![]()
A 3 bar map sensor can't read over 29 psig, but their site says you can use a 5 bar. I'd use a 4 if possible for more resolution.CtSupra said:after reading the replies in this thread. I'm sold. I'll be going maftpro on my next Mkiii. i'm exteremely glad new products are coming out in full-force! go back four years ago and no one was even thinking about this stuff.
if the maftpro will work with big singles and control 30+lbs of boost, I'll be even more sold when the time comes.
Fuzz420 said:Thanks please find out a definate answer.If it turns out it can handle the flapper system that would open up many more possibilties.
lagged said:so, this completely solves the problem of tuning during openloop operation that you would have otherwise have had to go standalone to get around?
tte said:I am very interested in this setup.
Why dont someone compile this info into a list which would be easier for those who are not familiar with MAFT-PRO?...example..
MAFT-PRO Unit with harness - $399 +$24
For Speed density:
MAFT-PRO unit with harness + whatever sensors.
And list other options...
Would be a great help...
Travisimo said:that's what I mean, MAP in the spot of the 3000 pipe. I've heard people call that blow through MAP, maybe I'm a little confused.
The internet isn't an infallible resource?
Blue87T(Dan) said:Might as well throw this out since many of us own the ZT2 WB which I believe is not on a linear scale. Will the A/F on the fly tuning work with this or must the input to the unit be linear?
JT87NA said:Could this be run with 7MGE electronics?
Idealsupra said:personally i wouldnt want my air/fuel device tuning boost also...unless its standalone which all these piggybacks obviously arent. for some reason it bothers me.
Idealsupra said:the map ecu does have a IAT sensor that has to be purchased to run without the afm...and uses that in tuning purposes.
Idealsupra said:the map ecu doesnt have a little keypad but frankly i like that...i like that i can unplug a cable and not have a box sitting there all the time...and plugging a laptop in is easy as hell. not to mention aside from tuning you shouldnt have to mess with it every day all day anyways.
Idealsupra said:and finally the map ecu DOES use wideband input and log it and will help build maps based on it.... you just need to make the sure the WB is compatable with it...
Idealsupra said:so like i said before....i still vote mapecu...however obviously the product development is AWESOME...the more options the better IMO so i commend you for helping the development and its a great piece.
Idealsupra said:lol ive had that happen before as well.... since you are gonna reply later.... this system works with an GM map sensor or will it work with any map sensor period?
CtSupra said:after reading the replies in this thread. I'm sold. I'll be going maftpro on my next Mkiii. i'm exteremely glad new products are coming out in full-force! go back four years ago and no one was even thinking about this stuff.
if the maftpro will work with big singles and control 30+lbs of boost, I'll be even more sold when the time comes.
Loki said:Wow, after reading through this thread I am completly sold on the MAFTPro. I was going to just go with the normal MAFT but not anymore.
blackout_89t said:I'm sold!
Doc I will be in touch with you in the next few weeks to purchase one once I sell my existing MAF-T/S-AFC setup.
But before I do that, Is the ZT-2 wideband going to work with the MAFTpro?
Travisimo said:A 3 bar map sensor can't read over 29 psig, but their site says you can use a 5 bar. I'd use a 4 if possible for more resolution.
Travisimo said:Seems this thread is really sellin Maftpros. Just make sure you guys tell them it's for a Mk3 (I don't know if it's really universal or you need to) so they see how the crowd is coming out and will have more upgrades.
Turbo Denis said:I think im also sold, but i had three questions.
Im running the AEM wideband with the Bosch sensor, would it be possible to adapt MAFT Pro to use TAF feature with it, and/or datalog it?
Turbo Denis said:Is there any control over ignition/timing with this unit?
Turbo Denis said:Is there any nitrous control that would allow me to easly adjust fuel maps for use with nitrous?
Mr. Y said:Question about MAFT-Pro software update: can I update software in the future myself? (using PC with some cable maybe?) or should I send it to manufacturer for update?
kikdurazz said:If you are clamping the signal what issues will you have with tuning?
Would you have to then run larger injectors so that you are not leaning out past that certain hz that is clamped? Would clamping the signal really be necessary?
kikdurazz said:With the MAFT-pro is fuel cut just raised? I have the LEX/550 and SAFC now and am planning on upgrading to an SP63. I hit fuelcut with the setup as it is now on 60-1 at 20psi, would the MAFT-pro be able to resolve these issues? When adjusting the fuel how much timing adjustment is putting you into the danger zone of grenading the motor? Or will it be safe just running higher octane?
kikdurazz said:How far away is development for the timing control?
kikdurazz said:How hard is the wiring setup for the novice, installer and the userbility of the unit? Basically is it idiot friendly. :1zhelp:
With the function for the WB AF control manually adjusting, how would you set that up if just going to the dyno to tune or is it only meant to work if you have a personal WB installed in the car?
kikdurazz said:Sorry for all the Questions, just looking for something cost effective to use that is a little more advanced then LEX/AFM to keep me out of fuelcut at 20-22psi with functionality for improvement in tuning for the future.