ok i've been reading a whole mess of pages in this thread and been searching ALL OVER but i just CANT find a few minor things I need in order to get the tunerpro to read w/ my 4.80 firmware in the mafpro.
what i need
xdf files
ALDL files
pretty much everything i need to load into the tunerpro directory in order for it to work as of now i have the following and am not sure if they are the corect files, they are what came w/ the download of tunerpro 4.14
xdf = 6E.xdf
ALDL = 1227165_6E
I am having some minor problems w/ the car dieing after about 3 minutes of idling at ~ 15--16 afr but then it leans out to about 20-23 shoots back to 13-15 afr and leans back out as far as 30 and dies. I am going to start all over on the calibration process for the lc-1 and hope it helps.
what does er-2 and er-9 mean on the lc-1 w/ xd16? i can find the error codes anywhere.
i want to keep 4.8 on the maftpro but it looks as if not many people have posted up info on it whatsoever, initial settings change allot and there are some values i have questions about but for now i know the maftpro is receiving an AFR from the wideband while it runs, havent driven the car at all for now im just going to settle for a decent idle that lasts more than 3 minutes.
any help would be super!