As soon as my engine is back together I will be buying this, I figure I need a running car first before buying this.
Loki said:...I figure I need a running car first before buying this.
drjonez said:heh. why? it never stopped me!![]()
stokeless said:i went this entire thread... sounds like a good deal. i'll be on the look out once i get everything squared away with my car.
NashMan said:meh don't like it well at lest not for my car. i think going map ecu cause i am shooting no2 and have boost controler all ready and i have wide band as well
map is better any way
Justin said:Adam, a few questions.
Justin said:1: Can you go slightly off this topic and explain the differences in wideband output signal? Try and dumb it down for everyone to understand. I currently have ZT2 but on the next car I'm thinking about the new FJO. Either way, can you elaborate a little on the different styles out outputs?
Justin said:2: I have the e01, and I noticed by the seat of my pants dyno, that boost hit much harder and faster than either the profecB(don't know which ver) or a manual boost controller. I don't know why this is. It could be my imagination but I sure as hell don't think so. Can this control boost in the same fasion? (difficult question, I know as I don't have anything to compare to)
Justin said:3: Previously when I had been asking your input on the VPC you said you wern't very fond of scaling devices, what changed your mind with this unit?
Justin said:4: I have seen two mounted by the ash tray, and with no offense to the owners of that setup, I think its very tacky, and in my neighbor hood some meth addict would come by and rip it off. Once all functions are set, would there be any reason to keep the display visiable?
Justin said:5: what is the interface for boost like? ie. do you set in "17 PSI' and it boosts to 17 PSI?
Or is it like the e01 where you have a percent of this a percent of that?
Justin said:6: How many inputs does it have? The unit can datalog, but how many signals can be input to be logged? obviously it has 1 input for a wideband signal, any other inputs for other signals?
Justin said:That's all I've got for now... I'm sure i'll think of more soon![]()
isnms said:I have a couple questions also:
1. does it compensate for atmospheric bov? i.e. EIDS function on s-afr.
isnms said:2. any screen shots of datalog? only thing is says on the site is Windows compatible.
nevermind #2. found samples of the TunerPro software, though it is stated that it will be customized for the maft Pro.
Justin said:Will the MAFTPro be able to log vehicle speed on the 7mGTE?
drjonez said:heh. ok? better because it costs more? or better because the MKIV guys use it so it MUST be better?
NashMan said:not really cause it has some options i want like window switch
and some no2 support and full blown tming control and it data log's
akak if you are shoot no2 i think the map ecu is alot better and cheeper int he logn runn if you choose to dot eh spray root
plsu my frined own's a dyno and just goig to tune ont hat and it not crappy dyno jet eather
for streeting tuning the maft is better i guess
turbobob said:you guys need a window switch?.......... can do......
Next software rev.
What parameters does it need (TPS, RPM, Boost, whatever......)
Bob :biglaugh:
(King of customer service)
I agree with only letting people who know how to use it get one. I would love to get one, but I would have to have someone from my area tune it for me because I would not know how to do it.chevyeater said:That is pretty sweet.
So, the timing monitor/control is pretty much a done deal? That is what the 7M has needed the worst forever. You should put a 20 question test to access it in the software though, so only people that know what they are doing can use it, lol.