HD dvd ;)

Hd Dvd Vs Blu-ray

  • HD DVD

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Blu-ray

    Votes: 17 34.7%
  • vhs!!

    Votes: 16 32.7%

  • Total voters
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Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
csnow said:
I think HD DVD will win. Movie sales are a wash at this point because there are so few high def players in the market. Wal-mart's secret Friday sale showed that consumers will buy players and software at the magic $99 price. Price sells players, not games, features, etc. Joe six pack will decide this format war, not the early adopters. I will admit, I am a bit biased toward Sony. I have grown up with their multiple format failures and have become gun shy with Sony technologies.

I own both formats and watch both via Netflix. I have bought more HD DVD titles than Blu-ray. I have seen stunning visuals and garbage transfers in both formats. To me, HD DVD makes more sense. Capacity is no longer a factor with the new 51 GB triple layer HD DVD that has recently been approved, which Disney signed on as an approver. I am not aware of any movie with uncompressed audio that cannot fit on 51 GB.

SupraofDoom - I expect to see a Sony sticker on that car in the near future fanboy :) Just messing with ya.... the PS3 does have some nice titles coming out that I look forward to playing.

I don't know how can just ignore the fact that worldwide Blu-ray is killing HD-DVD.....

Yes, $100 for a HD player is a fucking steal... but with HD-DVD players that cheap... and only 750K sold, and Blu-ray still outselling it... how do they expect to win? What, are the 750K HD-DVD users just waiting to buy movies??? If so, when there are over 7 MILLION Blu-ray players out there... its only a matter of time that the average consumer realizes they have a Blu-ray player ( PS3 )... and as more time goes on more people have HD-TV's and actually want a high def format. Why would any of these 7 Million owners and rising go get an HD player?

Do you honestly think companies like WB are going to go HD exclusive ever? When Blu-ray is easily selling 2:1, why would they go to HD? They are a software company, they could careless about how many HD-DVD players are selling.

Also, Blu-ray isn't just a Sony format either... and way more people make and produce Blu-ray then HD-DVD... HD-DVD is more of a proprietary format then Blu-ray.

There is only one reason HD-DVD is still alive... the $150 million payed to Paramount / DreamWorks to go HD-DVD exclusive. Who knows, maybe the Blu-ray group will fight back... pay of WB or Universal... it would be set in stone then.

Personally, I just hope Blu-ray wins... its a bigger media, PS3 can take advantage of it... for me its a better choice then HD-DVD. Honestly though, I wouldn't really care who wins... I'd rather have one win then this damn war, because both sides want movies they cant have.... ( Although Blu has more that I like ).

As for me being a fanboy... who cares. Yes, I love Sony compared to Wii and 360... but that doesn't stop me from enjoying games on other systems. I can almost guarantee I play more games here then just about anyone... I have plenty of first hand exp, and in my personal opinion Sony's doing it right.. and has been since PS1. I don't know how anyone can look at the previous systems and argue which system had the best games.... it was obviously Sony... why change a good thing?

PS: PS3 is selling more Worldwide then 360 now.


Although there have been a some Sony formats to fail... most of them were better... not entirely Sony's fault they failed, more poor consumer choices. And mini disc players were way bad ass :p
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Matthew 6:33
Apr 5, 2005
Palm Bay, FL
I have been gaming since Pong in the 1970's and have owned most systems since then including all the Sony offerings (PS1, PS2, and PS3). PC gamers (games for windows) can now play online with XBOX 360 players. Developers can code the PC and 360 titles for essentially the same development costs. Do you think developers haven't taken notice to this? Could this be why Sony is losing some of their key exclusive titles that they have had for years? Keep hoping, but Sony is bleeding money and can't sustain this financially. They lower the price of the PS3 for which they are losing a ton of money on. Yes, they sell units but no one is buying games. Sony makes very little on movies. The attach rate for the PS3 is terrible. Is the PS3 a better player than the 360? Hands down, no questions, awesome machine! Will that matter? Probably not. I know three people whom I work with that just bought 360's this week. Why? Online gaming.... The PS3 online service is horrible, so Sony is not doing it right. The realm of Sony is over.

You will be sad to know that Disney is a supporter of the new triple layer HD DVD. HD DVD has better menus that can integrate with web development easier and better than Blu-ray. Disney is a marketing GIANT and if they can sell Susy a new doll from a menu while watching her movie, they will. I cannot stress enough that current movie sales don't mean jack. Capacity does not mean anything. If you can put the movie and uncompressed audio on the disk, why do you care if it is 30 GB, 50 GB or 100 GB. This is about movie content, not a storage medium. It is about player pricing and HD DVD is going to beat Blu to sweet spot on pricing. The first person there, wins.
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Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
I haven't heard anything about Disney supporting anything HD-DVD. Please link me.

The attachment value of the PS3 is going way up as of recently... everything that you can say about the PS3, as of recently has been turning around. ( Drake's, Heavinly, Motorstorm, Resistance, GHIII, Rockband, Ratchet and Clank, Warhawk, Time Crisis 4, Dystany Warrior 6 ect all are having a good attach rate, or will.. not to mention MGS + FF13 + GT5 + RE5 + DMC4 + Tekken 6 + FF13V are just around the corner )

As for the PS Online service... I love it... its free! Free > Pay... PERIOD. It doesn't have quite as many features as XBL... but who cares its FREE! I play Tekken Online, I played Resistance, I play WarHawk, I played Motorstorm... all online play has been great.

Yes, PS3 is hard to dev for... for SOME. There have been dev's that said they don't see why people have a hardtime on the PS3... its not that hard.

Why have they been losing a FEW exclusives? It's called a 1 year head start.... and contracts ending. It doesn't matter how well a system is selling, dev's will make more money making games for all the systems. Thats how the dev's have looked at it so far. Like DMC4, thats going multi because right when it was being made, PS3 had almost no user base... it just came out. Then you go further down the line, and most of the rest of their big games are EXCLUSIVE to PS3 because it actually will have a much larger user base. Dev's don't choose systems based on which is harder to work for.... I mean, it makes things a bit more challanging but come on, money talks.

I don't even know why I constantly waste my time arguing... when the big games hit, there will be no debate anymore, period. There is nothing on the Wii, or 360 that will top the best PS3 exclusives, PERIOD.

PS3 + PC for the win :).


Don't believe the 360 non-sense... READ THE ABOVE
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Matthew 6:33
Apr 5, 2005
Palm Bay, FL
Here is the first one that google hit. There are some good threads about it on AVS Forums. It is not stating that Disney is making movies for HD DVD, it is stating they voted in favor of the new format. They were the only one in the Blu camp to do so and it is a strong indicator they will at least go neutral. If Disney goes neutral then Blu only has Sony/Columbia and Fox exclusive.

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Matthew 6:33
Apr 5, 2005
Palm Bay, FL
I honestly am not a big 360 supporter. I have sent mine back twice for 3 rings of death :( I like gaming and home theater. I have no alligence to any vendor. My opionion is just that....an opinion.
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Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
I'm a Sony supporter, but I'm also a realist. I see what is on the horizon, but I'm also willing to accept what is now. I have two PS3's, one of them is on it's way out as it is experiencing a great deal of graphical artifacts and it's only getting worse I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

I own a fair amount of Sony's high priced electronics because I like the build quality. And I look forward to them getting ahead. Unfortunantly Sony isn't flawless. With there online service, you say free, I say you get what you pay for. You're willing to pay $600 for a gaming console but you won't pay for a quality online service. The biggest thing that pisses me off, but dosn't seem to mattter to some people is the backwared compatability. Ok fine the 80GB model has emulation, the 360 does that and it seems to work fine, but completely removing it from the 40GB, You lose an important selling point there. I still have PS1 games I play from time to time. My PS2 died and I waited for the PS3 so I could play some of the PS2 games with out getting another console. I picked up 2 60GB models so I don't have to worry about that. But I was really looking forward to picking up a third in the future but it won't be the same. I'm getting multiple PS3's so I can build a Linux cluster, I can only hope they all work well together. It's easy to say the PS3 has great games on the horizion, but the 360 has great games now and isn't going to stand still. And if you could please send a link to where it says that the PS3 is selling more world wide. I know they hit 100,000 the week they dropped the price. but that selling streak has since been cooling off.

And capacity does matter to the movie industry, they have already run into limitations with long movies that are 1080p and fully uncompressed audio. The next step would be fully uncompressed video. but that requires an increadable amount of storage space.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
so glad to see that the ignorant dolts (from both side) are in the forums.

You monkey boys on both side keep forgetting one thing. If the product is profitable. Then the market becomes a percentage of the market share and BOTH formats survive.

specs you say? From the IT world specs are crap. 50gb v 51gb. Can i write to 5GB much less those 50GB/51GB? No? Then it is worthless in an argument.


sales lead?

Nieslen right?

1 word. Wal-mart. Incase you don't get it, Walmart does not release, has never released, and will never release that information as the ironic part of this is that Nielsen is a DIRECT COMPETITOR to Walmart for sales information/RTI/JIT.

You forget one very critical side of this. BOTH these products are competing against....


and currently both combined are not even 1% of the market!

Take one guess who's pockets get lined with every DVD that gets sold (Starts with a T).


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Doward said:
Back on the PS3 debate -


Nintendo - 981k Wii sold
Microsoft - 770k 360s sold
Sony - 460k PS3s sold

Yeah, Sony's doing real well. Oh, and did we mention -

'Touched up' the screenshots. :3d_frown:

For all the people that will say the ps3 is killing in japan, how about the recent jap games chat:

Here are the latest Japanese console software sales for the week of Dec 3 - 9:

Wii Fit (Wii, Nintendo) - 150,000 [411,000]
Mario Party DS (NDS, Nintendo) - 107,000 [646,000]
Tales of Innocence (NDS, Bandai Namco) - 104,000
Minna no Golf Portable 2 (PSP, Sony) - 87,000
Layton Kyouju to Akuma no Hako (NDS, Level 5) - 76,000 [370,000]
Dragon Quest IV (NDS, Square Enix) - 63,000 [795,000]
Lost Odyssey (X360, Microsoft) - 55,000
Pawafuru Pro-kun Pocket 10 (NDS, Konami) - 54,000
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii, Nintendo) - 45,000 [476,000]
Mario & Sonic at Beijing Olympics (Wii, Nintendo) - 45,000 [148,000]

Then theres the hardware in jap:

Here are the latest Japanese console hardware sales for the week of November 26 - December 2, 2007:

NDS Lite - 124,591 [6,275,451]
Wii - 74,764 [3,025,686]
PSP - 74,626 [2,460,200]
PlayStation 3 - 37,092 [971,402]
PlayStation 2 - 13,703 [696,206]
Xbox 360 - 6,632 [208,990]
GameCube - 32 [10,429]
GB Micro - 20 [27,766]
GBA SP - 9 [21,826]


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
iwannadie said:
For all the people that will say the ps3 is killing in japan, how about the recent jap games chat:

Here are the latest Japanese console software sales for the week of Dec 3 - 9:

Wii Fit (Wii, Nintendo) - 150,000 [411,000]
Mario Party DS (NDS, Nintendo) - 107,000 [646,000]
Tales of Innocence (NDS, Bandai Namco) - 104,000
Minna no Golf Portable 2 (PSP, Sony) - 87,000
Layton Kyouju to Akuma no Hako (NDS, Level 5) - 76,000 [370,000]
Dragon Quest IV (NDS, Square Enix) - 63,000 [795,000]
Lost Odyssey (X360, Microsoft) - 55,000
Pawafuru Pro-kun Pocket 10 (NDS, Konami) - 54,000
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii, Nintendo) - 45,000 [476,000]
Mario & Sonic at Beijing Olympics (Wii, Nintendo) - 45,000 [148,000]

Then theres the hardware in jap:

Here are the latest Japanese console hardware sales for the week of November 26 - December 2, 2007:

NDS Lite - 124,591 [6,275,451]
Wii - 74,764 [3,025,686]
PSP - 74,626 [2,460,200]
PlayStation 3 - 37,092 [971,402]
PlayStation 2 - 13,703 [696,206]
Xbox 360 - 6,632 [208,990]
GameCube - 32 [10,429]
GB Micro - 20 [27,766]
GBA SP - 9 [21,826]

You know jap is derogatory slang word, right?
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