csnow said:I think HD DVD will win. Movie sales are a wash at this point because there are so few high def players in the market. Wal-mart's secret Friday sale showed that consumers will buy players and software at the magic $99 price. Price sells players, not games, features, etc. Joe six pack will decide this format war, not the early adopters. I will admit, I am a bit biased toward Sony. I have grown up with their multiple format failures and have become gun shy with Sony technologies.
I own both formats and watch both via Netflix. I have bought more HD DVD titles than Blu-ray. I have seen stunning visuals and garbage transfers in both formats. To me, HD DVD makes more sense. Capacity is no longer a factor with the new 51 GB triple layer HD DVD that has recently been approved, which Disney signed on as an approver. I am not aware of any movie with uncompressed audio that cannot fit on 51 GB.
SupraofDoom - I expect to see a Sony sticker on that car in the near future fanboyJust messing with ya.... the PS3 does have some nice titles coming out that I look forward to playing.
I don't know how can just ignore the fact that worldwide Blu-ray is killing HD-DVD.....
Yes, $100 for a HD player is a fucking steal... but with HD-DVD players that cheap... and only 750K sold, and Blu-ray still outselling it... how do they expect to win? What, are the 750K HD-DVD users just waiting to buy movies??? If so, when there are over 7 MILLION Blu-ray players out there... its only a matter of time that the average consumer realizes they have a Blu-ray player ( PS3 )... and as more time goes on more people have HD-TV's and actually want a high def format. Why would any of these 7 Million owners and rising go get an HD player?
Do you honestly think companies like WB are going to go HD exclusive ever? When Blu-ray is easily selling 2:1, why would they go to HD? They are a software company, they could careless about how many HD-DVD players are selling.
Also, Blu-ray isn't just a Sony format either... and way more people make and produce Blu-ray then HD-DVD... HD-DVD is more of a proprietary format then Blu-ray.
There is only one reason HD-DVD is still alive... the $150 million payed to Paramount / DreamWorks to go HD-DVD exclusive. Who knows, maybe the Blu-ray group will fight back... pay of WB or Universal... it would be set in stone then.
Personally, I just hope Blu-ray wins... its a bigger media, PS3 can take advantage of it... for me its a better choice then HD-DVD. Honestly though, I wouldn't really care who wins... I'd rather have one win then this damn war, because both sides want movies they cant have.... ( Although Blu has more that I like ).
As for me being a fanboy... who cares. Yes, I love Sony compared to Wii and 360... but that doesn't stop me from enjoying games on other systems. I can almost guarantee I play more games here then just about anyone... I have plenty of first hand exp, and in my personal opinion Sony's doing it right.. and has been since PS1. I don't know how anyone can look at the previous systems and argue which system had the best games.... it was obviously Sony... why change a good thing?
PS: PS3 is selling more Worldwide then 360 now.
Although there have been a some Sony formats to fail... most of them were better... not entirely Sony's fault they failed, more poor consumer choices. And mini disc players were way bad ass
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