SupraofDoom, I'm gonna be nice, and spell this out for you FROM SOMEONE WITH ALL THREE SYSTEMS-
Cell sucks. It's a bitch to program for. That has been screamed by developers since day one.
The Xbox360 has a superior GPU, but only slightly. The Cell is technically faster, but only slightly.
Xbox360 Killer Titles? Gears of War, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Too Human (really awaiting this one, I'm a bit in love with Norse Mythology
), Crysis and the list goes on.
Put it this way - If you compare the # of awesome games that come on both systems, then compare the # of awesome games that are EXCLUSIVE - the 360 wins out.
Show me one game that looks as good as Gears of War or Crysis, on the PS3. Exactly.
Your attitude on this debate puts you firmly as a Sony fanboy, btw. Look at the sales numbers - they speak loudly.
Further, there are currently 7 people in my house right now. 5 females, 2 males. Guess which system is getting action? The Wii. That's right, we're playing Mario Party 8 and drinking like hell, and having a blast.
Because in the end, having FUN is what gaming is about. Granted, Keeb and I did just get through whooping ass in double team on Halo 3
Cell sucks. It's a bitch to program for. That has been screamed by developers since day one.
The Xbox360 has a superior GPU, but only slightly. The Cell is technically faster, but only slightly.
Xbox360 Killer Titles? Gears of War, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Too Human (really awaiting this one, I'm a bit in love with Norse Mythology
Put it this way - If you compare the # of awesome games that come on both systems, then compare the # of awesome games that are EXCLUSIVE - the 360 wins out.
Show me one game that looks as good as Gears of War or Crysis, on the PS3. Exactly.
Your attitude on this debate puts you firmly as a Sony fanboy, btw. Look at the sales numbers - they speak loudly.
Further, there are currently 7 people in my house right now. 5 females, 2 males. Guess which system is getting action? The Wii. That's right, we're playing Mario Party 8 and drinking like hell, and having a blast.
Because in the end, having FUN is what gaming is about. Granted, Keeb and I did just get through whooping ass in double team on Halo 3