HD dvd ;)

Hd Dvd Vs Blu-ray

  • HD DVD

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Blu-ray

    Votes: 17 34.7%
  • vhs!!

    Votes: 16 32.7%

  • Total voters
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Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
SupraofDoom, I'm gonna be nice, and spell this out for you FROM SOMEONE WITH ALL THREE SYSTEMS-

Cell sucks. It's a bitch to program for. That has been screamed by developers since day one.

The Xbox360 has a superior GPU, but only slightly. The Cell is technically faster, but only slightly.

Xbox360 Killer Titles? Gears of War, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Too Human (really awaiting this one, I'm a bit in love with Norse Mythology ;)), Crysis and the list goes on.

Put it this way - If you compare the # of awesome games that come on both systems, then compare the # of awesome games that are EXCLUSIVE - the 360 wins out.

Show me one game that looks as good as Gears of War or Crysis, on the PS3. Exactly.

Your attitude on this debate puts you firmly as a Sony fanboy, btw. Look at the sales numbers - they speak loudly.

Further, there are currently 7 people in my house right now. 5 females, 2 males. Guess which system is getting action? The Wii. That's right, we're playing Mario Party 8 and drinking like hell, and having a blast.

Because in the end, having FUN is what gaming is about. Granted, Keeb and I did just get through whooping ass in double team on Halo 3 :D


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
There is a reason that toshiba payed $150 million to Paramount / Dreamworks.... because they knew if they didn't have some more exclusive deals, they were as good as dead. It will be interesting to see what happens in 1.5 years when the contract ends..... and what happens if Universal finally caves.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Doward said:
SupraofDoom, I'm gonna be nice, and spell this out for you FROM SOMEONE WITH ALL THREE SYSTEMS-

Cell sucks. It's a bitch to program for. That has been screamed by developers since day one.

The Xbox360 has a superior GPU, but only slightly. The Cell is technically faster, but only slightly.

Xbox360 Killer Titles? Gears of War, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Too Human (really awaiting this one, I'm a bit in love with Norse Mythology ;)), Crysis and the list goes on.

Put it this way - If you compare the # of awesome games that come on both systems, then compare the # of awesome games that are EXCLUSIVE - the 360 wins out.

Show me one game that looks as good as Gears of War or Crysis, on the PS3. Exactly.

Your attitude on this debate puts you firmly as a Sony fanboy, btw. Look at the sales numbers - they speak loudly.

Further, there are currently 7 people in my house right now. 5 females, 2 males. Guess which system is getting action? The Wii. That's right, we're playing Mario Party 8 and drinking like hell, and having a blast.

Because in the end, having FUN is what gaming is about. Granted, Keeb and I did just get through whooping ass in double team on Halo 3 :D

Gears of War its on PC... Crysis, its on PC, Assasins Creed, its on PS3....

omg u guys sound like a broken record.... THE XBOX HAS BEEN OUT A YEAR LONGER!!! WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME TO COUNT TITLES???? DID PS2 USERS TELL XBOX USERS TO COUNT TITLES A YEAR AFTER ITS LAUNCH?? Are you mad!!??? You seem to not take this into consideration!!! JESUS!!

Games that look as good as Gears: Let's see, a launch title called Resistance Fall of Man, Heavenly Sword, Tekken 6, Killzone 2 ( and its only in ALPHA STAGE ), GT5, METAL GEAR 4... and the 360 had a YEAR HEAD START!!! God damn, take this into consideration... and you guys keep bitching about PS3's cell being hard to work with... well then wouldn't you expect that to put a damper on the games looking as good as 360 games that had a year of dev's to learn tricks.... In one year, do you think there will be any debate on which system produces better graphics?? HONESTLY DONT LIE TO YOURSELF!!!!

I never bashed the Wii for groups of people, or girls or old people ect... infact I said thats what it does best... but by yourself, or as a hardcore gamer, its not that great....infact I'd actually say its pretty boring... and I have every game released here, and a few japanese titles.

Mario Party 8 is ftw btw. I've always been a huge fan of mario party. And no shit I'm a sony fan boy... and proud of it. Just look at anything regarding this topic, I admit it willingly :). I didn't become a fanboy for any reason besides being won over.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
SupraOfDoom said:
Gears of War its on PC... Crysis, its on PC, Assasins Creed, its on PS3....

omg u guys sound like a broken record.... THE XBOX HAS BEEN OUT A YEAR LONGER!!! WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME TO COUNT TITLES???? DID PS2 USERS TELL XBOX USERS TO COUNT TITLES A YEAR AFTER ITS LAUNCH?? Are you mad!!??? You seem to not take this into consideration!!! JESUS!!

Games that look as good as Gears: Let's see, a launch title called Resistance Fall of Man, Heavenly Sword, Tekken 6, Killzone 2 ( and its only in ALPHA STAGE ), GT5, METAL GEAR 4... and the 360 had a YEAR HEAD START!!! God damn, take this into consideration... and you guys keep bitching about PS3's cell being hard to work with... well then wouldn't you expect that to put a damper on the games looking as good as 360 games that had a year of dev's to learn tricks.... In one year, do you think there will be any debate on which system produces better graphics?? HONESTLY DONT LIE TO YOURSELF!!!!

I never bashed the Wii for groups of people, or girls or old people ect... infact I said thats what it does best... but by yourself, or as a hardcore gamer, its not that great....infact I'd actually say its pretty boring... and I have every game released here, and a few japanese titles.

Mario Party 8 is ftw btw. I've always been a huge fan of mario party. And no shit I'm a sony fan boy... and proud of it. Just look at anything regarding this topic, I admit it willingly :). I didn't become a fanboy for any reason besides being won over.

I like how you put that the xbox had a 1 year head start when actuality, it's one year behind in technology. The xbox 360 elite isn't to the original 360 as PS3 is to the PS2, so I'm sure when the new xbox comes out, it's gonna be as powerful if not more powerful then the PS3. I can envision it having built-in HD-DVD, 1080p output(if not like 1280p or w/e technology is at that time), probably bigger HDD, updated CPU/GPU, etc...

Comparing PS3 to the 360 is like comparing an 99 Honda Civic EX to a 2000 BMW


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
X360 > PS3 for graphics. The GPU has more shader power than the RSX. And 10mb eDRAM on die too.

"PS3 - taking your money and laughing while you get a box that sits and does nothing but allow you to play shitty games and gamble on the future of HD formats."

Seriously - when was the last time sony backed their own format and WON? Betamax? Lasermax? Minidisc? ;)



HDDVD = Cheaper, more appealing to the masses.
BluRay = expensive and pointless for most.

VHS won out not because it was better quality, but because it was cheaper. Money talks, Bullshit walks.


2J = Here; Swap = Near
Apr 24, 2006
Dallas, TX
Kai said:
HDDVD = Cheaper, more appealing to the masses.
BluRay = expensive and pointless for most.

VHS won out not because it was better quality, but because it was cheaper. Money talks, Bullshit walks.

This whole statement is irrelevant due to the fact that blu-ray has consistently outsold hd dvd... And like I said, I wouldn't trade my ps3 for anything! GT5 is all you need, xbox will never have a driving simulator as fun or involved as gt5, forza is complete crap, pgr is arcade... and there is really nothing else in the genre. I own an xbox, ps2, ps3, n64. I'm not a fanboy, xbox has a lot of good games, but there is only a select few that matter to me and they are ps3 exclusive (minus GTA4).


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
GotTurbos? said:
This whole statement is irrelevant due to the fact that blu-ray has consistently outsold hd dvd... .

True that.

and as far as graphics goes.. Killzone 2 says it all... and developers also see the power of the PS3 compared to XBOX360...

Speaking of sales #'s... Blu-ray is still outselling HD-DVD... and PS3's sales #'s are way up too... and is even outselling the Wii now in japan, 3 weeks in a row. Not only that, but its just short of outselling the 360 in worldwide sales, with all signs pointing a increase.


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
I can't believe I sat here and read most of these 5 pages of STUPID BICKERING.

"This system's better cuz I love its games more........ NO THIS BUNCH OF GAMES ARE FUNNER!!!"

You guys realize most your arguments are SIMPLY OPINIONS and NOT FACTS!!!!!

Sales charts mean jackshit off the internet. I could find 5 different figures all disagreeing with eachother.

Just wait until one of the formats pulls the plug because they are losing money. That's the only point at which we'll know what will win.

Please don't say one system is technically better because it has better games. Its like listening to 10 yr olds argue.



New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
suprarx7nut said:
I can't believe I sat here and read most of these 5 pages of STUPID BICKERING.

"This system's better cuz I love its games more........ NO THIS BUNCH OF GAMES ARE FUNNER!!!"

You guys realize most your arguments are SIMPLY OPINIONS and NOT FACTS!!!!!

Sales charts mean jackshit off the internet. I could find 5 different figures all disagreeing with eachother.

Just wait until one of the formats pulls the plug because they are losing money. That's the only point at which we'll know what will win.

Please don't say one system is technically better because it has better games. Its like listening to 10 yr olds argue.


Reminds me of being 6years old and having those 'my dad is cooler' arguments. I know people have different opinions on games and say if a system has the games you want on it, buy it. If a system is technically superior but doesnt have the games I want, I see no reason to buy it.

Right now I have a wii and am happy because the games I like are on it lol. Theres a few games coming to ps3 next year (mgs and FF) so Ill buy it then. Right now the 360 and ps3 just dont offer anything for me to make it worth buying.

Besides games theres nothing either system offers me to make the jump earlier. The 360 hd dvd is a joke from what Ive read and the general failure rate makes it not worth while. The ps3 plays bluray which Ive decided against.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
SupraOfDoom said:
True that.

and as far as graphics goes.. Killzone 2 says it all... and developers also see the power of the PS3 compared to XBOX360...

Speaking of sales #'s... Blu-ray is still outselling HD-DVD... and PS3's sales #'s are way up too... and is even outselling the Wii now in japan, 3 weeks in a row. Not only that, but its just short of outselling the 360 in worldwide sales, with all signs pointing a increase.

The ps3 finally had a game worht buying over there and boosted their sales. How about looking at the previous weeks when the ps3 was selling half what the wii was selling.

This is the newest chart Ive seen on my usual site.

Here are the latest Japanese console hardware sales for the week of Nov 11 - 18:

NDS Lite - 76,069 [6,034,166]
PSP - 65,609 [2,310,547]
PlayStation 3 - 39,178 [883,746]
Wii - 36,230 [2,896,560]
PlayStation 2 - 8,855 [667,628]
Xbox 360 - 6,525 [195,241]
GBA SP - 153 [21,786]
GB Micro - 109 [27,704]
GameCube - 38 [10,341]

Maybe once the ps3 sells another 2 million and the wii stops selling you can talk about sales charts? We wont even bother mentioning the 360 jap sales lol.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Clueless said:
A friend of mine had the xbox HD-DVD drive and it works fine...he even got it to work on his computer

The reviews say its bad quality, using professional home theater calibration tests it fails pretty bad. For your normal home movie viewer with a walmart special tv its prolly fine. As mentioned unless you have the newest 360 you have no hdmi output. Ive herd it lags out on newer movies because the player is stuck with a usb2 connection.

If you put a movie in the 360 hd player and see a nice picture on the screen your happy. If you have no thing to compare it to as far as color and jaggies then your excited its hd and better than normal dvd.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
GotTurbos? said:
This whole statement is irrelevant due to the fact that blu-ray has consistently outsold hd dvd... And like I said, I wouldn't trade my ps3 for anything! GT5 is all you need, xbox will never have a driving simulator as fun or involved as gt5, forza is complete crap, pgr is arcade... and there is really nothing else in the genre. I own an xbox, ps2, ps3, n64. I'm not a fanboy, xbox has a lot of good games, but there is only a select few that matter to me and they are ps3 exclusive (minus GTA4).

I never liked the GT series past the first one. Forza for me is a better game all around.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
iwannadie said:
The reviews say its bad quality, using professional home theater calibration tests it fails pretty bad. For your normal home movie viewer with a walmart special tv its prolly fine. As mentioned unless you have the newest 360 you have no hdmi output. Ive herd it lags out on newer movies because the player is stuck with a usb2 connection.

If you put a movie in the 360 hd player and see a nice picture on the screen your happy. If you have no thing to compare it to as far as color and jaggies then your excited its hd and better than normal dvd.

You mean his 110" 1080P Full HD "walmart special" Projector? How can you not be a PS3 fanboy when all your doing is bashing xbox?


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
iwannadie said:
The reviews say its bad quality, using professional home theater calibration tests it fails pretty bad. For your normal home movie viewer with a walmart special tv its prolly fine. As mentioned unless you have the newest 360 you have no hdmi output. Ive herd it lags out on newer movies because the player is stuck with a usb2 connection.

If you put a movie in the 360 hd player and see a nice picture on the screen your happy. If you have no thing to compare it to as far as color and jaggies then your excited its hd and better than normal dvd.

...oh yea, mwave.com give BFG 650watt power supply a bad review too, but newegg.com disagree. Who should I believe?


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Clueless said:
You mean his 110" 1080P Full HD "walmart special" Projector? How can you not be a PS3 fanboy when all your doing is bashing xbox?

Im not bashing anything, Im repeating what Ive read from reviews and what friends have told me. Google and youll see what Im talking about as far as failing home theater tests. I dont know why anyone would spend money on a 110" 1080p project then use a video game console as a movie player?
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