HD dvd ;)

Hd Dvd Vs Blu-ray

  • HD DVD

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Blu-ray

    Votes: 17 34.7%
  • vhs!!

    Votes: 16 32.7%

  • Total voters
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Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Figgie, even if they aren't losing money on HD-DVD, they aren't making shit. You think selling the players @ $100-200 is giving them profits? Not only that, but they give away 10 free HD-DVD's with the players as well. The profit will only decline as the gap keeps getting wider, and wider.

Everyone, including Toshiba knows they are SOL now... shit they were almost SOL before they payed Paramount $150 million. Even then, they still get out sold 2:1 in software. They didn't win ONE week this year. Blu-ray standalones also outsold HD-DVD in December, plus add on all the PS3's.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
SupraOfDoom;876083 said:
Figgie, even if they aren't losing money on HD-DVD, they aren't making shit. You think selling the players @ $100-200 is giving them profits? Not only that, but they give away 10 free HD-DVD's with the players as well. The profit will only decline as the gap keeps getting wider, and wider.

Everyone, including Toshiba knows they are SOL now... shit they were almost SOL before they payed Paramount $150 million. Even then, they still get out sold 2:1 in software. They didn't win ONE week this year. Blu-ray standalones also outsold HD-DVD in December, plus add on all the PS3's.

Making shit?

somehow I think the 1,700 bilion that they made in Q3 is barely more than just shit.

As I put in SF and AVSforum , you naysayer better check your financial FACTS before spouting bullshit. Toshiba has not lost any money in ANY of thier divisions since HDDVD came to be (3 years and counting), more than I can say for Sony and their gaming division (2 Billion and counting).


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
Idealsupra;876061 said:

I REALLY think you are a closet HD-DVD fanboy as you like to call me.

Bluray sold more standalone players then HD-DVD standalone players... NOT EVEN COUNTING PS3s... there are only TWO major studios left supporting HD-DVD (3 if you include dreamworks). Universal has no known ties to HD-DVD and will more then likely at the LEAST go neutral. Paramount has their bribe contract BUT they have escape clauses that reserves the right for them to go back to Bluray.

Warner Brothers is the BIGGEST movie studio in hollywood movie wise... they also have the BIGGEST movie catalog in hollywood.... them go blu exclusive pretty much ends HD-DVD.

Specualtion as fact or predicting the future, how intresting in both regards.

No Studio backing it, Let me see. Paramount, Universal Studios and Dreamworks. I count three.

I am no fanboy as I own NEITHER. But I do come out and debunk bullshit arguments from either side and I honestly don't care how it comes across.

I love ALL the speculation thrown as fact. It is quite amusing to say the least.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Figgie... lol. Your funny. As if posting how much Sony has lost in its first year of releasing a console was surprising. Almost every console manufacture loses money in their launch year! Hello captain obvious. You want to talk about loses? How much has Microsoft lost in the gaming division since XBOX came out? I'll tell you its WAY more then anything Sony has lost. Over 1 Billion and rising from 360 hardware failures ALONE.

That and Sony expects to start making its profits this year...

and 3 studio's backing it, but for how long. Paramount even had the right to switch back to Blu in the contract. Besides, 3 Studio's vs 70% of the market.... if they stay HD-DVD they certainly don't plan on making any money.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
SupraOfDoom;876108 said:
Figgie... lol. Your funny. As if posting how much Sony has lost in its first year of releasing a console was surprising. Almost every console manufacture loses money in their launch year! Hello captain obvious. You want to talk about loses? How much has Microsoft lost in the gaming division since XBOX came out? I'll tell you its WAY more then anything Sony has lost. Over 1 Billion and rising from 360 hardware failures ALONE.

That and Sony expects to start making its profits this year...

and 3 studio's backing it, but for how long. Paramount even had the right to switch back to Blu in the contract. Besides, 3 Studio's vs 70% of the market.... if they stay HD-DVD they certainly don't plan on making any money.

ooohh I wish it was the first year man.

That is total loss of the gaming division up to basically FY 08 2nd Qtr (Which ended on Sept 30 2007) ;) 2 billion in the hole. And actually now looking at the filing, make that 2.8 Billion for the gaming division.
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Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
The number will start to shrink, most likely anyway ;). Like I said, they expect to make it back this year. I don't even know why you bother arguing if your not a fanboy of anything. You have some strange ideas on a company who had the 2 most successful consoles ever in a row.... and is using the same game plan for the 3rd.

And why not comment on Microsofts gaming division?

Infact, let me ask you 2 questions:

Do you think PS3 will end up 3rd 2nd or 1st?

Do you think HD-DVD will beat Blu-ray?


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
SupraOfDoom;876114 said:
The number will start to shrink, most likely anyway ;). Like I said, they expect to make it back this year. I don't even know why you bother arguing if your not a fanboy of anything. You have some strange ideas on a company who had the 2 most successful consoles ever in a row.... and is using the same game plan for the 3rd.

And why not comment on Microsofts gaming division?

Infact, let me ask you 2 questions:

Do you think PS3 will end up 3rd 2nd or 1st?

Do you think HD-DVD will beat Blu-ray?

PS3 might come to 2nd but not by much. It will stay soundly in 2nd place. They are soundly in third right now. As for Prior two consoles. That what happens when the price is right and game content is actually somewhere to be found. You know like God of War I & II, Kingdom Hearts I & II, Grand Tourismo 1-4, Metal Gear etc.

HDDVD beat Bluray? No.
Bluray "KILL" HDDVD. nope.

Bluray have a bigger MARKETSHARE than HDDVD. Yes.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Its funny because PS3 will have sequals to all the games you listed, and MORE, next year even. So the killer titles are the same.... so whats your point? Shit all the killer apps that were on PS1-2 are having sequals on PS3. Tekken, RE, FF, MGS, DMC, GT, GoW ect! Your proving my point! If you remember correctly, they didn't even close to all appear first year of console launch... god damn that was silly to bring up.

As for you theory on HD-DVD and Blu-ray just sharing the same market, that would work if companies wanted high def medium to never succeed... but with the decline in DVD sales last year, any logical company would realize its time to make the switch to a new format. Consumer confusion by having two formats, like Warner Brothers said, may lead to a missed opportunity. You assume that companies like Toshiba, Universal, Paramount, and Dreamworks won't see whats best for their own future.....

They don't make choices out of loyalty, but out of the best business choices. Sticking with HD-DVD would be purely loyal, and un-logical.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
SupraOfDoom;876128 said:
Its funny because PS3 will have sequals to all the games you listed, and MORE, next year even. So the killer titles are the same.... so whats your point? Shit all the killer apps that were on PS1-2 are having sequals on PS3. Tekken, RE, FF, MGS, DMC, GT, GoW ect! Your proving my point! If you remember correctly, they didn't even close to all appear first year of console launch... god damn that was silly to bring up.

As for you theory on HD-DVD and Blu-ray just sharing the same market, that would work if companies wanted high def medium to never succeed... but with the decline in DVD sales last year, any logical company would realize its time to make the switch to a new format. Consumer confusion by having two formats, like Warner Brothers said, may lead to a missed opportunity. You assume that companies like Toshiba, Universal, Paramount, and Dreamworks won't see whats best for their own future.....

They don't make choices out of loyalty, but out of the best business choices. Sticking with HD-DVD would be purely loyal, and un-logical.

Not for anything but I heard that last year and I still see no KHIII, God Of War X etc or any GOOD games save for perhaps Heavenly Sword. Sure as hell not shelling out ANY $ for just one game. I keep hearing "Soon". Wonder why Square Enix decided to stop soley supporting Sony and now Supports Nintendo along with Sony. As for the other games, As I like to say about Fox and thier BR titles, I will say about ALL those games you mentioned, I will believe it when I SEE IT. Until then it is just vaporware, mind you with no word on any of the aforementioned titles.

I assume? Please do not put words in my mouth. Toshiba will do what it needs to, to make a PROFIT. Same with Univeral, Paramount, Fox, Disney etc. That means if long term they (Toshiba) wants to consolidate the DVD Forum into the BDA then that is thier decision but why would they want to share that revenue generation? Remember Toshiba is not only HDDVD they ARE DVD. That means that they get a nice check for the 800 million DVD that were sold world wide last year. Believe me when I tell you, they won't let that go and WILL fight to the end of the company if it needs to.

Universal. They want a BIGGER profit too, but if you think they will play nice with Sony after their past confrontation. Regardless of profit or not, they won't do it. They WILL find another mean.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
I'm just going to bump this with " I told you so " soon enough. I really think you believe loyality matters, when it clearly doesn't. WB was thought to have the same beliefs as Universal, and look what happened. Toshiba was "Shocked". They will be "Shocked" again when people make logical business choices again. I'm certainly glad your not making the business choices! There certainly wouldn't be a decided HD format for a long time, which will hurt everyone in the end.

What do you need to see out of the list? Almost all the games you listed are over 70% done already. GoW on PS3 and KHIII being the only 2 which haven't started production yet as far as we know. I would hardly call KHIII a triple A title, but it's pretty safe to say it will be made.

I also don't believe for one second your not a fan boy deep down inside. Sound like a Anti-Sony fanboy to me! But with all these arguments, only time will tell... so its pointless right now. I've been right since 1995, thats all I know.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
SupraOfDoom;876150 said:
I'm just going to bump this with " I told you so " soon enough. I really think you believe loyality matters, when it clearly doesn't. WB was thought to have the same beliefs as Universal, and look what happened. Toshiba was "Shocked". They will be "Shocked" again when people make logical business choices again. I'm certainly glad your not making the business choices! There certainly wouldn't be a decided HD format for a long time, which will hurt everyone in the end.

What do you need to see out of the list? Almost all the games you listed are over 70% done already. GoW on PS3 and KHIII being the only 2 which haven't started production yet as far as we know. I would hardly call KHIII a triple A title, but it's pretty safe to say it will be made.

WB "loyalties". First I heard of it and I have been keeping tracking of this fiasco from the get go.

Thier is a BIG difference from Loyalty to uder disdain between Uni and Sony. From who and where I have no clue but I think it was the prior Sony CEO. Perhaps thing have changed but in the end. Only they (The people involved know.

As for the list, see I think that is where me and you see diffrently. You see the ps3 as a multimedia console which I can see as it being a good bargain. I see it as a game console which is overpriced. Why not multimedia for me? Because I don't need the inet (HTPC), mp3 streaming etc. That is what the HTPC is for. Bluray/HDDVD movies, Tell you the truth nothing has caught my eye as a MUST buy. Like say Star wars, Indiana Jones, Star Trek, Alien(s) etc.

As for Anti_Sony.. after that entire Root-Kit Fiasco that I had to clean up on about 5000 pc.. you damn right I have no love loss for Sony.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
PS: There are a bunch of good games to choose from on PS3 right now:
Warhawk, Tekken DR Online, Uncharted, COD4, UT3, HS, Ratchet and Clank, Rock Band, GH3, Oblivion ect. Warhawk alone would entertain people for months.

As for nothing has caught your eye. The Jones movies, Star Wars, Aliens ( fox is already exclusive, so its a matter of time ) AND LoTR ( new line just went blu-ray exclusive ), will all most likely be coming to Blu-ray soon. Speilburg and Lucas were waiting on more of a clear winner. With the recent Warner news we might finally be seeing the movies come out for Blu-ray now. Speilburg even said he was going to wait on a clear winner before release any of his titles.... but wait, what happened? He allowed close encounters to come out on Blu-ray. I'm guess we will see those movies soon enough... just wait and see, there are already plenty of rumors.

That and, they way I look at PS3 being a value is for everything it does, not just what I need it for. So in reality it is a good value.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
SupraOfDoom;876157 said:
PS: There are a bunch of good games to choose from on PS3 right now:
Warhawk, Tekken DR Online, Uncharted, COD4, UT3, HS, Ratchet and Clank, Rock Band, GH3, Oblivion ect. Warhawk alone would entertain people for months.

UT3, have it for the PC
GH3, have it for PS2.

if it is FPS and avaialbe for PC. I get it for PC. I am a Keyboard Mouse FPS player. Have been since Wolfenstein 3D.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Amen to that Figgie. Same here. I was just saying it has those good games. I'm not trying to convince you to buy one, or convert you to FPS's on console. I've been playing FPS's since Wolfenstein 3D and Doom on PC as well. Still, even if you enjoy those, you would most likely love Warhawk anyway.

But yeah, I love PC for gaming as well. PC + PS3 = Best Combo ever though! What PC lacks PS3 makes up for, with GT5, MGS, Tekken, DMC, FF ect... and what PS3 lacks PC makes up for.

PS though, you can use USB Keyboards and Mice on your PS3.. so you can use them for like UT3 and stuff.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
You know figgie let me just say this...

Why is it that EVERY analyst (that isnt bleeding HD-DVD, and even then still some of them) are saying HD-DVD is all but dead with the WArner Brothers move.

Funny how people who do it for a living seem to understand that.

I dont give TWO FLYING FUCKS about toshiba as a cooperation. The bottom line is HD-DVD is DONE. Whether they or Microsoft like it or not.


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
figgie;876156 said:
As for Anti_Sony.. after that entire Root-Kit Fiasco that I had to clean up on about 5000 pc.. you damn right I have no love loss for Sony.
That was indeed a pain in the ass, I had to deal with roughly ~230 computers.:3d_frown:

None the less I've taken both the PS3 and the 360 apart, and I will tell you the build quality and overall design are leaps and bounds ahead of say, the 360. It actually has a metal frame around the mainboard, the 360 doesn't. Thats is the primary reason behind the RROD problems Microsoft has been having. With out a frame the board can flex and warp from the heat separating some of the surface mount components. The PS3 is well designed, and makes a great Linux box. I have two of the them and am looking for a third, looking to build a network cluster.
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