HD dvd ;)

Hd Dvd Vs Blu-ray

  • HD DVD

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Blu-ray

    Votes: 17 34.7%
  • vhs!!

    Votes: 16 32.7%

  • Total voters
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New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Dirgle said:
Transfer speed isn't as important as longevity for the purpose of back up and archiving. I have 3.4 TB of data I have backed up on DVD-R. It's a lot of discs and I'm looking forward to a high capacity disc such as blu-ray. The real issue I looking out for its the longevity of the dye used to record on. The dye on DVD-R has a life of about 4 years before it starts breaking down. I'm hoping blu-ray is longer, so far it's looking pretty good but I haven't seen any solid numbers. Time will tell.

From what Ive read bluray doesnt use dye in the same sense as standard DVDs. Ive never liked optical media for backups, tapes or buy a few Tb harddrives now that the prices is coming down on them.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
I'm lol'ing at this discussion so far.

There is NO declared winner, FYI.

For anyone saying they'd hold off and buy a "combo" (HDDVD+Blu)...
Don't waste your money.

I won't even bother to get into technical reasoning over who has biggest advantages and which one "looks better"...It's all bologna,

Because when it boils down to it, 120Hz Technology + BluRay or HD-DVD...




Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Kai said:
I dont like Blu-Ray at all. Yes it can hold more but again, its something proprietary that Sony have cooked up like Betamax/Lasermax/Memory Stick etc...

Blu-Ray discs are also far more fragile than HDDVD's.

The whole bullshit of them outselling HD-DVD 2:1 is US ONLY. I dont think i know of a single person who's bought a PS3 over here, cause they're ridiculously expensive and all the good games are available for the 360 anyway. People that already have a 360 can go buy the HDDVD addon for £120. I actually hope Sony fails with the whole PS3 venture. Overpriced piece of crap if you ask me....

OK, this is one person so far you SHOULD NOT LISTEN TO.

A) The PS3 is far from over priced, Sony loses $300+ on EACH system.
B) The XBOX 360 HD-DVD add-on is the WORST HD-DVD player yet, read the reviews, its a damn plile! Not only that, unless your one of the few people with the Elite XBOX your not even getting full HD ( 1080P )... NO HDMI!!!! Not only that, but XBOX360 itself is a pile... 33% failure rate and RISING!!!
C) PS3 is selling pretty well worldwide, not just the US or Japan...
D) Yes, 2:1 over here is true, but world wide its even higher, just check this out:
Japan Bluray 97-3 HD DVD ( http://www.digitalworldtokyo.com/in..._percent_of_japanese_high_def_recorder_market )
Europe Bluray 4:1 HD DVD and rising ( http://ps3.qj.net/Blu-ray-disc-sales-pass-one-million-mark/pg/49/aid/90243

Worldwide HD isn't even close to winning. I don't think there is a single country that HD-DVD is winning in.

It's pretty obvious you don't know anything, so you should just stay out of this one.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Wow - thats slightly venomous and uncalled for!

What 'killer titles' does the PS3 have? NONE

The Xbox 360, from what i've seen, and amongst everyone i know - is the most popular system. RROD not withstanding, it has the best range of games and is far cheaper than shelling out nearly £400 for a fucking proprietary system that might turn out to be a complete lemon (if HDDVD wins over blu-ray).

Xbox 360 = £179
PS3 = £399

I know what i'd rather get.

Sounds like you're firmly entrenched in the ps3/blu-ray fanclub and therefore your opinion is hardly objective.

Your shitty attitude sucks too.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Kai said:
Wow - thats slightly venomous and uncalled for!

What 'killer titles' does the PS3 have? NONE

The Xbox 360, from what i've seen, and amongst everyone i know - is the most popular system. RROD not withstanding, it has the best range of games and is far cheaper than shelling out nearly £400 for a fucking proprietary system that might turn out to be a complete lemon (if HDDVD wins over blu-ray).

Xbox 360 = £179
PS3 = £399

I know what i'd rather get.

Sounds like you're firmly entrenched in the ps3/blu-ray fanclub and therefore your opinion is hardly objective.

Your shitty attitude sucks too.

I give shitty attitudes to people with shitty information and re-search.

First off, you think PS3 is a piece of crap which shows you certainly haven't even read about it.... technically its way the fuck ahead of its time...just read about it. You can't even build a PC to out process the PS3 right now.

2nd off you say its proprietary crap... just like the PS2 was? Thats fucking right, the PS2 used DVD's far before DVD's were spread across the globe like a wild fire... and just like PS3, it was cheaper then the standalone players!! I remember this because I had one on the first day! Not only that, but Sony honestly didn't make PS3 a Blu-ray player to sell Blu-ray movies, they used it because its a huge media... you can have 50 gig games to store as much HD media as they need. Just read abou all the dev's who say certain games wouldnt even be possible on standard DVD. Metal Gear creater said that, Killzone 2 creaters said that, even the GTA3 creators complained about XBOX only being able to use DVD... If by some MARICAL HD-DVD wins the war, PS3 will not suffer in the least.. it will still have plenty of storage space for its games! If you knew anything about how big games are now days, and how much space HD stuff takes... you'd realize why they went this route... but it seems like your being ignorant... or your just unknowning .

Also, if PS3 only uses proprietary crap, why does it have USB, why does it have an SD card port, a Carbon Flash port, and a Pro Duo Port... Why does it detect other webcams, why does it detect all most of your bluetooth devices?? WHY DOES IT HAVE AN OPTION FOR INSTALL OTHER OS?!?! Linux is available for it.... its like a fucking super media center!!! It doesnt use just Sony medium....!!!!

What killer titles does it have?

Tekken Dark Reserection Online
Heavinly Sword
Ratchet and Clank
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Time Crisis 4

Not to mention, what does XBOX have thats exclusive coming up for it? JACK SHIT

PS3 has:
Gran Turismo 5
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 13 versus
Tekken 6
Killzone 2
Metal Gear Solid 4
Silient Hill 4

and of course XBOX is cheaper, its not as powerful, it has no built in HD player, it has no HDMI ( excluding elite ), 1 in 4 breaks and is sent back to microsoft, it only has up to a 20 gig hd ( elite excluded ), it doesnt use blutooth controllers... OF COURSE its cheaper! What do you want sony to sell a product and lose every penny on it??

I don't mean to be getting nasty but, it just sounds like you don't know anything ABOUT the PS3... its no wonder you dont like it.... and I've had plenty of exp with all 3 next gen consoles...


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Er - i was researching the PS3 and how much of a joke it was years ago. The Cell Processor is a joke - its a single core cpu and the ppu's dont do floating point. The RSX graphics synthesizer is based on the original GeForce 7800 - i've got an 8800GT in my machine that'll mash it into the ground sideways.

The difference between the PS2 and the PS3 is that although the PS2 had DVD on it - there was only ONE AGREED STANDARD. The PS2 was cheaper than regular DVD players upon its release and had the added bonus of being a games console as well. There was nothing else other than DVD destined to replace VHS.

The cell is a pain in the arse to code for, the devkits are subpar compared to the xbox360.

Also i know full well how much space is required for HD content at 720p and 1080p - i have HD content already. 1.5gb to 2gb for 720p TV episodes or 6/8gb for movies (again in 720p). HDDVD = 15/30gb, Blu-Ray is 25/50gb. Already devs are saying there isnt enough data to fill a Blu-Ray disc unless you stick on a shitload of 1080p FMV. Even games like Crysis only take up a single DVD so far.

The games you've mentioned for the PS3 so far are 'meh' titles - hardly killer titles. They've all had pretty cack reviews - heavenly sword is certainly pretty crappy.

And this is the point, until all those titles for the PS3 are ACTUALLY OUT - theres little point in pissing your money down a drain on it. Tekken and FFXIII are hardly revolutionary games - just prettier versions of the same shit thats gone before...

GT5 is the ONLY title thats worth bothering with.

Xbox360 has Army of Two, DeadSpace, Crysis all coming out for it. Oh, and the Orange Box is already out for it :)

Oh and it currently has Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty 4, Gears of War, Halo 3, Quake IV, Forza Motorsport II - plenty of pre-existing 'KILLER TITLES' that people ACTUALLY WANT.

Why bother with a PS3 when you can get both an Xbox360 and a Wii for the same price, and DO more on it?


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Kai said:
Er - i was researching the PS3 and how much of a joke it was years ago. The Cell Processor is a joke - its a single core cpu and the ppu's dont do floating point. The RSX graphics synthesizer is based on the original GeForce 7800 - i've got an 8800GT in my machine that'll mash it into the ground sideways.

The difference between the PS2 and the PS3 is that although the PS2 had DVD on it - there was only ONE AGREED STANDARD. The PS2 was cheaper than regular DVD players upon its release and had the added bonus of being a games console as well. There was nothing else other than DVD destined to replace VHS.

The cell is a pain in the arse to code for, the devkits are subpar compared to the xbox360.

Also i know full well how much space is required for HD content at 720p and 1080p - i have HD content already. 1.5gb to 2gb for 720p TV episodes or 6/8gb for movies (again in 720p). HDDVD = 15/30gb, Blu-Ray is 25/50gb. Already devs are saying there isnt enough data to fill a Blu-Ray disc unless you stick on a shitload of 1080p FMV. Even games like Crysis only take up a single DVD so far.

The games you've mentioned for the PS3 so far are 'meh' titles - hardly killer titles. They've all had pretty cack reviews - heavenly sword is certainly pretty crappy.

And this is the point, until all those titles for the PS3 are ACTUALLY OUT - theres little point in pissing your money down a drain on it. Tekken and FFXIII are hardly revolutionary games - just prettier versions of the same shit thats gone before...

GT5 is the ONLY title thats worth bothering with.

Xbox360 has Army of Two, DeadSpace, Crysis all coming out for it. Oh, and the Orange Box is already out for it :)

Oh and it currently has Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty 4, Gears of War, Halo 3, Quake IV, Forza Motorsport II - plenty of pre-existing 'KILLER TITLES' that people ACTUALLY WANT.

Why bother with a PS3 when you can get both an Xbox360 and a Wii for the same price, and DO more on it?

lol. Your a joke. You can't do more on the 360 or Wii... explain how please? They don't have nearly as many goodies.

PS3 also has Army of Two, and Orange Box coming out... so who cares?

PS3 also has Call of Duty 4, who cares?

Shit half the titles you mentioned were out when the PS3 wasn't... no shit it has a better collection.. its been out a year longer!

PC has gears of War, it will have Halo 3 eventually, quake 4 sucked, Forza sucked and killed xboxes.... and halo sucks and is no where near revolutionary as well. Basically what I'm saying is, you said all the PS3 titles that are out are meh.. but I've owned half the games you've talked about or played them... and I say the same fucking thing, meh!

Talking about revolutionary... then listing the titles you list... laugh.

So what if Tekken and FF are just expanded better looking versions of the originals, why change a good thing? They still blow away anything XBOX has in that genre. Why do you think they constantly have all these bogus rumors of Tekken going on XBOX, MGS going on XBOX, and FF goign on xbox... because the XBOX fanboys can only wish!

Bottom line, I'd rather have a PC then a damn XBOX.. anything thats cool about XBOX I can do or get on PC.

There will always be sweet exclusives on PS3 that I will not be able to get on PC or 360... and duh, not the wii...

PS3 being a pain to code on is not the end of the world... once dev's learn how to use it, its not that hard. What people have a hard time doing is porting from 360 to PS3... which dev's are learning to do the other way around now.

As far as your PC vs PS3 thread in terms of power, the PS3 will out process your PC gauranteed.... look at bench mark comparisons. Besides, you can get a PS3 which will beat your PC for only $400... how much did you spend on your graphics card alone!?!? Or lets say 1 year ago how much would you have spent? Now weren't you just arguing Value??? Just look at folding at home... that says it all. The Cell is a joke??? LOL tell that to standford! Tell that to all the places trying to use PS3's as SUPER compuers! Joke my ass.. your posts are a joke.

Really, I can tell that your a 360 fanboy trying to pretend your not a fanboy and calling me a fanboy.... its fine though... I at least admit I'm a fanboy.

Let's let time tell its tale, we will see all the killer apps coming out for PS3 in the next year, then I bet I wont be hearing your silly ass talk.

But, I still love you, fellow MKIII lover :). Honestly no hard feelings, I just get really into these debates.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
Kai said:
Er - i was researching the PS3 and how much of a joke it was years ago. The Cell Processor is a joke - its a single core cpu and the ppu's dont do floating point. The RSX graphics synthesizer is based on the original GeForce 7800 - i've got an 8800GT in my machine that'll mash it into the ground sideways.

The difference between the PS2 and the PS3 is that although the PS2 had DVD on it - there was only ONE AGREED STANDARD. The PS2 was cheaper than regular DVD players upon its release and had the added bonus of being a games console as well. There was nothing else other than DVD destined to replace VHS.

The cell is a pain in the arse to code for, the devkits are subpar compared to the xbox360.

Also i know full well how much space is required for HD content at 720p and 1080p - i have HD content already. 1.5gb to 2gb for 720p TV episodes or 6/8gb for movies (again in 720p). HDDVD = 15/30gb, Blu-Ray is 25/50gb. Already devs are saying there isnt enough data to fill a Blu-Ray disc unless you stick on a shitload of 1080p FMV. Even games like Crysis only take up a single DVD so far.

The games you've mentioned for the PS3 so far are 'meh' titles - hardly killer titles. They've all had pretty cack reviews - heavenly sword is certainly pretty crappy.

And this is the point, until all those titles for the PS3 are ACTUALLY OUT - theres little point in pissing your money down a drain on it. Tekken and FFXIII are hardly revolutionary games - just prettier versions of the same shit thats gone before...

GT5 is the ONLY title thats worth bothering with.

Xbox360 has Army of Two, DeadSpace, Crysis all coming out for it. Oh, and the Orange Box is already out for it :)

Oh and it currently has Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty 4, Gears of War, Halo 3, Quake IV, Forza Motorsport II - plenty of pre-existing 'KILLER TITLES' that people ACTUALLY WANT.

Why bother with a PS3 when you can get both an Xbox360 and a Wii for the same price, and DO more on it?

Don't forget to point out that GTA:4 now comes on xbox(I wonder why). I yet to be impressed with PS3 performance running at full HD while my elite with a HD DVI output to my 22" monitor looks utterly amazing. Pick and choose, I don't care... this conversation is older then the invention of the wheel.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
SupraOfDoom said:
PS3 being a pain to code on is not the end of the world... once dev's learn how to use it, its not that hard. What people have a hard time doing is porting from 360 to PS3... which dev's are learning to do the other way around now.

So you are saying that it's easier to convert ps3 games to xbox? That's why it's a pain to program for the cell...


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
I own neither console, but i see massive, gaping flaws in the PS3. The Xbox360 has the RROD flaw (which has been rectified). The PS3 is FAR TOO HIGHLY PRICED for a glorified games console and by choosing Blu-Ray as the medium of choice you've effectively got a format lock in.

The PS3 will outprocess a quad core? LOL! Try processing floating point numbers - then the Cell will choke and DIE. Interesting CPU but it has no place in a console or home computer - it should stick to looping instructables like video processing. If you really want to try putting your money where your sizeable mouth is - fire up something like Prime95 or SuperPi, see who can calculate the fastest....

The dev's dont WANT to have to learn to code for 7PPU's and one main PPC core - its too much effort to learn for just ONE system. The games that you say 'suck' is entirely your opinion and not indicative of actual SALES and ratings by everyone else. If everyone else says Heavenly Sword sucks, and you say its great - who am i more likely to believe? Hmm?

£130 on a graphics card, £140 for the cpu and £60 for the memory (4gb) is still only £330 - £69 LESS than a PS3 and i can do far more with it than i could with a PS3. Ooooh the PS3 has linux? SO FUCKING WHAT? So does the xbox360 - hell, i'm sure if you were really determined - you could run it on a damn microwave! Hardly indicative of its l33tness....

The wii is innovative in the fact that its more fun to play games - its no longer a solo activity or something you need a nerd buddy to play with. You can involve your damn grandparents. And its CHEAP too.

BTW the whole F@H on the PS3 - very nice - except the fact that the Cell PPU is beaten by Radeon GPU's which are far more effective stream processors - 50,000 of those and the PS3 would be pwned.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Whats the point of arguing with you? You don't even have either? Own them both, play them both... then come back...

and Clueless, maybe you haven't tried the right games.. I have my PS3 and a Elite 360 hooked up to my big screen and the average PS3 game looks better to me... and heavinly sword looks better then gears easily.

Kai, also, you need to take into account that the PS3 is cheaper in America then it is in Europe by quite a bit... we have a better value over here. Not only that but you only added up a few things which won't make a whole functional computer...

anyway, I've played the shit out of all them.... it will all come down to opinion.. but IMO it goes like this for gaming:

Wii has its uses, like I said.. it's certainly not the best system for hardcore gaming, infact in that respect I'd put it in last.. but I also have friends over all the time and for that its a lot of fun, esp for those not willing to play serious games.

That and when SCII comes out I might be a PC fanboy again :)


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Thats because i already had a fully functional PC in the first place and have since i was 13 years old...not hard to figure that one out...

And i dont need to own either, you can see on paper and whats been written about them both to be able to make an informed judgement. I've played both machines - and dislike the PS3 controller (uncomfortable) the XMB interface (despite that i still own a PSP) and the fact that its bulkier than the 360. The only thing i dont like about the 360....umm....the cheap feel to the case plastic? Although that doesnt really make any REAL difference to the ownership of it - most people file them away and rarely touch them.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
SupraOfDoom said:
and Clueless, maybe you haven't tried the right games.. I have my PS3 and a Elite 360 hooked up to my big screen and the average PS3 game looks better to me... and heavinly sword looks better then gears easily.

I have, the games that might look really good sucks imho...Only game I like on PS2/PS3 is the GTA series and GT, hardly justifiable when GTA comes on xbox now, I still get to keep my Halo, Forza 2 is freakin' awsome....so there's no need to pay 600 bucks or w/e for for a PS3. Not to mention I got this funny feeling Microsoft is going to release a new xbox that may triumph over PS3, so I'm saving my money for that.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
Kai said:
Thats because i already had a fully functional PC in the first place and have since i was 13 years old...not hard to figure that one out...

And i dont need to own either, you can see on paper and whats been written about them both to be able to make an informed judgement. I've played both machines - and dislike the PS3 controller (uncomfortable) the XMB interface (despite that i still own a PSP) and the fact that its bulkier than the 360. The only thing i dont like about the 360....umm....the cheap feel to the case plastic? Although that doesnt really make any REAL difference to the ownership of it - most people file them away and rarely touch them.

I like the xbox 360 controllers over the PS3 and I don't get the cheap plastic feeling when handling the 360.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
You talk about the cheap plastic not making a difference, then you mention the PS3's bulky body as a negative.... but wait? What do you carry all your consoles around with you everywhere you go? Seriously! Talk about not mattering.

I honestly don't know how you guys could prefer the 360 controller.... I don't find it comfy at all. Most people prefer the PS controller.... it has always been known for feeling great in your hands since PS1... infact thats one of my first impressions of PS1.. the nice controller. And cheap plastic feeling? Thats just non-sense..... I've used the same PS controller for tekken 5 since 2005, and I take it to tourneys in different states, drop it, had my cats chew on the cords, ect.... never had problems... cheap plastic feeling? Sounds made up to me. But then again, I think consoles and FPS's suck..... I'm more of a GT/MGS/FF/Fighting game fan... so maybe its just your preference.

I will say this though, there are tons of 360 users switching to PS3 now.... and it's not going to be the other way around.

You know, its obvious I'm not going to convince you guys, I'm the one who's going to be playing all the real exclusives and great HD games as time goes by.... no sweat off my back :) PS3 PC <3


2J = Here; Swap = Near
Apr 24, 2006
Dallas, TX
I wouldn't trade my ps3 for anything. As far as dvd's are concerned, bluray and hd are going to look the same. But bluray has some major advantages when it comes to gaming.

I voted blu ray because ps3 is ftw. And I believe that eventually most of the dvd's released in high def will be bluray only, since hd dvd sales are shit, and their cheap player isn't helping them out.
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