HD dvd ;)

Hd Dvd Vs Blu-ray

  • HD DVD

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Blu-ray

    Votes: 17 34.7%
  • vhs!!

    Votes: 16 32.7%

  • Total voters
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New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Clueless said:
...oh yea, mwave.com give BFG 650watt power supply a bad review too, but newegg.com disagree. Who should I believe?

You read all the reviews and talk to people then form your own opinion. No one website will give you the correct answer as to what You will like.

As I said, this is all my opinion based on what I read, its not fact lol. Noone can give you a factual answer as to what you will Like, its personal opinion.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Anybody who thinks 360's HD-DVD player is good is kidding themselves.

And yeah it all comes down to opinion on most of are arguments, but its all in good fun.

Just like Forza feels completely un-realistic and trashy to me, maybe its more fun for you guys that way. I do like some of the things they did with it, but as far as the engine goes its trash. It even looks like a PS2 game...


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
SupraOfDoom said:
Anybody who thinks 360's HD-DVD player is good is kidding themselves.

And yeah it all comes down to opinion on most of are arguments, but its all in good fun.

Just like Forza feels completely un-realistic and trashy to me, maybe its more fun for you guys that way. I do like some of the things they did with it, but as far as the engine goes its trash. It even looks like a PS2 game...

See I think forza feels more real, basically the opposite of you lol. I wont say GT is a bad game as obviously alot of people like it, just not the game for me ;)


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
I could care less.

I dont buy DVD's of any sort, I RARELY rent them.

My TV isn't good enough for me to tell the difference anyway (or atleast I really doubt it).

I don't need a bunch of better looking exsplosions or anything like that. Make the story line good and i could give two shits less if you put in explosion .gif's. Actually, that would probably make a sweet movie.


Sep 29, 2007
I have you all beat...I'm still rockin my SNES!:icon_evil Who needs graphics that look pretty if the core game itself sucks azz?

As far as Blu vs. HD goes, the way tech moves today they will both be replaced by something better soon so it dosen't realy matter.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Lets end the PS3 vs Xbox360 argument by saying that It depends on what the person wants to do with their cash. Personally, I <3 my computer for gaming. Its faster and performs better, and no controler can replace the feeling of a mouse or a joystick (and with a computer, you can have all 3 plugged in at the same time:). Can you drop in any graphics card, more ram, a bigger HDD or a new soundcard into ANY console? No. Once consoles become obsolete, they are done. Meanwhile, I can upgrade everything in my box and make it faster and stronger than any console system can ever be.

Ill stay behind my computer and not waste my time or money on any gaming console.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
^ K thx... That's more of a console vs. PC arguement than a PS3 vs. 360. But w/e.

I agree PC gaming is better, but for $400 you have a console ready to go. $400 will just buy you a good video card. (No, I don't care if you can find a 'good enough' one for $150... My 8800gt was $310, shipped). Add additional RAM, a good CPU... It gets exspensive. $400 every 3-4 years no matter how you look at it.

PC can get free games, however. I have always loved that. No CD cracks, .ISOs, pirated crapp from the net.

This is about HDDVD vs. Blu Ray


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Yeah PC is great, but you do end up paying more. That and if you add up how much upgrading costs to play killer titles down the road, its even more. But yes, PC = Awesome. I'm building a new one soon for TF2 and SCII.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
foreverpsycotic said:
Lets end the PS3 vs Xbox360 argument by saying that It depends on what the person wants to do with their cash. Personally, I <3 my computer for gaming. Its faster and performs better, and no controler can replace the feeling of a mouse or a joystick (and with a computer, you can have all 3 plugged in at the same time:). Can you drop in any graphics card, more ram, a bigger HDD or a new soundcard into ANY console? No. Once consoles become obsolete, they are done. Meanwhile, I can upgrade everything in my box and make it faster and stronger than any console system can ever be.

Ill stay behind my computer and not waste my time or money on any gaming console.

Yea, Ive been playing console games since my atari 2600. Ive also been playing computer games since I got first computer. They are just different game experiences, one cant replace the other for me.

You buy a console and dont have to worry about upgrading anything it just plays when you turn it on. You dont have to worry about compatibility with anything or drivers. You dont have to worry the next big game wont run on your system unless you dump upgrades into it

Also, just because a new console is out it doesnt make my current console obsolete by any means. The old consoles still play just fine and have plenty of games you can enjoy.

Also nothing beats sitting down in front of your big screen tv with a few people playing a game together. Yea you can do that with a computer if you really want to but how many people have that setup.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
SupraOfDoom said:
Games that look as good as Gears: Let's see, a launch title called Resistance Fall of Man, Heavenly Sword, Tekken 6, Killzone 2 ( and its only in ALPHA STAGE ), GT5, METAL GEAR 4...

Not a single game you've mentioned looks as good as GoW, with the exception of GT5. MGS4 is a GREAT example though - go look at what we were promised @ E3 '05

Now go look at what we've seen now in 2007. Weird that the graphics have gotten worse?

Sony has a PROVEN HISTORY of promising 'amazing graphics' - it wasn't until God of War that we had graphics that looked like the ballroom scene of FF8, that Sony was shelling out to us to keep us from the Dreamcast.

Sony shovels shit. If you feel better gobbling it up, more power to you.

Nintendo sold 350k consoles last week. On record as stating they are on the way to having sold 17.5million this year. 22 million by March 2008 vs Sony's projected 11million by March 2008 (and they are only at what, 5 million right now?)

Sony shipped 121,000 consoles in October. Nintendo shipped 519,000 units. Microsoft shipped 366,000 consoles.

Sony hasn't provided hard numbers, only that the 40gb and 80gb have seen '192% increases' Big deal. 192% of shit is still shit. Still not where the Wii or 360 are, in sales.

Nintendo and Microsoft are both dancing all over Sony this go-round. And even better, is that even if Sony manages to sell more consoles, they are simply bleeding themselves dry!


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
First off, how does Gears look better the Killzone2? :p Gears doesn't look very good, its just dirty looking graphics....

PS3 has sold 6.31M so far.

PS3 has outsold the Wii in Japan 3 weeks in a row now.

PS3 is about to start selling more worldwide then 360 ( If it already isn't after Black Friday ).

PS3 to sell 430K units this month, http://www.gamespot.com/news/6183389.html?om_act=convert&om_clk=newstop&tag=newstop;more;2

Yes, the Wii sells a shit load... its $250 dollars and has specs from 4 years ago. Duh.

Almost EVERY Analyst says PS3 will beat out 360 next year in sales... and be close to the Wii.

The PS3 still doesn't have its MAJOR titles out yet... imagine how much it will sell when it does. The 360 has its baby out, and its selling the same as PS3....

Sony has been gaining on the market for 3 straight months now... its only a matter of time. You can deny it all you want... but all signs point to it.
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Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Infact, let me state why 360 will not sell better then the PS3.... in one word.


You can't expect to win when you can't sell shit in the country that is the #2 buyer ( And barely at that ), in the world. If you think otherwise, your just plain blind!


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Killzone looks good, but is nowhere near what I was promised when I picked up my PS3. GOW without question looks better in HD than what I have seen from the Killzone camp. Also your right between the 360 and PS3, Sony will win in Japan. But I&#8217;m not sure how that is supposed to affect us here. You show a heavily biased opinion toward Sony, almost more than anybody I talked to. Sadly it makes you sound ignorant of what is really going on in the world of console gaming. Will the PS3 win, in time I believe so, but Sony&#8217;s world isn&#8217;t the rose color that you seem to be imagining it. They have a very steep climb ahead of them, and they are up against a tough competitor. The PS3 has the long distance legs to make it to the top, the real question is, does Sony?


New Member
Aug 24, 2005
Irvine, Ca
Anyone ever used a Sony Betamax?

I never did. Sony's last attempt to corner a recordable device market bombed and I haven't seen anything new this time either.


Matthew 6:33
Apr 5, 2005
Palm Bay, FL
I think HD DVD will win. Movie sales are a wash at this point because there are so few high def players in the market. Wal-mart's secret Friday sale showed that consumers will buy players and software at the magic $99 price. Price sells players, not games, features, etc. Joe six pack will decide this format war, not the early adopters. I will admit, I am a bit biased toward Sony. I have grown up with their multiple format failures and have become gun shy with Sony technologies.

I own both formats and watch both via Netflix. I have bought more HD DVD titles than Blu-ray. I have seen stunning visuals and garbage transfers in both formats. To me, HD DVD makes more sense. Capacity is no longer a factor with the new 51 GB triple layer HD DVD that has recently been approved, which Disney signed on as an approver. I am not aware of any movie with uncompressed audio that cannot fit on 51 GB.

SupraofDoom - I expect to see a Sony sticker on that car in the near future fanboy :) Just messing with ya.... the PS3 does have some nice titles coming out that I look forward to playing.
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Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
The only reason for the PS3 sales, is that it is the CHEAPEST blu-ray player on the market. Combine that with the fact that the PS3 is actually a GOOD movie player (unlike the PS2's garbage DVD) and you'll have many sales of the system.

I invite you to look at the attach rates of the PS3. Hell, the PS2 still outsells the PS3!


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
"HD DVD Surpasses 750,000 Players (incl. Xbox 360 Addon)
>> From the press release:
Following landmark Black Friday promotions through major retail chains, the North American HD DVD Promotional Group today announced that sales of dedicated HD DVD players exceeded the 750,000 mark. The data is based on retailer reports and other point of sale data, and includes standalone set-top players as well as the Xbox 360 HD DVD player.

"HD DVD continues to gain momentum and market share with consumers," said Ken Graffeo, executive vice president of HD strategic marketing for Universal Studios Home Entertainment, and co-president of the HD DVD Promotional Group. "With more than four weeks left for holiday shopping, HD DVD is turning out to be a perfect consumer electronics gift."

HD DVD continues to step up marketing and education efforts, helping consumers to see the quality and value of the new format. In addition to an enhanced presence at major retailers, HD DVD has added educational sections to its website at http://www.TheLookAndSoundOfPerfect.com. "


Matthew 6:33
Apr 5, 2005
Palm Bay, FL
Doward said:
The only reason for the PS3 sales, is that it is the CHEAPEST blu-ray player on the market. Combine that with the fact that the PS3 is actually a GOOD movie player (unlike the PS2's garbage DVD) and you'll have many sales of the system.

I invite you to look at the attach rates of the PS3. Hell, the PS2 still outsells the PS3!

The PS3 is considered by many to be the best, not just good, Blu-ray player on the market. I think the new Denon and Pioneer Elite may trump it but the PS3 is a great player. If you guys want really good reads on Blu/HD DVD, home theater etc...go over to http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/ My 2J swap has taken a back seat to my current home theater upgrades :)
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