HD dvd ;)

Hd Dvd Vs Blu-ray

  • HD DVD

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Blu-ray

    Votes: 17 34.7%
  • vhs!!

    Votes: 16 32.7%

  • Total voters
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Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Politically correct bullshit is what that is. I was pretty clear what he meant, and was not used in derogatory way. A recent survey in Japan (I read it about five months ago, I'm trying to find the link) showed that actual Japaneses could care less either way about the word, most thought it was just an abbreviation for Japan. Only in America where people are overly sensitive about every little thing, is it an issue.

I understand It's a bad word and it's origins in history. But it pisses me off when people take something completely out of context. Disregarding what the person actually meant. Just so they can hound them about not being politically correct. More over guess I'm just that much more tired of having to be so damn politically correct all the freaking time. America is the most overly sensitive place on the planet. Yes I know know I'm wrong, argue it all you want, I'm just tired of constantly having to watch my mouth, and avoid words even though I don't hate any culture,or people, and if I did intend to degrade anybody or any one I would make it very clear, I wouldn't do it casually through in a snide little word. It would be quite apparent what I was trying to say. If you can't tell, PC stuff pisses me off, right or wrong.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Dirgle said:
Politically correct bullshit is what that is. I was pretty clear what he meant, and was not used in derogatory way. A recent survey in Japan (I read it about five months ago, I'm trying to find the link) showed that actual Japaneses could care less either way about the word, most thought it was just an abbreviation for Japan. Only in America where people are overly sensitive about every little thing, is it an issue.

I understand It's a bad word and it's origins in history. But it pisses me off when people take something completely out of context. Disregarding what the person actually meant. Just so they can hound them about not being politically correct. More over guess I'm just that much more tired of having to be so damn politically correct all the freaking time. America is the most overly sensitive place on the planet. Yes I know know I'm wrong, argue it all you want, I'm just tired of constantly having to watch my mouth, and avoid words even though I don't hate any culture,or people, and if I did intend to degrade anybody or any one I would make it very clear, I wouldn't do it casually through in a snide little word. It would be quite apparent what I was trying to say. If you can't tell, PC stuff pisses me off, right or wrong.

Yea, I wasnt referent to a person I was using what I thought was a common abbreviation for the countries name. If thats wrong then we need to go around the world and change Alot of stuff, as Jap is a Common abbreviation.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Dirgle, I agree. Sucks walking on eggshells 24/7.

Who cares what sold in Japan? I don't. Who cares what sold in the US? I don't. Who cares which is better? Again, I don't. FanBoiz are everywhere, if nothing else people will go with the otherside because then they will have been there 'before it was cool'.

My TV still isn't good enough to care, and by the time it is, something cooler will be out anyway.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
i didnt read most of the thread... but i will just say this for now...

bluray is the winner. hd-dvd WILL be pretty much dead by the end of next summer. and it starts with Warner going bluray exclusive at CES in january.

Bluray players are now a mere 5 dollars more then hd-dvd players and the discs are cheaper for the most part. on top of that there is EASILY 3x as many titles available on bluray as there is on hd-dvd.

More important and BIGGER companies are backing bluray exclusively (sony, disney,fox, apple to name only a few).

the bluray is superior to hd-dvd in EVERY way possible. hd-dvd is a trade off...you get great picture or you get great sound...you CANT have both cause there simply isnt enough room. on Bluray you get both. lossless audio and tru uncompressed hd picture. bluray come jan will have bd-live and pip as well as a few other things that will surpass hd-dvd.

there is NO war here... the only reason hd-dvd is CLOSE to bluray right now (and by close i mean 60/40 70/30 shares) is because they are giving out 10-12-15 free hd-dvds with a purchase of a player..and they made a crappy 1080I (yes i not p) 100 dollar hd-dvd player. this tricks consumers.

its simple....bluray has won EVERY SINGLE WEEK for sales this entire year. go to just about any store that has HDM and take a look at the amount of shelves donated to each... i would bet for the most part its going to be around 75/25 bluray for just about every store.

sorry hd-dvd guys... but those cheap crappy players and the 10 movies you got for free will be useless soon enough.

and for those who say its because of the ps3... newsflash..xbox has an hd-dvd drive add on.... same thing imo.

EDIT: just skimmed the thread...theres some funny stuff on here...

1) disney is NEVER going to be neutral they are 100% blu
2) the ONLT reason VHS won over betamax is NOT because of price..its because sony refused to allow porn on betamax...so they all went vhs with porn ...which then proceeded to boost vhs sales etc... thats the ONLY reason betamax lost
3) the $99 "hd-dvd" player is 1080i.... the cheapest hd-dvd player that is true 1080p is $239. the cheapest bluray 1080p player is now $245
4) outside of the one day walmart secret sale which gave out 10 free blurays instantly (plus the 5 MIR offer) when you buy a ps3... i have not seen a single buy a bluray player and get more then 2 instantly plus the 5 MIR offer...whereas all i see and STILL see every day is buy an hd-dvd player and get 10 free hd-dvds....
Last edited:


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Warner's already said they have no intentions of doing one format only.

AKA they are going to wait to see how HP sells on each format ;)


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
Doward said:
Warner's already said they have no intentions of doing one format only.

AKA they are going to wait to see how HP sells on each format ;)

except everyone and there mom pretty much expects the announcement and the CEO of lionsgate kinda leaked the info in one of his comments recently.

warner will go BD exclusive, then universal shortly thereafter leaving only paramount/dreamworks and their bribe money on the HD-dvd side... and they will buy out the contract and the war will be over.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Idealsupra said:
i didnt read most of the thread... but i will just say this for now...

bluray is the winner. hd-dvd WILL be pretty much dead by the end of next summer. and it starts with Warner going bluray exclusive at CES in january.

Bluray players are now a mere 5 dollars more then hd-dvd players and the discs are cheaper for the most part. on top of that there is EASILY 3x as many titles available on bluray as there is on hd-dvd.

More important and BIGGER companies are backing bluray exclusively (sony, disney,fox, apple to name only a few).

the bluray is superior to hd-dvd in EVERY way possible. hd-dvd is a trade off...you get great picture or you get great sound...you CANT have both cause there simply isnt enough room. on Bluray you get both. lossless audio and tru uncompressed hd picture. bluray come jan will have bd-live and pip as well as a few other things that will surpass hd-dvd.

there is NO war here... the only reason hd-dvd is CLOSE to bluray right now (and by close i mean 60/40 70/30 shares) is because they are giving out 10-12-15 free hd-dvds with a purchase of a player..and they made a crappy 1080I (yes i not p) 100 dollar hd-dvd player. this tricks consumers.

its simple....bluray has won EVERY SINGLE WEEK for sales this entire year. go to just about any store that has HDM and take a look at the amount of shelves donated to each... i would bet for the most part its going to be around 75/25 bluray for just about every store.

sorry hd-dvd guys... but those cheap crappy players and the 10 movies you got for free will be useless soon enough.

and for those who say its because of the ps3... newsflash..xbox has an hd-dvd drive add on.... same thing imo.

EDIT: just skimmed the thread...theres some funny stuff on here...

1) disney is NEVER going to be neutral they are 100% blu
2) the ONLT reason VHS won over betamax is NOT because of price..its because sony refused to allow porn on betamax...so they all went vhs with porn ...which then proceeded to boost vhs sales etc... thats the ONLY reason betamax lost
3) the $99 "hd-dvd" player is 1080i.... the cheapest hd-dvd player that is true 1080p is $239. the cheapest bluray 1080p player is now $245
4) outside of the one day walmart secret sale which gave out 10 free blurays instantly (plus the 5 MIR offer) when you buy a ps3... i have not seen a single buy a bluray player and get more then 2 instantly plus the 5 MIR offer...whereas all i see and STILL see every day is buy an hd-dvd player and get 10 free hd-dvds....

Ill just touch on the highlights as well..

1) disney is NEVER going to be neutral they are 100% blu
Disney will go with whatever makes them more money, period. If one camp shows the bigger installed player base, disney will go that way. Again, disney past is no thing but money grubbing and ship jumping.

2) the ONLT reason VHS won over betamax is NOT because of price..its because sony refused to allow porn on betamax...so they all went vhs with porn ...which then proceeded to boost vhs sales etc... thats the ONLY reason betamax lost
Again sony is pulling the same no-porn status. If the industry has shown anything they dont want to be regulated. No porn can be a slippery slope to be on, what next no unrated movies?

3) the $99 "hd-dvd" player is 1080i.... the cheapest hd-dvd player that is true 1080p is $239. the cheapest bluray 1080p player is now $245
Do you think Joe sixpack buying an high def player cares or knows about p/i? The type of person buying the vast majority of high def players will be the know nothing consumer who doesnt care about 1080i or 1080p. You stick a 99$ player under average Joes face and hes buying it before paying and extra 200$ for 1080p ability.

4) outside of the one day walmart secret sale which gave out 10 free blurays instantly (plus the 5 MIR offer) when you buy a ps3... i have not seen a single buy a bluray player and get more then 2 instantly plus the 5 MIR offer...whereas all i see and STILL see every day is buy an hd-dvd player and get 10 free hd-dvds....
Ive seen them basically every weekend in the papers. Where do you live, because here its buy blu Or hd and get a few instore/inbox movies plus the mail in ones.

In the end I dont care what format wins but I certainly dont seeing this end any time soon. Basically everything claiming it to be over tomorrow(or next few months) is the same garbage rumors that have been going around since day one. The day both came out each side was saying the other is already dead. I think its just a case of early adopters just being wishful their player will stick around. Also hopefully bringing more people in by scaring them away from the other side.

The only thing I keep looking at is sony history. Sony has been in this same format war type situation many many times before, how many of their media formats won? .... not many, if any at all, so to say they are a sure fire win is just fanboyism at its fullest.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
Idealsupra said:
except everyone and there mom pretty much expects the announcement and the CEO of lionsgate kinda leaked the info in one of his comments recently.

warner will go BD exclusive, then universal shortly thereafter leaving only paramount/dreamworks and their bribe money on the HD-dvd side... and they will buy out the contract and the war will be over.


I have no side on this but I am calling it what it is.

The blu side has been hoping for a swift kill since Blu came into the scene. Much to their shagrin, the competitor is still here.

An announcement? CES?


For the LAST two years it has been the SAME shit from the blu camp.

wait until CES 07. Wait until CEDIA 07. Wait until CES 08.... et al.

If both are making a PROFIT, why exactly would either or fold the product? Death? You mean like UMD? Memory Sticks? Mini-Disks? They all share a SMALL market share but they are all STILL around. In the end, the days of product going away is non-existant ESPECIALLY if they are profitable.

as for your 1080i 1080p

The ONLY difference between idiots swallowing the marketing shit is that the deinterlace either happens on the player or the TV.

Side by side. NO ONE will tell a difference. NO ONE.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
iwannadie said:
Ill just touch on the highlights as well..

1) disney is NEVER going to be neutral they are 100% blu
Disney will go with whatever makes them more money, period. If one camp shows the bigger installed player base, disney will go that way. Again, disney past is no thing but money grubbing and ship jumping.

good thing bluray is the one making the most money. disney will stay blu unless overnight hd dvd becomes something it CANT..which is the better product.

2) the ONLT reason VHS won over betamax is NOT because of price..its because sony refused to allow porn on betamax...so they all went vhs with porn ...which then proceeded to boost vhs sales etc... thats the ONLY reason betamax lost
Again sony is pulling the same no-porn status. If the industry has shown anything they dont want to be regulated. No porn can be a slippery slope to be on, what next no unrated movies?

newsflash.. there IS porn on Bluray... so sony learned from the last time not to deny the porn industry. although the times are changing and the porn industry is NOWHERE NEAR what it was for vhs betamax .... back then there really wasnt an internet for porn and certainly not "in demand" porn on cable boxes. but even still porn IS ALREADY on blurays.

3) the $99 "hd-dvd" player is 1080i.... the cheapest hd-dvd player that is true 1080p is $239. the cheapest bluray 1080p player is now $245
Do you think Joe sixpack buying an high def player cares or knows about p/i? The type of person buying the vast majority of high def players will be the know nothing consumer who doesnt care about 1080i or 1080p. You stick a 99$ player under average Joes face and hes buying it before paying and extra 200$ for 1080p ability.

hence the deal. joe schmo will buy what the sales rep tells him to IF hes not an informed consumer. which really i feel sorry for if they arent. so it will REALLY depend on what store he goes to and what sales rep he talks to .... whichever way they are leaning in the format war is the information he will get. that 99 dollar hd-dvd is a big piece of crap....

4) outside of the one day walmart secret sale which gave out 10 free blurays instantly (plus the 5 MIR offer) when you buy a ps3... i have not seen a single buy a bluray player and get more then 2 instantly plus the 5 MIR offer...whereas all i see and STILL see every day is buy an hd-dvd player and get 10 free hd-dvds....
Ive seen them basically every weekend in the papers. Where do you live, because here its buy blu Or hd and get a few instore/inbox movies plus the mail in ones.

the MOST ive seen for bluray ANYWHERE is 2 free instantly (like i said aside from that walmart deal) and then 5 MIR offer. for hd-dvd its 10 instantly in store and then another 5 MIR. im in FL though.

In the end I dont care what format wins but I certainly dont seeing this end any time soon. Basically everything claiming it to be over tomorrow(or next few months) is the same garbage rumors that have been going around since day one. The day both came out each side was saying the other is already dead. I think its just a case of early adopters just being wishful their player will stick around. Also hopefully bringing more people in by scaring them away from the other side.

The only thing I keep looking at is sony history. Sony has been in this same format war type situation many many times before, how many of their media formats won? .... not many, if any at all, so to say they are a sure fire win is just fanboyism at its fullest.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
figgie said:

I have no side on this but I am calling it what it is.

The blu side has been hoping for a swift kill since Blu came into the scene. Much to their shagrin, the competitor is still here.

An announcement? CES?


For the LAST two years it has been the SAME shit from the blu camp.

wait until CES 07. Wait until CEDIA 07. Wait until CES 08.... et al.

If both are making a PROFIT, why exactly would either or fold the product? Death? You mean like UMD? Memory Sticks? Mini-Disks? They all share a SMALL market share but they are all STILL around. In the end, the days of product going away is non-existant ESPECIALLY if they are profitable.

as for your 1080i 1080p

The ONLY difference between idiots swallowing the marketing shit is that the deinterlace either happens on the player or the TV.

Side by side. NO ONE will tell a difference. NO ONE.

sorry but thats not true.

first of all hd-dvd is BARELY making any profits. why do you think theres already a firesale on a lot of their players? why do you think microsoft had to bribe paramount/dreamworks with 150M to go exclusive?

on top of that 1080i and 1080p are VERY different. especially for sports, and fast moving movies and games. on a screen bigger then about 46" you can tell the difference. and MOST of the buyers of HDM have tvs that size or larger. so its a big deal IMO.

any INFORMED consumer that is in the market for a real HDM setup would pick bluray. its technically superior in every way to HD-DVD.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
Idealsupra said:
first of all hd-dvd is BARELY making any profits.

Ok, I don't give a rats ass on this "format" war as it does not put food on my table or pay my bills but, I do have little patience for ignorance and I am calling you on it.

A profit is a profit. A profit even if BARELY means self sustaining without influx of capital. Barely a profit in the end is still a profit!

Idealsupra said:
why do you think theres already a firesale on a lot of their players?

because that is what walmart does best. Move product and they do it at a profit. There is a reason walmart is #1 in the WORLD (not in the micro world of the US.).

Idealsupra said:
why do you think microsoft had to bribe paramount/dreamworks with 150M to go exclusive?

More speculative shit on your part or are you swalling the bluray dot com forums bullshit some more?? MS had nothing to do with that. You are aware that Toshiba has deep pockets. You are aware that Toshiba holds the #2 selling spot in Laptops world wide. You think that money was not used by Toshiba to do that....... of course not. You blu idiots would not have anything to scream about conspiracy wise. Let me guess, Disney and Fox did not get ANY incentives by going blu.

I find it quite comical how both sides (you blu dolts and the red morons) don't give a rats ass about you good (ie the consumer in general) as their only purpose is to turn a profit. You know something that Sony has not been able to even do yet with the ps3. But yet here we have CONSUMERS "hooraying" for one format or the other. This is so absurd that it is just to damn funny!

Idealsupra said:
on top of that 1080i and 1080p are VERY different. especially for sports, and fast moving movies and games. on a screen bigger then about 46" you can tell the difference. and MOST of the buyers of HDM have tvs that size or larger. so its a big deal IMO.

Thankfully your opinion is just that, not facts. Fact of the matter up to about 100+ inches. Test groups can not tell a damn difference between 1080i or 1080p on a 1080p display. On a 1080i display, well it won't take 1080p!

Idealsupra said:
any INFORMED consumer that is in the market for a real HDM setup would pick bluray. its technically superior in every way to HD-DVD.

yes yes..... it has more storage, which the consumer can't do shit with in the end. :rolleyes: Higher bandwidth rates, which we know don't mean shit if the mastering process was a piece of shit (Fifth element anyone?) PCM? Lossless audio = PCM so that is a wash. Funny thing that you blu dolts always complain about the red side hampering down the blu. Funny as last I checked Sl25 is what warner loves to use for the Blu side, last I checked 25 IS less than 30. So in reality it is actually quite the opposite. And of course lets not forget the near $200 price tag premium of the A3 vs the PS3 as that is the "best" that blu has right now.

and your hopes and prayers of WB going blu only are funny to say the least.

Riddle me this batman, Where pray tell is batman begins, Matrix and V for Vendetta on blu???? Any FORMAL announcements from WB on WHEN they are going to release it (please save the speculative bullshit for others that take inet rumor as fact, like the majority of your coharts in the bluray dot com forum.)


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
figgie said:
Ok, I don't give a rats ass on this "format" war as it does not put food on my table or pay my bills but, I do have little patience for ignorance and I am calling you on it.

A profit is a profit. A profit even if BARELY means self sustaining without influx of capital. Barely a profit in the end is still a profit!

because that is what walmart does best. Move product and they do it at a profit. There is a reason walmart is #1 in the WORLD (not in the micro world of the US.).

More speculative shit on your part or are you swalling the bluray dot com forums bullshit some more?? MS had nothing to do with that. You are aware that Toshiba has deep pockets. You are aware that Toshiba holds the #2 selling spot in Laptops world wide. You think that money was not used by Toshiba to do that....... of course not. You blu idiots would not have anything to scream about conspiracy wise. Let me guess, Disney and Fox did not get ANY incentives by going blu.

I find it quite comical how both sides (you blu dolts and the red morons) don't give a rats ass about you good (ie the consumer in general) as their only purpose is to turn a profit. You know something that Sony has not been able to even do yet with the ps3. But yet here we have CONSUMERS "hooraying" for one format or the other. This is so absurd that it is just to damn funny!

Thankfully your opinion is just that, not facts. Fact of the matter up to about 100+ inches. Test groups can not tell a damn difference between 1080i or 1080p on a 1080p display. On a 1080i display, well it won't take 1080p!

yes yes..... it has more storage, which the consumer can't do shit with in the end. :rolleyes: Higher bandwidth rates, which we know don't mean shit if the mastering process was a piece of shit (Fifth element anyone?) PCM? Lossless audio = PCM so that is a wash. Funny thing that you blu dolts always complain about the red side hampering down the blu. Funny as last I checked Sl25 is what warner loves to use for the Blu side, last I checked 25 IS less than 30. So in reality it is actually quite the opposite. And of course lets not forget the near $200 price tag premium of the A3 vs the PS3 as that is the "best" that blu has right now.

and your hopes and prayers of WB going blu only are funny to say the least.

Riddle me this batman, Where pray tell is batman begins, Matrix and V for Vendetta on blu???? Any FORMAL announcements from WB on WHEN they are going to release it (please save the speculative bullshit for others that take inet rumor as fact, like the majority of your coharts in the bluray dot com forum.)

so let me get this straight... YOUR opinion on the all the subjects above is law...whereas mine and others is ignorant bullshit? ok...just wanted to make sure that was clear.

i disagree with just about everything you posted and could retort it but frankly i just dont care enough.... guess we will have to wait and see.

have a nice day :D


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
Idealsupra said:
so let me get this straight... YOUR opinion on the all the subjects above is law...whereas mine and others is ignorant bullshit? ok...just wanted to make sure that was clear.

i disagree with just about everything you posted and could retort it but frankly i just dont care enough.... guess we will have to wait and see.

have a nice day :D

My Opinion?

Sunny it ain't.

WB has said dick about anything. Their stance continues to be to support BOTH HD formats whether you close minded blu neadethals like it or not.


So Blu keeps "hoping" for an announcement as does red. Both of the camps did that last year and in 2006. So this is nothing new and nothing will come of it as the last two years have shown.

So my facts against your opinion.

Figgie 1 Ideal 0

Walmart #1 in the world for selling (retailing) ranked 17th overall WORLD WIDE...


now pay attention. That is Forbes magazine that deals with the actual financial not some hodge podge inet rumor like you blu clowns are used to.

Figgie 2 Ideal 0.

On to Toshiba.....

DVD royalties mainly go to Toshiba (think those 8 million copies of Transformers along with 8 million for Pirates of the Carribean: AWE).

Shit you clowns cry about the measly 150 million that Toshiba payed for Paramount/Dreamworks when they just laid down 5 BILLION for a different company. 150 million is a sneeze to toshiba that now along with Digital imagine, have Nuclear under their belt ;)

Figgie 3 Ideal 0.

We can dance all you want. You will not win.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
figgie said:
My Opinion?

Sunny it ain't.

WB has said dick about anything. Their stance continues to be to support BOTH HD formats whether you close minded blu neadethals like it or not.


So Blu keeps "hoping" for an announcement as does red. Both of the camps did that last year and in 2006. So this is nothing new and nothing will come of it as the last two years have shown.

So my facts against your opinion.

Figgie 1 Ideal 0

Walmart #1 in the world for selling (retailing) ranked 17th overall WORLD WIDE...


now pay attention. That is Forbes magazine that deals with the actual financial not some hodge podge inet rumor like you blu clowns are used to.

Figgie 2 Ideal 0.

On to Toshiba.....

DVD royalties mainly go to Toshiba (think those 8 million copies of Transformers along with 8 million for Pirates of the Carribean: AWE).

Shit you clowns cry about the measly 150 million that Toshiba payed for Paramount/Dreamworks when they just laid down 5 BILLION for a different company. 150 million is a sneeze to toshiba that now along with Digital imagine, have Nuclear under their belt ;)

Figgie 3 Ideal 0.

We can dance all you want. You will not win.


first of all i dont appreciate the uncalled for name calling. i would expect more from you.

secondly...once again everything you can said has as many holes in it as it does facts...which therefore makes it your opinion. im done here.... i guess we can just revisit this thread after CES and see where it all stands.

thanks acting like a 5 year old though.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
Idealsupra said:

first of all i dont appreciate the uncalled for name calling. i would expect more from you.

secondly...once again everything you can said has as many holes in it as it does facts...which therefore makes it your opinion. im done here.... i guess we can just revisit this thread after CES and see where it all stands.

thanks acting like a 5 year old though.

I told you I have zero tolerance to fanatics regardless of what is being preached.

you can pretend to put holes in the facts all you want just like the Tax patriots claiming the tax is illegal, the conspiracist claiming the US was behind the WTC fiasco et al.

As I told you, facts are not debatable. Everything I have said can be verified right from the source (Forbes, toshiba etc) unlike your speculative nonsense.

You can pretend to punch holes all you want. You can not as

Wally world IS #1 in the retail world
Toshiba did in fact layed out 5 billion (5.4 actually) dollars for Westinghouse Electric UK and looking at Toshiba's Financial statements. NONE of thier business division have posted a loss. NONE. ZERO. NADA, which is more than I can say for Sony's all precious gaming division (2 billion in the red and counting).

So if there electronics division is not seeing red. Why exaclty would they pull HDDVD off the market? Because the blu camp would??? That is why the lot of you are not CEO's!


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
figgie said:
and to keep this thread current (and to show the blu side I have no sides)

as of today (actually May 2k8)

Warner Brothers is going Blu-Ray Exclusive

yep...like i said.... and now hd-dvd is pretty much officially DEAD.

warner going exclusive means new line going exclusive... which leaves ONLY paramount and universal as hd-dvd makers.... and i expect universal to go bluray exclusive VERY soon...and paramount as soon as their bribe money contract is done with.

this is pretty much the move that will have bluray win this format war... and good thing too cause now all of the movies will be on bluray like they should. I just hope they redo the paramount and universal and dreamworks movies to make them better since they have the room on the bluray disk for better sound and picture TOGETHER.

and for the record... im not a "fanboy" of bluray OR sony...

i just do my research and understand that bluray is COMPLETELY superior to hd-dvd in every facet... and the ONLY people thgat bought hd-dvd are the ones who didnt research before making a purchase, were tricked into it, or had enougn money to support both formats and players....


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
All this means to me is I scoop up all the clearance HDdvds for dirt cheap. Then, get a denon blu player at cost and continue watching movies(not like my tv doesnt have enough inputs for it).

I still stand by HDdvd being my personal choice, theres No clear technically superior format. No matter how many web sites you read about it lol.

Maybe when people realize all the ps3 users arent buying movies left and right like they expect, things will change. Out of my group of friends, people with ps3s own 1-2 movies. The rest with HDdvd stand alone players own piles of movies.

Im sure the sub-$400 bluray burner will help those movie sales also....


Are U Here 2 take My Baby
This whole argument is like the old DVD+R/DVD-R. Which format is going to be superior in the end?Neither, both of them still exist, i have dvd+/- r's still. So I wouldnt expect anything less from either of these two formats. Ill just wait for the combination drive down the road that will support hd-dvd and blueray, just like the burners rom drives had to do. Untill then ill enjoy my lossless hd-dvd/blu-ray rips online :)
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