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  1. swaq

    just bough an SHO

    I agree with supraman7mgte and JAV. It's a Taurus. Resale value on those is generally really crappy. However, if I were absolutely forced to own a Taurus I'd want a SHO. Along the Taurus topic, my dad went and bought one against my advice. It ended up getting a BHG (it was leaking coolant...
  2. swaq

    New info on a new SUPRA.

    Me too! It's so convenient. :)
  3. swaq

    Look what fell into my backyard today! WHOO HOO! 56K, boo if you have that!

    He had an HKS Sport Exhaust which was made out of mild steel, so I think it rusted or something. Glad to hear it's in good hands. :)
  4. swaq

    where to move?

    Dunno. I wasn't thinking of moving there anymore. I'm following my fiancee to grad school for a few years and then we'll go where the work is. Possibly California in the bay area.
  5. swaq

    Look what fell into my backyard today! WHOO HOO! 56K, boo if you have that!

    Was that drunk_medic's car? Looks very familiar...
  6. swaq

    where to move?

    I like Oregon except for the rain and the speed limits. I haven't lived anywhere else, though I've traveled a lot. It really does depend on what you're looking for though. I've considered Arizona before:
  7. swaq

    Where do you go for your electronic needs? for almost everything. sometimes I use eBay, but not too often because everyone overcharges on shipping to make up for eBay/PayPal fees. MonarchComputer ( has a poor interface, but is generally a good online store as well. I usually stay away from...
  8. swaq

    Englishtown meet. 89 Pictures! (10mb)

    Nice pics!
  9. swaq

    New info on a new SUPRA.

    I'd be quite happy if they decided to manufacture the Volta. :)
  10. swaq

    Mid Valley Supra Meet - Nov18th

    2 weeks remaining guys!
  11. swaq

    Another poll.

    Nate and BorHor voted for every one, heh. I like Nutella, but my fiancee doesn't like it... :(
  12. swaq

    my next vehicle

    I've always loved those, as far as trucks go. I think I've seen maybe 2 or 3 in my lifetime, and maybe one Typhoon.
  13. swaq

    A Poll...

    I'm just saying you can't take the numbers at face value because it isn't anonymous. In a poll like this I think people are less likely to vote seriously than humorously. Obviously I don't think you're going to get your feelings hurt or you wouldn't have made the poll. It's kind of a catch...
  14. swaq

    A Poll...

    It's hard to vote the way you really feel when the poll is not anonymous. Not that I think the poll was meant to be serious anyway.
  15. swaq

    Whoa, killer bulldozer

    There are video games for that kind of stuff... No need to do it in real life. Crazy that he actually went through the trouble of armoring it and all.
  16. swaq

    Post pics of your Daily

    I'll take it off your hands for $400. ;)
  17. swaq

    Post pics of your Daily

    Oooh, I love the SVX. How much are you selling it for? Too bad it only came with an automatic transmission... (yes yes, I know you can do a swap) My Subaru daily[ish]:
  18. swaq

    Hmmm, Nw car maybbeeee

    If Joe's car was a 1990+ and a targa top I'd seriously consider buying it for myself. Beautiful car nonetheless, but I already have a homo-blue hardtop that doesn't have an airbag. ;)
  19. swaq

    Paypal experts......

    Go though PayPal. In my experience they are very good about this kind of stuff, though I think they favor the buyer a little too heavily (which is good in your case). Quick story on one of my personal experiences: I bought an XBox on eBay and one of the games was scratched and didn't work so I...