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  1. swaq

    Secrets to becoming a mod, revealed!

    22 year olds unite!
  2. swaq

    14 Drives 07 Shelby

    Wow, what an idiot...
  3. swaq

    Hmmm, Nw car maybbeeee

    Get a Corolla: or a Tercel: or a Subaru:
  4. swaq

    How about this for a Pursuit Car....

    I'm pretty sure they're mostly for promotional purposes.
  5. swaq

    How about this for a Pursuit Car....

    Forget the lambo, I want the Esprit!
  6. swaq

    advertising 101

    Is the car included? Oh wait... So I assume he doesn't want you to notice that the car has a salvage title... I doubt he's going to get whatever his reserve is set at for a non-turbo salvage.
  7. swaq

    Secrets to becoming a mod, revealed!

    *sigh* My whole self esteem was based off of HellsLegion thinking highly of me. I'm crushed... :(
  8. swaq

    Secrets to becoming a mod, revealed!

  9. swaq

    Supra Powered Mercedes????

    Why would they waste a perfect motor like that on a cruddy Mercedes?!? :icon_razz
  10. swaq

    Happy bday Dziuggy

    Does he even post anymore here? Happy birthday anyway!
  11. swaq

    Secrets to becoming a mod, revealed!

    For some reason I've never been made a mod on any forum...
  12. swaq

    best video EVER

    Heh, that was funny, fake or not. Those guys were just being asshats and looking for a fight. And they found one, heh.
  13. swaq


    The size of the truck balls is inversely proportional to the size of the driver's balls
  14. swaq

    Now this is a ticket story...

    She should not have been given a student ID for filling out a card... I smell a lawsuit possibility.
  15. swaq


    Wow, that's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. Definitely carry scissors...
  16. swaq

    Plug in for 100-mpg Hybrids

    But then you're paying for the electricity... Unless you're getting your electricity from wind power or something else sustainable (i.e. not coal or hydro) then it's not really any better on the environment. There's no free lunch.
  17. swaq

    How do you spend YOUR paycheck?

    Where the heck did you find a place that's only $300/month? Or do you have roommates?
  18. swaq

    how dare they try and part out my car!!!

    Brilliant!! I can't believe he didn't even bother to copy the images to his own host somewhere. What a doucebag...
  19. swaq

    How do you spend YOUR paycheck?

    I'm currently unemployed, but over last Spring and Summer I was making almost $700 a week after taxes. The majority that I didn't save went to rent and food, then gas and insurance. Pretty much everything else went to my PayPal account and is earning about 5% interest right now. Now my money...
  20. swaq

    Save the Supra Foundation.

    Thanks! I need to bookmark that site so I don't forget again. :)