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  1. swaq

    need computer help!!

    I've had issues occasionally with flash memory drives not showing up when plugged in. Usually just unplugging them and plugging them back in a few times gets them to show up. I had a multi-card reader that died on me once though, so that's a possibility too.
  2. swaq

    Happy Birthday to...

    If no one else does I will, that's my birthday too. :)
  3. swaq

    Happy Birthday to...

    Who are you? :icon_razz
  4. swaq

    help me build?

    And why do you need 20 psi? You really have no idea how this stuff works...
  5. swaq

    Happy Birthday to...

    Happy birthdays! Three days till mine...
  6. swaq

    Kinda kills

    Yeah, it's hard to say how hard the Cobra was trying. It wasn't really a "race", more he gunned it and I decided to see if I could keep up. He had a slight jump start, but I still caught up. The Prelude, on the other hand, sounded like he went all the way to redline trying to keep me from...
  7. swaq

    Kinda kills

    Exhaust, no cat (for now), intake, lower intercooler piping, BOV, manual boost controller at around 11 psi, aluminum radiator.
  8. swaq

    Figured I would introduce myself

    Welcome. Nice looking car! :)
  9. swaq

    MKIII vs a bunch of different cars comparison

    Yeah. I think it wasn't set up very fairly, with every category counting the same. Then just dividing the price in to figure out price for performance? If you look at the final chart there is only one exception to cheaper cars scoring higher... :3d_frown: Oh yeah, a linear progression of...
  10. swaq

    Kinda kills

    I kinda sorta killed a Mustang Cobra and a Honda Prelude today. The Mustang Cobra was a 1999+ convertible. It looked pretty nice. Black, fog lights in the grill, hood scoop. I was behind him as he turned right onto a road that had two lanes that soon merged into one. He hesitated, as...
  11. swaq

    old style supra badge.

    This is correct. Underneath the T badge it is still has the recessed rectangle. I have a 1991 and I put the older style badge on mine. You don't want to just rip it off. You have to remove the nose panel to undo the clip behind the badge. I tried just ripping the badge off of my old 1987...
  12. swaq

    old style supra badge.

    When I got my car it only had the metal part attached by double-sided tape. It flew off my car at 100+ mph. I bought a replacement on eBay that had the plastic bit still attached and included the metal clip. You have to have the plastic part in order to use the clip.
  13. swaq

    200MPH Supra?

  14. swaq

    Targa top/How I love it

    My seals don't leak, I have a WeezLWings, and I didn't pick this car for its weight. The weather has been good this summer. I often take off my targa just for the 10 minute drive home from work, then put it back on when I get home. I love the open air feeling. :)
  15. swaq

    old style supra badge.

    Then you need to get a new badge. The metal and plastic/rubber parts should not come apart... You'll also want the metal clip that holds the thing on (assuming you don't already have one).
  16. swaq

    short term investment

    Better than Prosper........ I've never had a problem with PayPal. I've kept up to 5 digits worth in my PayPal account. Maybe I'm just lucky?
  17. swaq

    200MPH Supra?

    Hmm, darn.