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  1. C

    Had a little run in with a MK4

    Hey without a job we have tons of time to drive on these long open roads LOL. We are going to try and so some pulls again and well get a good camera. Sent from my SCH-M828C using Tapatalk
  2. C

    Had a little run in with a MK4

    LOL. He's jelly bra Sent from my SCH-M828C using Tapatalk
  3. C

    Had a little run in with a MK4

    Must be a Honda Guy. Sent from my SCH-M828C using Tapatalk
  4. C

    Had a little run in with a MK4

    Dustin post up some pics of the car. Sent from my SCH-I800 using Tapatalk
  5. C

    General questions for a general thread

    Momo is the only company that makes a hub for our cars. I think it was about 100 bucks when i bought mine. I would not be so scared of wiring. Any good shop has ALOT of wiring experiance. In the tuner world wiring is part of the deal. I would much rather have a good reliable tune that will...
  6. C

    Walbro fuel pump upgrade - is 12V mod required?

    Not really a good idea. It defeats the the whole point. The resistor is only .7 ohms buy adding them in parallel its like having a .3 ohm resistor. So now the pumps have 11.28v applied instead of the 9v it is desighned to have. So might as well not have the resistors there to complicate things...
  7. C

    Had a little run in with a MK4

    I was the one driving this beast in the in car vid. It was like a extreamly good christmas gift. The guy wanted me to drive it and put it sideways because he does not have the experiance. I used to always say mk4s where not my thing but i was very wrong. I loved this car! Maybe the owner will...
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    Walbro fuel pump upgrade - is 12V mod required?

    Ohm out the wiring...If its good then dont worry about anything. You can simply put a jumper in the connector for the fuel pump resistor. If your not going to tune....leave it alone. Going with a larger gauge wire really only help insure that you dont have a excessive voltage drop across the...
  9. C

    Gurley's 92 Teal 2JZ Project

    Really I thought poop was the main topic when we where 5. Not Sent from my SCH-M828C using Tapatalk
  10. C

    questions on changing head gasket. pls help!

    I have used the "the right stuff" on several 7M's for the rear timing cover. Its OEM on alot of different makes. Best way to clean the head and block is a mill...But if your not milling for some bad reason, just use alot of acetone and a scraper. Absolutly NO rotary tools like buzz guns!
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    R154 Clutch replacement, how Hard is it?

    It is NOT easier to pull the motor! The main trick it to unbolt the pressure plate from the flywheel before you unbolt the transmission. That way you can drop the transmission straight down instead of having to pull the transmission back 6 inches which is near impossible. When you install the...
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    military generator turbo

    I live in a city with no emissions....have registared about 15 cars in the last 10 years and they have never even looked at the car. Must be different state to state Sent from my SCH-M828C using Tapatalk
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    suprcharged supra but its not a 1uz

    I have driven and swaped the 3.4 into various things, and a few with the supercharger...Not very impressive, I dont think it would hang with a BPU supra
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    The best = Injector Dynamics. But like these guys are saying just about all of the options for our cars are good..Except venom. I am running Precision with nice results.
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    Hp and MPG?

    I think you misunderstood, I ment that i have a hard time going a long distance with out intentionally getting into boost. Believe me i have a 67mm and i have to REALLY want to boost or the big grumpy snail inst going to wake
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    How much have you spent on your MkIII

    You can insert stupidity where he says dedication! :icon_bigg
  17. C

    Hp and MPG?

    I really dont see how you guys do a hundred mile trip without getting into I get between 16-18mpg at 490whp R154 and a 4.30... I have had this car 7 years and i still cannot contain myself when im driving it. Its more about the symphony of amazing sounds then the accelaration. My...
  18. C

    What does it take to go E85? Advantages/Disadvantages?

    There are alot of people experimenting with E85 and getting these results. Honestly i don't see it being that big of a problem, Dumping in a buttload of timing can do amazing things. Physics say 91 should get worse gas mileage buy my BMW gets several miles to the gallon better on it then 87...
  19. C

    How much have you spent on your MkIII

    I have about 25k into mine and have about 3k left on my shopping list....I look at this car as a education. When i bought this car i knew nothing! I have done all the work myself and while i have had to fix things i screwed up, i feel confident to work on almost anything and have now worked at...
  20. C

    Ebony: 91 black 1jzgte (proefi friendly)

    SHHHHHHHHHH........we did NOTHING...Just cleaned up the wiring harness a bit thats all. (would not wanna see turbo boy die in his sleep with a butter knife sticking out his skull. lol