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  1. SC61 MK3

    Having a problem while slowing down still in gear, drivetrain noise

    Getting a pretty loud noise from what sounds like the rear of the car when decelerating while still in gear, most noticeable at 40 or 50 mph. If I get up to like 50 mph while accelerating there is no noise but right when I let off the gas (still in gear, slowing down) it gets really loud but...
  2. SC61 MK3

    Test drive and have grinding noise ?

    I would pull the - terminal off the battery for a while and set everything back to normal and than see if it will start.
  3. SC61 MK3

    Test drive and have grinding noise ?

    Whats it doing now, not starting? put everything back to normal, unsplice the wires, unground the wire, connect the box. I always reset it via the driver door. Try resetting it with everything back to normal and see if it starts. I only jumped the female side of the hood pin and thats all it...
  4. SC61 MK3

    Test drive and have grinding noise ?

    you can bypass the theft deterrent by jumping the 2 sides of the female plug together, it will think the hood is open and never arm it
  5. SC61 MK3

    Head Gasket thickness selection

    If you can't afford to run premium you shouldn't be driving a supra let alone a modified one
  6. SC61 MK3

    Head Gasket thickness selection

    about a month of daily driving, going to turn the boost up a little soon
  7. SC61 MK3

    Head Gasket thickness selection

    I recently used a oem toyota gasket with arp studs because I was not happy with my block surface and needed it back on the road. Had the head machined and so far so good, only been running 10psi but no problems
  8. SC61 MK3

    cps alinment help plz: pics provided

    Just move it until it doesn't sound fucked up. Haha just listen for a smooth idle thats under 1k rpm and you can get a timing gun at harbor freight for $15 btw
  9. SC61 MK3

    TX2k11 MKIII action.

    White MK3 in it starting from 3 min
  10. SC61 MK3

    cps alinment help plz: pics provided

    Both cams pointing straight up, crank pully at 0 Line up the cps bolt hole and the notch to the left of the mark, when you push the last inch it should rotate right of the mark. Tighten bolt and start the engine, if you dont have a light you can adjust the cps by ear for now but just drive the...
  11. SC61 MK3

    7M-GTE engine rebuild tips & tricks
  12. SC61 MK3

    FedEx/UPS delivery question...

    ^ ya thats how it is around here I would be furious if they just left shit out and I would complain for sure
  13. SC61 MK3

    Really ODD problem.

    Check and replace fuses first. Than get a cheap multi meter and test for voltage, could just be a bad ground. Radio might be getting just enough voltage to turn on but not enough to function right
  14. SC61 MK3

    FedEx/UPS delivery question...

    That's pretty stupid, the UPS guy always comes around at the same time every day and with tracking I can see what day he is coming. He always knocks and will leave a note that he tried to deliver if no one is there, never just leaves it there.
  15. SC61 MK3

    Quick Reverse Light Question

    Extend the 2 wires from the reverse switch on the passenger side of the tranny to the driver side under the intake manifold, there should be a round 2 pin plug (with a yellow and red wire iirc) that is coming off the engine harness and runs down the center of the intake manifold with the ecu grounds
  16. SC61 MK3

    please help no spark/no power to ecu
  17. SC61 MK3

    Help with swapping in a 89+ Motor with grey plug harness into a 88

    What ever engine harness originally came with the car you need that harness and ecu unless you want to rewire the entire car. For example I parted out my 90 turbo and took out the 90 motor/gray harness/gray ecu. I ended up buying a 88 turbo shell and I used my 7mgte from my 1990 but had to get...
  18. SC61 MK3

    timing belt install

    set the crank at 0, line up the cam gears and put the belt on. marks on the belt do not matter just the cam and crank marks should line up every 2 complete crank turns, cams should be pointing directly down with one complete turn of the crank. and again the marks on the belt do not matter
  19. SC61 MK3

    Hks 3mm head gasket

    800hp and "save a little bit of money" is a disaster waiting to happen. Will the hks 3mm hold 800, yes it should. But at that power you should get the stopper and not worry about it. I have seen them for sale around $325