ok guys hopefully some1 has connquered this delema im in:
ok im currently trying to aline my cps and i set the rotor to the left so when i slide the cps in it clicks over to the mark on the right (like its supossed to) but when i do (w/ the cams str8 up) the mark on the rotor ends up to the right of the mark on the cps.
weird thing is when the cams not str8 up (ive put it invarious random spots) and i slide the cps in it clicks over where its supossed to be.
heres pics:
this pic is the cps when before i insert it with cams str8 up.
this pic is cps mark locations after sliding cps in note: i made sure not to move cps after inserting in the pic
this pic is of the cps before inserting it with cam in random spot notice the marks are in the same spot in both "before insert" pics
this pic is of cps marks after inserting cps with cam in random spot its lined right up..
how do i get the marks to line up with cams str8 up?
ok im currently trying to aline my cps and i set the rotor to the left so when i slide the cps in it clicks over to the mark on the right (like its supossed to) but when i do (w/ the cams str8 up) the mark on the rotor ends up to the right of the mark on the cps.
weird thing is when the cams not str8 up (ive put it invarious random spots) and i slide the cps in it clicks over where its supossed to be.
heres pics:
this pic is the cps when before i insert it with cams str8 up.

this pic is cps mark locations after sliding cps in note: i made sure not to move cps after inserting in the pic

this pic is of the cps before inserting it with cam in random spot notice the marks are in the same spot in both "before insert" pics

this pic is of cps marks after inserting cps with cam in random spot its lined right up..

how do i get the marks to line up with cams str8 up?