Left me stranded tonight.


?Which parents?
Well I was making a left hand turn tonight alomost home and the supra died. Far as I can tell there is no spark going to the coils. I pulled a wire grounded it and no spark, tried another same thing till I checked all the coils. Next I checked the grounds they seem fine I used my test light to test them grounded the light and touched the positive light turns on. So no ground problems. Next I checked the fuses thinking maybe one blew nope they are fine. What should I check next I'm out of ideas maybe the cps? Timeing is good all on the marks. Any clues thanks


?Which parents?
Ok I'll check the wiring in the morning. Anybody around belton, missouri tha could lend a hand maybe? Just asking I'm not the best at electrical problems, I can do but it just gets frustrating to me lol, probaly everybody else to. Can an igniter be tested in some way to be sure it works properly?

---------- Post added at 11:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 PM ----------

hvyman;1682083 said:
Try doing the jiggle mod lol.

Really? rofl


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Serious. Jiggle the cps wires at/ near the connector and try starting. If it hiccups like it was about to start jiggling more.


?Which parents?
Ok I will hvyman, but if it turns out to be that how do I go about fixing it. I don't think I can just walk into my work and order a new connector but I could be wrong have been before. But sure I'll jiggle it and jiggle with lol. Anybody want pictures?!!


?Which parents?
Ok the jiggle mod didn't work. Before it died I was going about 25 or so and I hit the gas and it cut out a couple times but keept going with no problems almost like it deied and then roared back to life. It wasn't fuel cut cause I'm on stock boost and bypass valve, it had a tendensy to kind of buck a little when at wot, just putting around town it had no problems at all. The only mods I have are 3inch exhaust and k&n cone airfilter. I'm still scrating my head on this. Luckly its not imperative to have the carf running being I have my wife's suby to drive, so I can take my time to fix it. I hope its not the cps cause its 516 bucks for a new one and the igniter is 498 bucks for new at work. Any more suggestions?


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
If you get no spark i would start at the cps. A wi re is prolly fucked somewhere. No blown fuses?


?Which parents?
No blown fuses but today I did find a knock sensor wire unplugged well the wire is hanging on by a thread and it came unplugged from the sensor can that cause it to not run? If so I need to rewire it. Is there a thread on rewireing them? thanks again


Supramania Contributor
Jan 18, 2009
M-bay, cali
If you have a scope you can back probe the cps and maf. i did the giggle mod to many times and now i need to re-do the wires.


?Which parents?
Ok so what is limp mode? What does a knock sensor do? Does it have to do with timing? Do they detect knock in the motor cylinders or pinging???

---------- Post added at 01:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ----------

Oh and can this hurt my motor?