God that thing is freaking awsome...
I love what your doing! Awsome job man, keep it up.
Cant wait for the finished product and the video of the UZ =] Hurry up haha.
Awsome looking car man, i love that blue! and the engine bay looks sweet...
Keep up on the awsome work! I wanna see the finished product as does everyone else!
By the way what rims are those?
I would just try to re-paint them with the orig color...
IMO i dont think sawblades look good painted any other color than orginal.
Other than that man yea great find, car looks clean!
You sure do got alot of mods on your hands for you to know nothing about this motor/car...
My personal advice is to stay here on SM and just read your ass off...
Other than that it looks like everything is going to work fine.
Just whatever you do man, Dont skimp out on things...
Why are you installing your oilshaft bearings yourself? Or do you got the tool?
Machine shop installed my oil shaft bearings.
But yea dont shim the bearings lol...
I'm a little stumped, why would you want to have that little worry in the back of your head everytime
you boost thinking "I hope my HG doesn't blow" and then pay for a tow back home if it does blow.
Your spending all this money and putting all these bolt ons but
not actually worrying about...
Well cause i feel as if this is going to take a long time lol...
I wouldn't mind having a white supra hat but as im always workingon my car with some hat on i know for a fat that thing will be dirty to allget out within a week.... Reason being i just want a black one.
Thanks alot for the reply guys, but i just want a plain black hat with white mk3 supra letters =/
Cant seem to find it anywhere, whats a place i can goto that will make me one? or better yet a site that sells them lol...
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