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  1. I6Boost

    So Who Wants A Ford Focus.....Epic

    HAha thanks a ton, and omg that is the funniest ad ive ever read in my life....
  2. I6Boost

    My lucky find: 1989 Toyota Supra Turbo

    Ouch... But i lovvvee those toyota backseats lol.... Not a big fan of the red though. Anyways good luck on your new find. It looks great!
  3. I6Boost

    Supra Apparel

    I know theres someone on here that sells hats/shirts etc... Can someone point me to a link? I've tried searching google but everything always comes up .de and not .com so its all from germany...
  4. I6Boost

    OMFG engine fell

    Yea i hope everything is ok. But honestly i think this is everyones biggest fear lol is dropping there engine...
  5. I6Boost

    Sticky starters?

    Have you checked for codes via TSRM? && When you say it "turns over when it wants to" do you mean it cranks and never starts or do you mean sometimes it just wont even try to crank over? Regardless, check all ground wires, And make sure the connection is good on both ends. ----------...
  6. I6Boost

    Sticky starters?

    Have you checked for codes via TSRM? && When you say it "turns over when it wants to" do you mean it cranks and never starts or do you mean sometimes it just wont even try to crank over? Regardless, check all ground wires, And make sure the connection is good on both ends.
  7. I6Boost

    Lopey idle, sometimes stalling, after 550/Lex mods

    I have absolutley no clue as of why your throwing a big hissy fit? We are trying to help, and nick is of all people... He blantley told you that people "will" and have no problem selling mismatched things since in various posts the whole time your like "OMG no way they sold me differenet...
  8. I6Boost

    Fuel Pump Question

    Lol kinda irrelevent to his post... && What size injectors are you running? Your HP goal? etc etc?
  9. I6Boost

    New DriftMotion Exhaust

    Not really sure but driftmotion never sells anything that would be shitty quality and put bad rep on there name... So i assume its alright, just dunno about the sound.
  10. I6Boost

    just found my next supra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Haha i was thinking the same thing!!!! && Yea man awsome find! Def cant wait for pictures. I love buying cars off old people, they keep there cars in tip top shape lol.
  11. I6Boost

    Another engine oil thread

    Lol 15w50? hmm, not gonna lie i got a little chuckle out of that. 5w30 synthetic is good to use... Read below why. Read this, and read it again... Its the most interesting information you will probably ever read regarding oil, not to mention he makes...
  12. I6Boost

    ProSport gauges? (Iuno what section to put it in)

    Yes i have the EGT and Boost gauge, i love these gauges and all my buddys run them. Style is great and they look bad ass.
  13. I6Boost

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    Ahh i love everything about this car! lol. Glad to see you took it off that guys hands and brung it back to life!
  14. I6Boost

    My 89 ma70. (New Pictures)

    Very clean car and love the engine bay, super clean! How much did you give for the car? && Dont worry about the wheels, a bunch of people still rock the blades including me!!! spend the grand else where and get your car running perfect before you worry about stuff like that.
  15. I6Boost

    see through 370z and the story behind it

    Wasn't made just for a single commercial but to let society know how oil works and how it flows, Reason being many people just dump whatever oil in there car and say oil is oil. Other than that its an artwork in my eyes... If you have the money to do it, why not?
  16. I6Boost

    Here's a problem for the pro's

    I noticed you said "there isnt any cel light" and not "no there arent any codes." The CEL does not have to be on in order for there to be codes, not sure if you knew this or not but i just figured i would point it out just incase.
  17. I6Boost

    Lopey idle, sometimes stalling, after 550/Lex mods

    Lol just cause four of them flow identical doesn't mean having different flowing injectors is ok... And since they all flowed within 1% of each other then its obvious you got sold wrong injectors or something? this whole thing is kinda confusing... && on the ISC aspect, have you checked the...
  18. I6Boost

    Lopey idle, sometimes stalling, after 550/Lex mods

    Well i can tell you one thing a few 570 flowing and the others flowing 670... Its not going to idle nor run perfect at all... Theres a post about venom injectors and my buddy had bought them a long time ago, almost identical symptoms you are having, and most likely the reason they are banned...
  19. I6Boost

    BMX Anyone??

    Livin single, seeing doubles, jumpin triples =P
  20. I6Boost

    CajunKenny's Build Thread

    Ahh great thread, done spent the last hour reading this whole thing. Awsome work on the motor and it sounds awsome man. Congrats on the build.