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  1. rakkasan

    <====This guy is FINALLY in Pathfinder School

    lawls, that's funny. I'm not do certain I'll pass, it's a swift kick inthe nuts. It's like taking two full semesters of college in two weeks. The info flows out a mile a minute and you have to fight just to keep up with it. I'm just an E-6. I got out in 1996 as an E-6, but came back in as...
  2. rakkasan

    <====This guy is FINALLY in Pathfinder School
  3. rakkasan

    <====This guy is FINALLY in Pathfinder School Good reference
  4. rakkasan

    <====This guy is FINALLY in Pathfinder School

    After many, many years of waiting and being persistant, I finally got into Pathfinder School. Needless to say, I'm stoked. All I need to do now is actually pass it :wiggle:
  5. rakkasan

    Navy....thinking aobut joining

    Join the Army's or Marine's Infantry of stay home :sarcasm:. Seriously though, see if you can get your GED quickly before committing to which ever service you can, it will open up a lot more doors for you. I love being in the Army, I wouldn't want to do anything else regardless of the pay...
  6. rakkasan

    1jz harmonic balancer

    I have a good one off my 1J, pm me if you're interested
  7. rakkasan

    Which crank pulley?

    I think you missed the boat. I have an ATI, as stated previously, because I understand the principles of the HB's....
  8. rakkasan

    Which crank pulley?

    I boiled mine in water. It was a tight fit, but it's on. I pray I never have to take it off....
  9. rakkasan

    Which crank pulley?

    The motor is internally balanced, so there is no need to worry about the harmonic balancer and flywheel weights.....
  10. rakkasan

    Should I upgrade my injectors?

    really? What are you basing your hypothothesis on? I'm with Jay on this one. I ran 448whp daily on my 440's. That was with 2J cams, 60-1 and stand alone. I hit 527whp on 640cc's, but that was a one time thing
  11. rakkasan

    LOL, there goes the #1 piston....

    PROBLEM FOUND! Upon removing my head, I didn't see that the timing belt had a shit ton on teeth sheared off. About twenty consecutive teeth that have been completely sheared off and another 15 that were barely hanging on. I'm pissed because I relied on a shop to replace the belt in the...
  12. rakkasan

    Which crank pulley?

    If you want to use your new belt, then ATI is out. I have an ATI and I'm about to buy another new belt. The ATI is a tight fit, but I didn't have to do anything to it get it on, other than wear myself out tightening it down. I read (on I believe) that the boost logic HB...
  13. rakkasan

    For those running an ATI damper with all accessories....

    Thanks Jeff, but is that for the stock belt? The ATI has a larger diameter pulley, so the stock belt doesn't fit.
  14. rakkasan

    For those running an ATI damper with all accessories....

    Do you happen to know the part number for the serpentine belt?
  15. rakkasan

    1jz/2jz pics

    bead blasting with walnut husk turns out great results
  16. rakkasan

    Whats the best way to go 1.5JZ

    Sorry, my comment was intended for the original poster, not you. I'm in the middle of a swap now, using a GE block. The GTE block doesn't require a thicker head gasket (you can use stock), but the GE will require one due to the piston CC's. I'm using a 2mm HKS, which should yeild 8.8:1...
  17. rakkasan

    Whats the best way to go 1.5JZ

    ....and requires some crafty fab work to get it in the transmission tunnel
  18. rakkasan

    Whats the best way to go 1.5JZ

    D.) No messing with splicing a 2J wiring harness E.) All of the above *ME* Seriously, do a little research.
  19. rakkasan

    Rakkasans build, part III (project torque)

    Thanks dood, I have more pictures I'll throw up later. I'm glad I went with the 1j though LOL, it won't be cheap. Ron's manifolds usually sell more than the original purchase price. They are works of metallurgic art
  20. rakkasan

    REIGN's REBUILD! Its a beautiful thing... (THAT IS FOR SALE) =(

    Jake, let me know if you need something to help finish the car. I don't have many extra parts, but what I do have is yours for free. I'll cover the shipping too. I hear you on the construction sucking these days. I'm glad I'm out of it. I don't see how Jay has stayed in it for so long.....