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  1. S

    first major modification, Sc300 build thread!

    yeah this car with a 2jzgte is real fun to drive especially with a 5 speed.
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    JZA70-MA70 Wiring Trouble

    From the top : Pin 18 for the A/C is supposed to go to B1-13. I notice that from the IH1 diagram (please look at it to follow along) that B1-13 is already taken, with another A/C wire, so I spliced both into the B1-13, is this correct? ****No, you should leave this off**** Pin 19 for the...
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    first major modification, Sc300 build thread!

    dang..I see Kyle..haven't see him in a while lol. Where did you get your harness done? Dr.Tweak or 2jzswap? 2jzgte looks good i any lexus. Im running it in my 1st gen gs300 . Nice work man and say what's up to Kyle. Tell him its Moe.. lol
  4. S

    Tis how we do it Down Under!.. project 7MGTE (now running YAY)

    I was thinking the same thing. This setup opens up a few different creative routing possibilities on the cheap as well as keeping it super simple. It's always great to see other peoples ideas Thanks for sharing
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    JZA70-MA70 Wiring Trouble

    Okay now we talking : Starting with Pin # 9 : On the Ja70 plug, it will be Grey but if you trace it to the harness, it turns in Black/Orange. So IHI/Pin # 9 ( Grey wire ) > Connects to B1/Pin # 16 on Yellow connector.(Black./Orange) ======= IH1/Pin # 10 (Black/Blue) from your...
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    JZA70-MA70 Wiring Trouble

    So I am assuming you car is an 87 model ? from your signature : 87 N/A Targa 5spd. - Daily Driven - 1JZ Finding it's way in there soon! ------------- before I answer your questions correctly, I need to know the following : > year of the car. > Auto or manual from factory? > Look under...
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    JZA70-MA70 Wiring Trouble

    Pin # 5 ( blue/black ( thick one ) is for automatic transmission Neutral switch. If you got the plugs from a 5 speed car, it won't be there. Pin # 10 = Signal to starter ( the wire that has a clip connector and plugs into the starter) Pin # 14 = Pin # 14 on your 89 + Plug You are looking at...
  8. S

    identifying ct26 60-1

    and extra fins - 7 , I believe on the intake side
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    I have seen homemade adjustable gears but cant find

    Guys, he is asking for a link..nowhere did he say he was going to make them....this is how unnecessary disputes starts in these thread. I've never seen them unfortunately or else I would have posted them Hommer.
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    2jzge into mk3 using 7mge electronics has it been done

    Yes it will work with the 7mge electronics. My frined is running it in his Cressida at the moment.
  11. S

    Replaced the MKIII

    nice...the sc400 are fun to drive with the UZ.
  12. S

    I did a Gs300 this time :)

    Thanks guys : I just put the car for a full paint job ( same 202 black) and it should be ready by end of this week. I just delivered the paint today. Cruise and boost videos will be up in a few weeks after everything is sorted out. My twin HKS silent power exhaust is on the way too. I will...
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    I did a Gs300 this time :)

    When I wanted to put this on the Supra, I searched a lot for the flanges and could not find them around. When I did find some, the guys wanted $150 a I said f*&'em and never did it. I had a chance to buy this manifold setup ( yes welded ) and it has held up quite well for the guy...
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    I did a Gs300 this time :)

    lol haha. I agree. I just have to try it. :biglaugh:Can't beat free replacement parts FTMW! lol
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    I did a Gs300 this time :)

    Here is some foto from my phone with IC mounted. Will be routing the IC piping today :) Here is a quick startup video...its loud without the exhaust but the engine sounds very good. Here is a short video I took. My friend stopped by and game a hand..( in the video ) lol Car...
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    I did a Gs300 this time :)

    The engine installed . are some engine pictures : HYDROFAN mounted. Used the hydrofan and shroud setup from a 84 Camry v6.made some custom brackets, though. The turbo outlet piping actually fits and was designed to clear the ABS...
  17. S

    I did a Gs300 this time :)

    Drilled and tapped the Manifold for the brake cylinder vacum. Engine is removed with the help of some friends - Look at the somewhat dirty bay : TRANNY COOLER : Engine bay cleaned with Simple green, scrubbed and waxed :) Looks ten times better now : Stuff...
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    I did a Gs300 this time :)

    So after getting out of Supras for a few different reasons, mostly boredom lol, I decided to buy a 1st Gen GS300 and stick a 2jzgte in it. Apart from buying the motorset, everything else was pretty much leftovers or things I wanted to do to the Supra but never did. Here goes : I'll just cut...
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    A Defiled MKIV

    MAybe its not fully finshed with the mods yet?? doesn't look bad at all..
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    2jz swap can i get some link's

    the best thread to do the swap - wiring was is to read the one posted by SATAN. Name = Wiring peer review. It has everything you need to know to wire in a 2jzgte into a MK3.