My car does the same thing and it is infinatly more noticable with the targa off. All of my bars appear to be unbent, i havn't looked into the bushings yet.
See I think the answer here lies with Toyota.
When they released the car and said 60lbs torque for the head bolts and 230hp for the engine, they actually meant torque the head bolts to 90lbs and the car is actually 330hp+.
This thread is lols.
In my first supra the speedo was off about that much, previous owner had swapped the w58 trans for a r154. I never really dug into the problem but that might be something to look at.
Also don't try to clean the AFM sensor with sensor cleaner, it will only make it worse.
Welcome! Sounds like you have everything control, I hope you enjoy the supra game :)
Think you will be using your knowledge to machine any parts for the car?
I guess this should have been addressed first, do you have any other signs of a BHG? Milky oil cap, coolant being pushed in the reservoir tank then on to the ground when the tank is full, white smoke or sweet smell from the exhaust?
I dont know much about the radiator leak issue, but when...
Unless the mechanic only was referring to the head gasket, which is a factory flaw.
If you didnt overheat it too bad and warp the head, you can patch it back together with a non-metal headgasket for fairly cheap, as long as you stay near stock power levels you should be fine.
Hvyman is right, adjust the tps and go from there.
The only way your BOV could stall your car at that low rpm is if it was leaking. (possible, but unlikely given your situation.)
Whats that gauge?
Thats the Twilight gauge, lets you know how much blood you've lost while working on the engine, can possibly be very disturbing! (I suggest you don't watch it)
Hi and welcome to the site! :)
Usually when you do the lex/550's upgrade you keep your stock electronics, in your case the (bad?) MAF sensor. The only thing you switch is the AFM housing cause the lexus one is just a bit bigger. I could be wrong but I have never heard of anyone using the...
If Poodles guess is right and it most likely is, it means that for a split second when you let off the throttle at high rpms you run rich due to the BOV venting metered air out side of your engine rather then recirculating it back in (stock).
If that is true then yes, it is still 'safe' to...
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