Today I took my supra to the shop cause the past two days when driving up hills my engine temp gauge would go to the red then drop back down once at the top. so I asked the shop to take a look about an hour later they call to tell me i have a hole in my radiator(brand new 20,000 miles ago) that is leaking coolant into my transmission lines mixing transmission fluid with coolant so my transmission is dead and also to top it all off my head gasket is blown. (The previous owner replaced the head gasket and had the whole top end of the engine rebuilt) So I took it to a transmission shop to get a second opinion and they are looking at it on tuesday. the man at the transmision shop said that this happens with our cars and it was a factory flaw. I have never heard of this happening? but he said that there was nothing that could have been done to prevent what happened. Cost to fix eveything is $4000.00. I think this is goodbye to my first car.