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  1. tbcmorris

    Oil in#1 cylinder + timing belt!!!!!!!

    No it would not. But your oil feed is next to clynider one. So if your head, gasket and block are not sealing on 1 it will let oil get into the timing belt cover and clyinder 1
  2. tbcmorris

    Connecticut Supras

    Ill definetly take a ride down
  3. tbcmorris

    1jz Intake Manifold

    You can grt them cheaper...and you may touch that 1000 tryin to get that to work
  4. tbcmorris

    1jz Intake Manifold

    There's a lot of fabrication in this. To the best of my knowledge people have gone through the trouble in doing this with a 2j manifold. It is not worth it IMO. Your better off forkin over some cash for one made for a 7m or waiting for supra soprts.
  5. tbcmorris

    Connecticut Supras

    NP....I don't think my car will make it to e town this april...I am having a hard time sourceing a JZ swap
  6. tbcmorris

    Connecticut Supras

    No andre. I don't think you have my number.
  7. tbcmorris

    $150 bet for me to run 13.5, need advice

    April that at e town for the supra meet :);) If it is ill be there to see ya
  8. tbcmorris

    TbcMorris' post fire CT build

    If I go 1j or 1.5 jz yes because I will use driftmotions ct manifold kit so I can use my 60 trim to stay single turbo. If I go 2j I will sell it
  9. tbcmorris

    Connecticut Supras

    Plus 2 Gave me a call dude
  10. tbcmorris

    Connecticut Supras

    The block, valvetrain and HKS ccamshafts are for sale....I'm out of the 7m game
  11. tbcmorris

    TbcMorris' post fire CT build

    Lol hush...its gonna be jz. I have a 2jzge....and I'm researching shit. So maybe 1 maybe 1.5 maybe 2....idk. Ill know
  12. tbcmorris

    TbcMorris' post fire CT build

    The jz is goin in soon I'm talkin to jose at kaizzen right now and he's more than helpful
  13. tbcmorris

    TbcMorris' post fire CT build

    so 50 miles later blown HEAD (warped) what every 7m owner should be used to:3d_frown: the last 7m removal from my baby:biglaugh: milkshake:nono: removed the hks camshafts to list for sale empty again ready for the next evolution s...
  14. tbcmorris

    TbcMorris' post fire CT build

    ok here is part of the promised update. this is my repair of my oil leak,boost leak and the fabrication of the new upper intercooler piping. heres a pretty good idea of the leak. 500 miles worth of leak midway BOOST LEAK (well the majority of the leak the upper IC piping was...
  15. tbcmorris

    JawsGear Presents Sin City Showdown

    In see you in las vegas
  16. tbcmorris

    CT oil feed nuts

    If you finding it that difficult take the manifold off with the turbo attached and seperate them off the car
  17. tbcmorris

    TbcMorris' post fire CT build

  18. tbcmorris

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    What the F front bumper is that????
  19. tbcmorris

    I'm at it again. to buy or not to buy, that is the question..

    Even for 3 I wouldn't touch it, I got a running driving supra for 350 that needed a hatch. I would pass