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  1. tbcmorris

    Any Shops In CT?

    where are you getting the headgasket done? why dont you have us do both. i have been working on these cars for years so all the supras come to me.
  2. tbcmorris

    TbcMorris' post fire CT build

    So as some of you know my 7m gave up this week. With about 500 miles on a fresh built rebuild. I was breaking in the motor after fixing a boost leak and it popped. Pretty much only 1 person to blame for something like that (the machine shop) So I am reserching some of my options to get on the...
  3. tbcmorris

    Any Shops In CT?

    I work at a performance shop in milford. Bring the car down and ill remove the turbo send it out and reinstall it. (Pruven performance on the boston post rd.) No one in sate rebuilds turbos that I know of since they have to precesion balanced.
  4. tbcmorris

    Figured id Post some pics of my dash progress

    There's defiently better ways of putting vital information in front of you. You don't need 20 gauges to tell you how your engine is running
  5. tbcmorris

    Figured id Post some pics of my dash progress

    Sorry for the combo breaker I hate it. What the hell do you need so much for?
  6. tbcmorris

    87 2JZGTE swap

    Nice I am looking into swaping a 2j in my 87 midnight blue...3rd 7m went pop
  7. tbcmorris

    Local Supra owner murdered over domestic despute.

    What a shitty thing. I hope justice is quick. And rest in peace
  8. tbcmorris

    Two months from 500hp

    Ill be second...2 years and a lot of time and money and I haven't passed that hurdle. What IJ. Is getting at is there really is no such thing a "2 month 500 hp build" there's comlications along the way. Machine shop error, part back ordered, valve shims wrong, fabricating taking to long...
  9. tbcmorris

    Born2drv's new setup!

    Mmmmm 7m sexyness
  10. tbcmorris

    Dual Stock Intercoolers?

    A clutch fan with a good shourd is going to cool your car better than an electric set up.
  11. tbcmorris

    Connecticut Supras

    This is my 2nd hks mhg...I think the machine shop fucked up my head
  12. tbcmorris

    Connecticut Supras

    Anything and everything....there's some brands and jobs that I shy away from but a cars a car to me nowadays
  13. tbcmorris

    Ok I need help fast lol

    Thanks grim. I'm susprised I had to say somethin I usualy don't. But somethin about either a pos for the alt or ground was just way to unsafe of a guess.
  14. tbcmorris

    Connecticut Supras

    At the moment your wayyyyyyy closer to racin than me tom;) Engines comin out monday we will see what happens after I inspect everything
  15. tbcmorris

    7MGTE advice... No boost and huge backfires!

    When my wiring was bad to my afm that was its symptoms....pull those codes!!!
  16. tbcmorris

    Connecticut Supras

    Ok sorry fellas no racin for a little bit I just BHG'd
  17. tbcmorris

    Ok I need help fast lol

    Ok don't guess on alt or ground. This is the tech forum and your telling him it may be a pos for the alt or a ground...awesome advie so what is he suposed to put it on the alt and see if it catches fire. Keep guesses to yourself. I can't tell what it is cause the picture sucks. So I...
  18. tbcmorris

    Connecticut Supras

    Etown I'm down....gotta chase 1 more leak and burp my cooling system a little better I still have some pockets of air :( Oh and get rid of fuel cut FML