Doesn't seem that quiet to me and not a big fan of how auto's sound. Car is fast as hell though.
I remember seeing that vid a long time ago and people thinking it was fake because of how fast it gets out of sight.
Awesome suspension plan. I didn't know you were going to do this thing properly. Most people would just drop the engine in and call it done. Can't wait to see this complete and on the track.
I also see that the engine is in. Did you complete the wiring? Will it run?
Do you think it would be an issue for me though? I am in a slightly different climate. ;)
I also have my reservoir moved away from the heat in the engine bay to where it will get lots of airflow.
This car will look amazing when done. I really like the look of the black interior but I always wonder how it will hold up over time and use. I guess only time will tell.
Damn, looks like you're taking the time to do it right. I would kill for a garage like that to do my work in. Would make it a hell of a lot easier.
Can't wait to see the finished project.
Started doing more things today. I made some room near the intercooler to relocated the power steering reservoir to. Then I started to figure out how the lines work for the fuel and FPR. I also pulled all the dirty looking header wrap off the downpipe and will be rewrapping with fresh black...
Rail is factory, j-tube is gone, Aeromotive FPR, Walbro 255, RC 550's. Only fuel to be run will be 91-94 octane pump gas.
Sounds like it won't be necessary but I will see how it all looks when I drop the fuel tank.
Added some pics to clarify the issue a bit. The whole reason I'm thinking of changing them now is that I have to drop the tank anyways and the engine is already out of the car. Wouldn't take much to run a new set of lines. I'll do it if necessary but otherwise I will spend the money elsewhere or...
So I am gearing up for my engine/tranny/tubo install and the subject of fuel has come to my attention. I still have the stock fuel lines in my car but I know that many higher powered cars are running upgraded single or even dual lines. I want to know when it becomes necessary to upgrade the fuel...
Not liking the wingless or the red mirrors. Touring car get away with it because 1 they are race cars and 2 it distinguishes 2 cars from the same team because they are otherwise identical. Black would look ok and make a whole lot more sense.
Got sick of doing school work so I went to the garage for a few hours. I installed a few new hoses and cleaned a few others. Installed a new CPS cover/bolts, and the knock sensors from my old engine. Changed out the destroyed transmission mount for one in better shape. Also put on the...
Agreed. I blew that hose once. Emptied the coolant in a hurry. I blew it 45 min away from home and had to change it on the side of the road. I was not impressed. When my new engine goes it, ALL coolant hoses will be new.
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