5 min 53 seconds is the first shot of it, ill edit in a few with the other scene, and if i didnt know better id swear to God that was my car...
if you look close enough in the top right corner 18:43
I live in ga as well and also carry (Taurus pt145 .45acp subcompact) and I'd like to know what your solution to this is, I live in a rural area and save for the courthouse I carry everywhere but work and church, but when I do go to atl and whatnot it be nice to have somewhere, I usually lock my...
I think there's already quite a few threads on this but the basic answer is, sone do some don't, me personally I don't, it depends on the tire I think, my car is currently not with me, but as soon as I go to it next time I'll let you know what size I'm running
Idk if I've ever used it in any if my supras, but I know for a fact it works because I've used it jn my 06 civic si, it has a digital temp guage that works in squares, and it dropped it two squares, in the summer down here that made my car really happy, I've used it in everything but my supras...
I'd like to know how you're getting it on black Friday when they pushed the release date back to January first, or was it feb. I don't remember but I do remember I was pissed Cus were so close to release date
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