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  1. G

    Tax Return purchase(s) question.

    It's not technically carpet but I had some black momo floormats and they looked great so I'd imagine black carpet would look good
  2. G

    Ecu/tps help needed

    Well according to this post I jumpered the two correct wires on the tps plug and it still threw 51, should this be the case in a no ac situation? Or does this mean there are issues elsewhere? Because until recently it didn't...
  3. G

    Ecu/tps help needed

    Nope no ac, already thought of that and even checked the ac fuse that controls those parts, it's behind the pass kick panel, none of these helped, I've tracked down the two main wires to do with the tps, and simply cannot figure out where the problem is, I have an older safc 2, would you think...
  4. G

    Ecu/tps help needed

    Ok so here is my problem, I have a code 51, which I've narrowed down to the wiring of the tps somewhere in the mix, I need to know which pins on an 89+ turbo 5speed ecu go to the tps, because I need to figure this out, car runs fine oddly, so it's no t a huge deal but still needs to be addressed...
  5. G

    A miss, and weird oil problem?

    Check the three large Allen plugs, the higher raised ones I believe are the ones that are involved in the oil system
  6. G

    Ecu lettering

    So they don't have any specific purpose to an individual type of car?
  7. G

    Ecu lettering

    I wanted To know what the letters on the ecu stand for or mean, mine has ay, exept the y is backwards an ie seen some with a z on them and a few other variations, what does it mean?
  8. G

    mk3 kaze 1uz project

    First thing I suggest is refresh the 1uz, make sure it's tip top before you cram it in
  9. G

    The absolute worst looking MK3, ever?

    Did anyone read the comments under it? Some bright soul thinks the engine is still fwd and then goes on to say must've been a 240 or something
  10. G

    Help to find: Dual apex N1 exhaust tip setup

    Look into borhor, he's the one with the light blue w. Dual N1
  11. G

    Plug in head. Toyota said they can't get it.

    Autozone sells a set of three Allen sockets that has it in them for like ten bucks, that's what I use
  12. G

    Looking for a reputable shop in Atlanta area...

    Yea man he's repairing my built 7m that another VERY reputable supra guru messed up, no names lol but tubby can do it, also if u choose zen then most likely it would be chris Parvin working on your car and I have an extensive personal history with gin as well, he's done almost anything u can...
  13. G

    White MK3 broken down in GA Black tag with Gold letters from LO? Whats the story?

    I've looked for any change eery time I pass it, I'm bout to go to hall co courthouse and see what I can do about adoption
  14. G

    Code 25 (Lean) and 26 (Rich); At the Same Time lol

    It can be a few other things, I had the same issue, can't remember but I'll look into my records and see I I can dig it up
  15. G

    White MK3 broken down in GA Black tag with Gold letters from LO? Whats the story?

    It's been there since thanksgiving and I still haven't seen the tow sticker but yea man if u can fin out where it goes if it does get gone that'd be fantastic, It's either from Louisiana, Michigan, or Indiana, it's blue with yellow letters with one of this smoked tag covers on it
  16. G

    My florida trip turned into a free project!!!!! UPDATED WITH PICS!!!

    Hope all went well on the trip, come back soon bro
  17. G

    White MK3 broken down in GA Black tag with Gold letters from LO? Whats the story?

    Hey man ur a Lil late To the game, it's me Tyler from toccoa and I posted about a week or two ago if they were on here to please hit me up, I feel Sooooo bad for them Cus it's definitely out of state, another thing is that it seems to move a little each day, I've been shopping at the mall of ga...
  18. G

    lots of white smoke coming from the exhaust....

    Does this look like oil or coolant to you guys Cus I'm having a similar issue and was payin attention to this thread
  19. G

    Need Some Help, I'm new

    Look on Craigslist for people parting out supras, there's always at least a couple In my area and I'd imagine it's about average
  20. G

    Broke down On 985

    Hey guys, thus won't pertain To most of you but if it does to any of you please let me know, I live in northeast ga and just passed a white Pre 89 about 1/2-1 mile south of exit 12, northbound, I live about thirty min north, normally I wouldn't post somethin like this but it was an out of state...