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  1. G

    Most obnoxious BOV

    That's what I'm thinking, but I would assume ten pounds on the big single is somewhere close to what I had before in relation to actual air flow
  2. G

    Most obnoxious BOV

    Ok how bout this, I loved my rfl on stock twins (2jz swap) on 17psi, I'm at 10 now on a 60-1, and it's just not making nearly any sound, I'm not trying to be that ricer guy, but I grew to love it and now I don't hear it anymore. Any idea why it's not sounding off? It's functioning ok, just no sound
  3. G

    Most obnoxious BOV

    Greddy type s is loud? And functional of course
  4. G

    Most obnoxious BOV

    Oh my god that's priceless lol, but any serious suggestions?
  5. G

    Most obnoxious BOV

    Ok so I have a few Supras and I daily them all depending on what I feel like that morning. But my silver one is rhd and 2jz swapped and with the stock twins the turbo xs rfl was loud n proud, but now that I'm big single it works well but doesn't make much noise. This is my look at me car, pleas...
  6. G

    If you're an mk3 owner: How do you respond when someone says, "It's just not a mk4"

    I usually just say "because older cars have more soul, and the mkiii feels right" Im also in the group that may eventually get a mkiv but only if a fantastic deal falls in my lap, and I'd never EVER sell ANY of my mkiii's for one
  7. G

    Vaseline Targa fix. Yes or no?

    Mink oil is supposed to work but I haven't personally tried it
  8. G

    Craziest thing you've ever intimidated

    Bump bump, I wana hear more shenanigans
  9. G

    Limequat's 4.2l I6 Swap

    Holy thread resurrection batman, can we get a regular driving video?
  10. G


    I've been searching a bit and can't figure out how to look up the Pbm stuff online, anybody have a basic price on their stuff?
  11. G

    Craziest thing you've ever intimidated

    ^ that's kinda what prompted this thread lol, a gt500 wouldn't play the other day, wide open straight on highway, finally he tried to get the jump on me from about my 7, I heard the whine coming and punched it. The look of confusion when someone pays 50+k for a car and can't pass a 8k at best 24...
  12. G

    Craziest thing you've ever intimidated

    I've had the same situation with the smart mouth kid before too, his Altima was "running 50 pounds of boost" but he refused to even consider me lol
  13. G

    Craziest thing you've ever intimidated

    I agree, but half the time bikes don't wana play either :/
  14. G

    Craziest thing you've ever intimidated

    So I was just curious, what's the craziest vehicle that wouldn't play with you on the highway or whatnot? I find that lots of things that I assumed would be playful as I drive on the interstate often, simply won't. My craziest one was a new Ferrari f430, he was showing out between red lights and...
  15. G

    Your other car

    Fromgehenna they are but over here the ones we get aren't evavtly as cool as what you guys get, we recently got the newest fiat 500's stateside tho, I love em too
  16. G

    Your other car

    Ok so I know not everyone has more tan one car, but for those of you that do which do you really prefer? I have a five speed Lexus is300 and its supposed to be my dd, but I find myself quite often driving one of my supras instead. Anyone else have this kinda thing? Feel like your sup drives...
  17. G

    Cool/Rare parts thread?

    Thread bump, just because its so awesome
  18. G

    You know you're a Supra owner when...

    When you've surfed that Internet car database thing and can name at least two or three not on it :D When you have different supras for different reasons IE the nice car, the fast one, the cool one, the gas miser