Search results

  1. ForcedTorque

    1987 Toyota Supra, so fresh so clean!

    I dunno, not enough light to tell. Looks nice!
  2. ForcedTorque

    Vacuum line q's

    Smart guys, those Toyota engineers. The cars are old, but the reasons haven't gone anywhere. Yes, they need to be hooked up.
  3. ForcedTorque

    What can I do with 2k?

    Whatever you do, DO NOT go to ebay and plan a cheap build! Those prices are not realistic, and you will not be happy for long with what you get.
  4. ForcedTorque

    Kazeyuki's supra

    Looks like something got left off the list though. How are you running without your AFM? Maft-pro?
  5. ForcedTorque

    Toyota Owners and Restorers Club (TORC) 2009

    I love to see the different points of view from different people taking the pics. That gives us a full view of the show, rather than one persons favorites. Rodel, your car is S.I.C.K.!!!!!
  6. ForcedTorque

    replacing clutch 'n stuff - pull engine?

    Removing is the easy part. It's the torquing and alignment going back in that is much easier when pulled together.
  7. ForcedTorque

    replacing clutch 'n stuff - pull engine?
  8. ForcedTorque

    Why does Tanya only have a 3 iTrader rating??????

    I was just looking at my own iTrader rating, and noticed I had one from Tanya (3). This after what 3-4 consecutive awesome MKIII calendars, and several people I have seen wearing shirts from her store, and other items she sells from there. I feel it is just as important to leave iTrader ratings...
  9. ForcedTorque

    vaccum nipple

    Firefox spellchecker can spell it. It's pretty good at catching misspelled words, but often doesn't have the correct spelling though.
  10. ForcedTorque

    ForcedTorque's Slick/Quick Build

    Thanks for all your help Chris.
  11. ForcedTorque

    7M-GTE, Vacuum; Where does this go?

    Then it should just hang free. I have never heard an explanation for that plug.
  12. ForcedTorque

    7M-GTE, Vacuum; Where does this go?

    Adam could be right, or that could go to your transmission. But, by the loose brown plug in that picture, I take it you are still in the planning stages of your vacuum.
  13. ForcedTorque

    ForcedTorque's Slick/Quick Build

    Will brake cleaner be fine for that?
  14. ForcedTorque

    7M-GTE, Vacuum; Where does this go?

    I have never seen the stud (90116-0827) where the nut was not firmly locked in place. They usually come off together, as if they were made together.
  15. ForcedTorque

    7M-GTE, Vacuum; Where does this go?

    It goes up, and through a little straw like pie, then to the EGR pipe that also shows nothing connected in front of the 3000 pipe.
  16. ForcedTorque

    The... "Theresa's making a feel-good thread" thread.

    My MOM - Although I often take her for granted, she is what got me where I am, and therefore my kids where they are. She has been awesome for my entire life.
  17. ForcedTorque

    ForcedTorque's Slick/Quick Build

    One Step Closer!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's a pic I have waited 3 months to take. The entire old clutch has now been removed. I got the old pilot bearing out with the newspaper and PB Blaster method (Dave I tried your method first). New Pilot Bearing is in, and I mounted up the resurfaced flywheel with...
  18. ForcedTorque

    The... "Theresa's making a feel-good thread" thread.

    My wife - She is everything I am plus, she's there for me helping with the things I can't handle. My wife My kids - Raised right, and they have grown into perfect young individuals. My Supra - keeps me busy, and always gives me a reason to feel I've acomplished something. Supramania...
  19. ForcedTorque

    Having problems running please help!

    Does the check engine light turn on as you first turn the key and all lights turn on?The previous owner may have taken the annoying bulb out.
  20. ForcedTorque

    God hates me

    Is your truck reliable when you have good tires and competent tire mechanics? Don't get into a payment you are not comfortable with.