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  1. F

    What causes high cooling system pressure?

    nope the cooling system is infact pressurized. What happens is that you take a 17 year old car that has never had hoses replaced, add some normal pressure of the cooling system, insta-broken hoses.
  2. F

    Is it possible to open up the case to the AFM electronics?

    AIT is a simple thermistor. Nothing complicated about it. If both AFM and AIT fail. focus on the plug ESPECIALLY if you have no fan shroud but do so even if you don't. Time kills all.
  3. F

    what is everyone buying with their Christmas moneys????

    okie dokie... another thread for the closed bin file....
  4. F

    Ryan's 89 7M Twin Turbo Drifter Build

    Oooohh Supracentral And Dreamer doing the Hostel thing!!!
  5. F

    CF Targa Top

    simple, no targa, torsional flex from the chassis. Anyone that has a Targa supra has experience the wet noodle effect while driving. It sucks. Now it can be 100% CF but any BENFITS of weight gain go right out the window with all the bracing that the targa needs to have to work properly and not...
  6. F

    7M-GTE Rebuild

    Well my only bit of advise I will give you is this. What ever you have budgeted. Triple it and you might get close for learning. No, I am not joking.
  7. F

    A/C bracket, structural support for block??

    HAY HAY HAY!! 1 3/4 TONS. Get that right! BTW Speaking off A/C, Funny thing is that now a days in IMSA, Lemans (closed driver compartments cars specifically) and a couple of the other race series, they now make A/C a compulsory item as the cabin has to be a certain temprature and...
  8. F

    My sons car got robbed

    agreed with Grim the entire dash has to come out. Be careful not to arbitrarily pull as there are numerous elecrtical connections and specifically there is a jumper box on the driver side that if you pull, will kill any chances of a clean reinstall and also of a properly working system...
  9. F

    ct26 max psi

    you know what...the question was answered by myself and confirmed by Suprarich. so this thread is done.
  10. F

    introducing new Standalone engine management SME

    Curse you suprahero! lol
  11. F

    To Buy OR Not To Buy.... That Is The Question

    What are these specifically. Racing is actually extremly narrow. I know REAL racing parts and I am going to say that I doubt they are racing parts. May be higher performing than OEM. Now with that said, Mechanical is cake. If there is ANYTHING. And I mean ANYTHING wrong electrically...
  12. F

    ct26 max psi

    Actually "Modern" turbo have that anti-surge housing because the in thing to do is buy a huge turbo with a TEENY TINY A/R which will make the turbo a surgemonster. The correct turbo with the correct A/R should exhibit ZERO surge. There fixed. Any turbo is a wear item. Usually...
  13. F

    Warning!!!! Home Depot Scam!!!!

    Man, I have numerous walmart special wallets ready to go for this scam!
  14. F

    Coming 2009 from MoTeC

    Yeah about that... MoTeC did not drop the price of the M4/m8 series ecu to much so don't expect a drop of say, used AEM. Not happening price wise. Well it just finding out how the standalone does what. For instance. The AEM can support a 60-2 wheel but in the software, you have...
  15. F

    ct26 max psi

    Suprarich I knew it as fluid dynamics also but they updated the name ;)
  16. F

    ct26 max psi

    Got to love fluid mechanics!!
  17. F

    Fuel. Dual Walbro or Aeromotive a1000 external?

    <-- Looks at the Forum we are in... Hmm 7M-GTE TECHNICAL Discussion. "I heard" is called hearsay. No facts. Do not post if there is no technical accuracy to what you are posting about (ie, Sound physics, math, first hand experience but then that is somewhat ancedotal etc).
  18. F

    Happy Holidays everyone

    and the grinch stole christmas... Let try to stick the topic where it belongs ;)
  19. F

    Cold Weather issues

    say what? weak battery.. etc I used to see -30 and with the SUPRA. Never had a starting issue. At all. Just be sure to check battery PRIOR to the cold ass weather coming. ;) Once the cold weather is here.. it is too late then. edit: And just so we are very clear. That is -30 AMBIENT...