Williams Winter, Spring and into Summer NA-t Build :)


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
inside of crank pulley- notice how when the bolt came loose, the pulley slipped and crushed the key from the keyway.


and the crank carnage that followed:




Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
not good. but i'm almost sure i can get it fixed as soon as i get the parts from will.



Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Thats bullshit, that key should have sheared off not bent over and sandwich like that... That's the exact thing that happened to my NA, when it was rebuilt, they never tightened the pulley bolt and it slung out at like 70mph... I thought I just hit a rock... Then about a week or so later, in my driveway *where all the bad shit happens* the crank pulley sheared the key and my pulley fell off... The crank had a bit of chipping but nothing major, I was able to salvage it... That LOOKS salvagable... Even though it looks like it imprinted a moon shape in the crank, so long as you can get it back on there and wrench that bolt to the proper torque spec, should be OK... Make sure to use thread lock, big time... Also, I would suggest measuring the inside diameter of the crank pulley to make sure its within tolerances... There shouldnt have been enough room between the inside of the pulley and the outside of the crank to squash it...


New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
THats absoulutly TERRIBLE.

Crank pulley should be at your house tommarow or the day after, and everything associated with it....

Im not getting my hopes up though...


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
update: i made a ball out of the epoxy that i got to fix the crank. i let it harden for 24 hours, and this shit is the real deal. it is absolutely the hardest curing epoxy i've ever used, and it's SO easy to work with!

i threw it at a cement wall, and it just bounced off. it sounded like a rock when it hit! (and i threw it really hard!)

i already bought some red loctite for the crank pulley bolt. i'll be installing the new t-belt and tensioner tomorrow, and if the crank pulley/key/bolt comes in the mail from will, i'll get the epoxy on there and smooth it out with the key in place (so as to not fill the keyway), and let it set overnight.

(this stuff even cures underwater!) made by POR 15 (which is awesome stuff by the way! i used it on my pickup and it's really durable!)



New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Lexington KY
are you sure you want to use red thread lock on that?? I know I have read where reign mentioned something about using it. I mean I go through hellllllll just to get mine to break loose without any kind of thread lock. I hate breaking that thing loose. Another thing, for the heck of it I wanted to try that thread lock just to see how permanent it really is. I put some on a bolt and nut and let it set overnight. Then went to break it loose and bent the bolt before I was able to break it. That bolt is made to come off, when you want it to of course, so I would think that there would be a big deal if you need to change the timing belt. Was it not tightened to 190ft lbs as recommmended?

Good job Shaeff on tracking that down. I sure hope that car lives soon. I would hate to see another supra owner lost!


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
i don't think the crank bolt is going to bend or snap. i'll be careful, i'm not just going to goop it on there. ;)

besides, i have an impact gun- i've never, EVER had a problem taking any bolt out using proper lubrication and precautions. ;) (aside from seized eccentric bolts on the front of the supra- worst job ever!)



Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
if you get it to me quickly along with the wiring diagram, i might be able to get it done. i'm leaving for a "business trip" for my job from monday until late thursday- i was hoping to have your car complete by then.

and my girlfriend comes back from her week vacation in maine on saturday, which gives me sat. and sun. to hang out with her before i have to go away.

i was hoping that your parts would be here today, but they're not.



New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
shaeff said:
if you get it to me quickly along with the wiring diagram, i might be able to get it done. i'm leaving for a "business trip" for my job from monday until late thursday- i was hoping to have your car complete by then.

and my girlfriend comes back from her week vacation in maine on saturday, which gives me sat. and sun. to hang out with her before i have to go away.

i was hoping that your parts would be here today, but they're not.


Safc's in the car.... and i can PM you the diagram...

Also, the part should have been there like yesterday..... god damn Shogun86 or what ever....


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
alright, i'll look into it if i have some time. i've been swamped this week with work, and a bunch of B.S. around my house.

pretty sleep deprived. and i have to drive out to lyons, NY on monday (5 hours or so...) kindof sucks.

i'll keep a lookout for those parts. i get off at 2 tomorrow, so if they're here when i get home, i should have the car running on saturday. the new t-belt and tensioner are in. base timing set to 0* and CPS set to 0*.

all i need are those parts, put them on, do my thing with the epoxy, and wait until saturday morning...



New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
shaeff said:
alright, i'll look into it if i have some time. i've been swamped this week with work, and a bunch of B.S. around my house.

pretty sleep deprived. and i have to drive out to lyons, NY on monday (5 hours or so...) kindof sucks.

i'll keep a lookout for those parts. i get off at 2 tomorrow, so if they're here when i get home, i should have the car running on saturday. the new t-belt and tensioner are in. base timing set to 0* and CPS set to 0*.

all i need are those parts, put them on, do my thing with the epoxy, and wait until saturday morning...


Chris, dont worry about the SAFC install, im sure i can figure it out.

I certainly hope the parts are there tommarow....