Williams Winter, Spring and into Summer NA-t Build :)


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
yep, i got it today- but it's been POURING rain all day here. :( i might take a look at it later regardless, depending on how wet i feel like getting. (i wish my car ran so i could pull yours in the garage)



Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005

i put it all back together, and it fired up first try no hesitation at all. :) i fixed his coolant temp gauge (as it was not reading at all) and waited for it to warm up to operating temp. took it down the road a few times- it was hesitating badly upon first touch of the throttle. i also fixed a vacuum leak at the boost gauge.

i set the IGN timing to 10* BTDC and the hesitation was gone (as i suspected it would be)- and it ran like a dream. i boosted about 3psi and let off, and it pulled nicely for 3psi. ;)

as i was on my way back to my house, it started to run like a bag of shit. my first suspicion was that i popped an IC pipe, but i looked, and all were tight. i don't have any more time to look at it until thursday or friday of next week- so i guess it'll just sit until then. (i have to go away on a business trip, which sucks! i tried to get out of it to no avail.)



New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
Well, Chris, any news is good news. THe car ran, and now it seems as if the car has smaller issues rather than a freakin huge one.

I really do miss my car, i could never sell it, as i walk into my garage everyday and look at the empty space :(

But, i know its in good hands ;)


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
sure is. i'm not quite sure what went wrong with it, either. as soon as i set the IGN timing, it was idling PERFECTLY. i took it down the road, ran beautifully- no hesitation at all, nice and clean feeling. then it just started to run like shit. :(

i'm sure i'll get that figured out. it feels exactly like my car did when the fuel filter was clogged. (but your tank was never opened, so i'm not sure how that could happen)



Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
my car did that when one of the fuel injectors was clogged, i put a tiny bit of laquer thinner in the tank and ran it, then i filled it up to make sure it was all out of the gas tank, and it ran great after that. Ive since found that can be very bad, but it worked for me! and congrats finally...i didnt know you could epoxy a crank back together, should try that on my 350 with spun main bearings lol


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
yep, the epoxy is holding fine.

will- the thing about it is that after i adjusted the IGN timing, it smoothed out the idle so much! it sounded identical to my car! then as soon as i drove it, something decided to shit itself. i have yet to figure that one out, though. all in time. :)



New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
So apparently my idiot self never put a clamp on one of the intercooler pipe! DOH!

Well Chris said that the car runs Real well now, except that ill need new plug wires, and a knock sensor kit. (he may do it if he has time)

Ive been saving every penny in a little draw for you Chris, labeled "Chris saved my car fund"

Should be enough ;)


Supra Lover
Oct 2, 2005
shaeff said:
yep, the epoxy is holding fine.

will- the thing about it is that after i adjusted the IGN timing, it smoothed out the idle so much! it sounded identical to my car! then as soon as i drove it, something decided to shit itself. i have yet to figure that one out, though. all in time. :)


Its pretty cool that you are helping out Sir William:bigthumb:

It looked like some minor scoring on the crank near the key notch, which part did you epoxy just out of curiousity.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Kylar27 said:
Its pretty cool that you are helping out Sir William:bigthumb:

It looked like some minor scoring on the crank near the key notch, which part did you epoxy just out of curiousity.

i like to finish jobs that i start. :)

there was more than minor scoring on the crank- there was a full half moon indent from the key slipping out and getting crushed into the actual end of the crank, right next to the keyway. i put the key in, and filled the hole around it with the epoxy, then wiggled the key around a tiny bit and pulled it out to check that the epoxy went all the way to the bottom of the hole.

then i put the key back in, and let it dry. (dry time is 1 hour if the temperature is over 75*). i let it dry for a few hours to be safe- put it all back together, and it fired right up.

i just started to wire the stock KS wires together to get dual input for one output. (N/A block) i'm hoping that the wires are still in good enough shape to do the trick, as i'm lacking on time to make a harness. (i guess i could make it while i'm away on the business trip... ?)

it's only throwing two codes- HAC sensor - which you don't need for our altitude, and Knock sensor circuit- which i'm working on now.

gotta fix that o2 sensor wire also, as it was already snapped out of the clip when i got the car to my house.

back out to the garage.



Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
it's not the KS that's bad- it's the wiring. ;) and yes, that would make it run badly.



Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
thanks! :) i'm on a stupid business trip right now (up in Lyons NY- and man, there is NOTHING out here!) it's actually quite lonely! :(

anyway, hopefully the multitude of different forums can keep me busy for the next few days until i can go home (thursday at noon).

when i get home, i plan to rewire the knock sensor with a custom harness with single input, dual output to satisfy the ECU's dual input for the KS signal, possibly adjust the TPS using my spare plug for it. (hooray for not having to remove the throttlebody!), and tie up a few loose ends.

i might have the chance to wire up the SAFC, but we'll see. getting the car running properly is my primary concern at this point in time.



New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
Sickkkk dude ;)

Im soo pumped to get my car back, i feel like a little kid the night before christmas. Seriously!

I haven't drive any "quick" car, or even been in a "fast" car for ALONG time.

You know you miss your supra when you get in your mothers PT cruiser and it feels like a race car :(