Williams Winter, Spring and into Summer NA-t Build :)


Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
I bet the problem is with that electronic ignition or the lack of a good connection on the CPS. Every turbo sup ive dealth with in person had a problem with either the cps or ignition. I dont know how it is on a well maintained car, but its enough to make me not like it. Maybe try ghetto rigging the distributor from the NA and see if it runs? If it does, you found your problem.


New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
Isphius said:
I bet the problem is with that electronic ignition or the lack of a good connection on the CPS. Every turbo sup ive dealth with in person had a problem with either the cps or ignition. I dont know how it is on a well maintained car, but its enough to make me not like it. Maybe try ghetto rigging the distributor from the NA and see if it runs? If it does, you found your problem.

We have changed the CPS back and forth....

And i have a new ignitor.....

If it comes down to it, and i need a new engine wiring harness, or something major, i will be parting the car out, selling the shell and buying a reliable car.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
will, don't sell the car. listen, if your dad will let me, i'll tow it back to my house, and i'll work on it for free. i don't care anymore, i just want your car running! having it here would most definatly make it easier to fix the problem, using all my own tools and garage.

next time i come down, i'll bring the ECU from my car.

personally, i think it's still the timing. something isn't right. i had everything set perfectly, and when the timing light was on it, it was so far in advance that you could barely see the mark...



New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
Yeah, it was at like seriously at like 11 oclock.... (timing)

My dads nto to keen on that whole towing it to your house, but then again, its not his car....

Well see....

When do you think you can come down next? And dont rush, as i am no longer to excited to get her drivable, so when ever is good!


Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
DOnt ever sell it! i got rid of 2 and regret it both times, and now i want another one. lol. shaeff, you should try your ecu, it might have gotten messed up somewhere. But yeah if the wiring harness is bad, replacing that would help a ton! also all the grounds good, and + connections, and the fuse block? But yeah, like reign says, air/fuel mixture and spark is all you need and it has to run. what exactly is it doing? not starting or just running bad? If you need a timing belt It could also be the cam timing is overlapping or too far forward or back. but that would just make it run crappy unless they were way off. i still say hook the NA distributor up without the wire harness connection(just the plug boots and coil wire) and see if it starts up.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
^ that works?

also- when it starts, it idles like a dream. (no idea where as the N/A tach doesn't work with the turbo ign. system) the timing is way, WAY advanced despite the fact that i set it properly, and when we shut it off, it won't start again for probably 20 min, IF it even decides it wants to start!



Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Shaeff, you get Will's car running and I'll send you $100... Seriously... That kid is like my lil brother, I dont mind at all... If I could fly up there and throw some wrenches on it, I would, but I can't...


New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
Reign_Maker said:
Shaeff, you get Will's car running and I'll send you $100... Seriously... That kid is like my lil brother, I dont mind at all... If I could fly up there and throw some wrenches on it, I would, but I can't...

Jake, ya should have done that in a PM, cause now ill be forced to send you 200$. Seriously. And my entire CD collection..... :)


New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
Reign_Maker said:
Its not about the money Will, it's about wanting to help... I want to help...

Well i dont know what i would do if you sent 100$ to help....i know i couldnt accept it myself.....

I keep saying that imma send you down some of my new cd's....but i keep forgetting and getting so damn busy... but im copying them now for you....ui think youll really like them....


Built 7M
Jun 20, 2006
William redo the timing belt and reset the cps by the book , It worth a try and bet you will want to keep the car. Sounds like you are a tooth or 2 off some where ,cams or cps.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
heh, jake, i don't even want any more money! i've used most of it up for gas, but honestly, i just want will's car to run!



New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
shaeff said:
heh, jake, i don't even want any more money! i've used most of it up for gas, but honestly, i just want will's car to run!


I know, i really do feel terrible....every paycheck i make goes to Chris's gas fund, or "lets get my POS running" and chris is still in negative figures for this whole project. Between all the free parts he given me, i really feel terrible...

I already made a promise and said that if i ever win the lottery, i am 100% giving chris half no matter what.

This car has, and will suck up every penny i have. It doesnt matter to me whether i get it running or not, because i have no fuckin money to register or insure th damn thing. (i need 800$ up front), but thats ok, it only takes me 4 months to make that much...

Enough of me bitching about my money issues, im about to go down and check all my wiring, and the wiring harness to see if all the wireing are in good shape under tha tape on the entire harness...
Last edited:


Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
well if the timing is too far advanced, than it is the ignition thats messed up. And I dont see why the NA distributor wouldnt work, it wouldnt advance with rpm, but as long as its base timing is set right and you hook the coil up to a power source, I cant see why it wouldnt work. But yeah man, the timing belt should help, And that might even fix the ignition timing issue. If the timing is way retarted, turn the cps like 1/4 turn back or more. If its retarted, it will run way way better, but it will have no power. Thats the v8 trick, retard it till it runs good, then get someone to power break the car, advance it till it starts to ping, then back it off a few degrees. If you do this along with some test drive/adjustments, you can get it spot on without a timing light. Sounds real redneck but works like a charm.


Built 7M
Jun 20, 2006
s383mmber1 said:
Hey listen, i really appreciate it, seriously....

It somehow, makes me feel kinnda warm inside knowing people listen to me btch about my car problems...
Hey double check your firing order.