Using JZ's igniter in 7M-GTE (+)

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Drft What do u mean drft?
Mar 31, 2005
Southern, Ca
Good Job Man!!! glad you made it work. Let see some pics Of the engine bay please? I wanna see how Good it looks !!!! If you do put the kit together how much would it be?


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
Wow, those are some strong words. Tell me what part of the electronics end of it did anyone help with? I spent several days working on this using my own knowledge of electronics and my own test equipment. I sourced out all the parts needed and built the harness and pc board off of my own diagrams and the Toyota tsrm. Now, the people who helped me along the way, I am glad to offer them the parts needed at my cost. But, if you want to be an ass about it then figure it out yourself. If you had enough equipment to build this you probably would not need any wiring diagram anyways. It is not that complicated from an electronics standpoint. I never said I was going to sell it for $1000, why don't you wait before you start talking shit. Besides, to make this work you need two 7m ignitors, a set of 1jz coils, all the ignitor connectors male and fem, 5v voltage regulator, ic, proto board, resistors, capicitors, 1j coil connectors, wiring, loom, etc... How many people would realistically be able to source out all those parts and assemble it from a wiring diagram? How did someone talking about the msd or hks units help with any of that? The one thing I can say was a big help was the person who posted the Toyota info on the different ignition systems, that was great.
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Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
bigaaron said:
Wow, those are some strong words. Tell me what part of the electronics end of it did anyone help with? I spent several days working on this using my own knowledge of electronics and my own test equipment. I sourced out all the parts needed and built the harness and pc board off of my own diagrams and the Toyota tsrm. Now, the people who helped me along the way, I am glad to offer them the parts needed at my cost. But, if you want to be an ass about it then figure it out yourself. If you had enough equipment to build this you probably would not need any wiring diagram anyways. It is not that complicated from an electronics standpoint. I never said I was going to sell it for $1000, why don't you wait before you start talking shit.

A Friggen Men!!!

Do you accept paypal? LOL :biglaugh:

Jonathan Mann


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
Dirgle is the only one who really offered anything that helped me with this. Chevyeater explained why it would NOT work. Lagged is just jumping on the bandwagon talking trash. Allan just wants something for nothing. IJ, Sinman and I<3supras are cool and will be getting whatever they want if they want to do this to their own cars. Another thing is that 1/2 the time I ask any question online, I already know the answer, I just like to get opinions from others. Don't underestimate my abilities like I would not have it working without asking questions online. I spend a lot more time online offering advice and helping others then I do asking questions. This is one I want to keep the credit for. I am not looking to cash in on it.
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Drft What do u mean drft?
Mar 31, 2005
Southern, Ca
What about the People that Cheered you on? :naughty: I'm not asking to give the parts for nothing. I just want to know how much would they cost. So when you figure out the price, Let me know k



wastegate hose is pulled
Mar 30, 2005
Long Island, NY
bigaaron said:
Wow, those are some strong words. Tell me what part of the electronics end of it did anyone help with? I spent several days working on this using my own knowledge of electronics and my own test equipment. I sourced out all the parts needed and built the harness and pc board off of my own diagrams and the Toyota tsrm. Now, the people who helped me along the way, I am glad to offer them the parts needed at my cost. But, if you want to be an ass about it then figure it out yourself. If you had enough equipment to build this you probably would not need any wiring diagram anyways. It is not that complicated from an electronics standpoint. I never said I was going to sell it for $1000, why don't you wait before you start talking shit. Besides, to make this work you need two 7m ignitors, a set of 1jz coils, all the ignitor connectors male and fem, 5v voltage regulator, ic, proto board, resistors, capicitors, 1j coil connectors, wiring, loom, etc... How many people would realistically be able to source out all those parts and assemble it from a wiring diagram? How did someone talking about the msd or hks units help with any of that? The one thing I can say was a big help was the person who posted the Toyota info on the different ignition systems, that was great.

Regardless of how much assistance I provided in the end, I feel my time reading your questions and posting replies was wasted. I offer technical advice to help fellow mk3 Supra owners with thier cars. I don't offer technical advice to buisness people developing new products. That isn't what this section of Supramania is for. You should ask for a vendor section of your own and post your questions in there if you intend to make a profit (large or small) from the result.



Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
I think this is exactly the right section for this, I was building something "technical" and we had a "discussion" about it. It does not say "get paid hourly for technical discussions" forum.
I want it to be something my friends locally or online have on their cars.
I didn't say this was a "product" to sell. Why don't you come up with something origional, and then give me all the details? My friend Tem (and past co-worker) owns and runs Supramania, if he has a problem with me he can tell me himself. Please don't waste your time on any more of my threads, sorry for the inconvienence.
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May 1, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
bigaaron said:
Allan just wants something for nothing.

Get bent! mate i have spent my free time helping more people fit engines and fix problems on there cars then my own! at this moment im on the phone to a profile cutting place haggling a better deal for some caliper brackets that im maken no money on, i have been sourcing parts etc etc just so people with solid rear axles on old celicas can upgrade to a G series diff with disc brakes easly!

I have personaly spent over $1000aud on this one project and many hours i didnt have to.

and all i am charging is what it costs me!

all i would like to see is how you did it, i dont want you to send me any hardware at all, i think a better alternitive then secrets is to show the design and then offer a pre-built unit for those who would rather pay for it

Anyway what ever im over it! :nono:


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
You called me an asshole for not giving out the diagrams before I even had a chance to properly draw them up or fully test the thing. I started it up and went around the block and I was excited that it worked, that's all. I said I need to test it for a few thousand miles first. Plus I need to put it in an enclosure and figure out a heatsink for it.
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wastegate hose is pulled
Mar 30, 2005
Long Island, NY
bigaaron said:
I want it to be something my friends locally or online have on their cars.
I didn't say this was a "product" to sell. Why don't you come up with something origional, and then give me all the details? My friend Tem (and past co-worker) owns and runs Supramania, if he has a problem with me he can tell me himself. Please don't waste your time on any more of my threads, sorry for the inconvienence.

I don't plan to.

If I asked for help on something original, I most certianly would post all the details up for the community that helped me put it together rather than make them pay for it. Maybe I should start charging for advice.

Tell Tem to ban me. I've been screwed by enough of his asshole friends. :ban: :asshole:


Jun 26, 2005
hey bigaaron so it doesnt seem to have any problems under boost either cus in the link i posted it seemed like that was the only problem he had but he was runnin the single one not 2 like u did andu probly cant tell yet but any differance in gas mileage


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
Chevy, if you were charging for advice you would be broke. You were wrong, the dwell time had nothing to do with why the 1j coils would not work.
I am really not mad, more that I was really proud of accomplishing what I set out to do and then I get blasted for being an asshole just because I don't give it away. Since when was posting on forums considered "work"? It's just a passtime and I could care less if any info I give gets used for someone to make money.
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Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
Cruzin, yeah, the problem was that 6 coils were too much for one ignitor. Now I have one output per coil. My next project is to make an adaptor to use a 1jz/2jz ignitor and 1jz coils on the 7m-gte. That is just for fun and to say I did.
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Jun 26, 2005
actually that should be pretty easy does any one have a diagram of the 1jz ignitor tho cus u gotta think if both use the same basic input characteristics and untill the ignitor i believe its raw signal (not amplified) and it is 4 inputs from the ecu now i havent seen a 1jz ignitor so i may be talking out my ass but if it has the same inputs then we could check what kinda voltage each use and tweak the signals accordingly just my 2 cents anyway


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
The inputs are very different. The 7m ignitor has iga and igb wires to control which coil gets the spark.

The 1jz ignitor has 6 indivdual outputs and the ecu adjusts the timing of each individual output.

(BTW, that was $.25 for that because we are charging for advice on this thread now.)
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Jun 26, 2005
well again this may be a dumb question but is the 1jz waste spark also or diffrerant

damn i should jsut send u a blank check for the info i might be here a while lol
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