Using JZ's igniter in 7M-GTE (+)

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wastegate hose is pulled
Mar 30, 2005
Long Island, NY
bigaaron said:
The inputs are very different. The 7m ignitor has iga and igb wires to control which coil gets the spark, and igt adjusts the dwell time.

The 1jz ignitor has 6 indivdual outputs and the ecu adjusts the dwell time of each individual output.

(BTW, that was $.25 for that because we are charging for advice on this thread now.)

My advice is going to cost more, since it is actually accurate.

IGT has absolutely no control over dwell time. It is simply a trigger signal that controls ignition timing. Dwell time is controlled internal to the ignitor on the 7MGTE, 1JZGTE and 2JZGTE. I also happen to know for a proven fact that JZ coils do not work well with 1/2 the dwell time they were intended for. If that issue is not addressed, this "upgrade" is actually quite the ignition downgrade. $.50 please.

Scary that some people are considering purchasing an ignition system from someone who doesn't even have a basic understanding of how the system works.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
I'm sorry, I did state that wrong. The igt signal goes to the ignitors internal dwell angle control circuit, and the 1jz ecu controls the timing of the individual coil outputs, not the dwell time. You got me there. So many people think im an asshole that I got confused and actually became one. :nono:
I will refund the $.25 immediately.

I happen to have a 1jz in my driveway so I will check the actual dwell time and see if it is indeed 1/2 of the 7m ignitor. So your thesis is that the 7m ignitor running 3 individual 1j coils has half the dwell time of the 1jz ignitor?
I will check that and send you $.50 if you are right.
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1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
If I asked for help on something original, I most certianly would post all the details up for the community that helped me put it together rather than make them pay for it. Maybe I should start charging for advice.

that right there pretty much sums up my feelings exactly.

i am jumping on no bandwagon, just calling out what i see.

the sole purpose of these forums is to benefit EVERYBODY. you gleening ANY knowledge from ANYONE on these forums, is not only to benefit you, but EVERYONE ELSE WHO READS THEM.

what you have done, from a legal standpoint is completely LEGAL. what you have done is a fine example of capitalism at its BEST. your mentality, is the same as those who enslaved blacks back in the day, is the same as those who had no problem paying people so little, that they could not afford to support their families, is the same as those who owned all the shops in town, and charged so much for its products that were needed by the people it hired to survive, that they could not afford said products.


KNOWLEDGE is free and unable to be regulated. charging for a service or a product is morally sound, however i believe KNOWLEDGE should be completely free. i know how a refrigerator works, if i decided it would be cost effective for me i would build my own fridge, but i decide not to because it is more convienient for me to buy one pre-built. we pay for convenience. not for others knowledge.

that however, is just me. have a nice life.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
Now i'm a slave owner, capitolist pig and an asshole! LOLOLOLOLOL
I will not be selling this. I will just keep it for my own car. Happy now?
I never even said I would really sell anything, I said I was THINKING about putting a plug and play kit together. Ok, it's been real.
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1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
bigaaron said:
Now i'm a slave owner, capitolist pig and an asshole! LOLOLOLOLOL
I will not be selling this. I will just keep it for my own car. Happy now?
I never even said I would really sell anything, I said I was THINKING about putting a plug and play kit together. Ok, it's been real.

never happy. it disgusts me that there are people like you in the world. coming up with an idea on your own is one thing, asking people for help, coming up with a solution and then not sharing that with the community that helped you is another.

one word: disgusting


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
Wow too much arguing going on for nothing. :3d_frown:

I call it as I see it as well.

Looks like some of you are just seriously overshooting yourselves.

I mean, the guy just didnt talk, he walked and walked the whole damn course perfectly. The system is running in his car right now without any hiccups.

Now, some of you charectors are just jelous and want to take advantage of him and his superior skills in electrical wiring and mapping and just "ask" for the silver plate?

EARN it first. Then ask.

It would be "nice" to have the information at our disposal at some point in time.....but with more people on this forum that say rather than actually would be in vain...

If you really want info, just read all of the thread and comprehend it. Its not hard actually.

I feel that most of you on here ( that are against his wishes to disclose the information) actually dont even have the ability to wire up your own custom ignition system....hence the reason why you are MAD to not get it your way.

Hell, has the team Mibrum in malta with the 1200hp 7mgte disclosed anything about their motor set up? NO......has anyone got mad over it? NO

Because they know they cannot afford build a motor like that.

Clear? :aigo:



Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
I don't know how I will sleep tonight... I'm disgusting.

Read my first post in this thread, I plainly explained that I had already been working on this for a while and I just had to work out a few things. You guys are giving yourselves way too much credit, nothing that was said in this entire thread made any difference in the way I went about my business.

These pics are disgusting, watch your eyes! It is totally not done yet. A set of painted n/a valve covers will be on there soon.



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Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
Dont sweat it bigaaron.....they are just being spoon fed everything they know so they expect you to just spoon feed them the rest as well.

Great minds think alike.....we can point out who doesnt really think like a great mind in here cant we? LOL

Some people have bits of information and they just dont know what to do with it ( some college graduates are this way )....but it takes a great mind and a strong will to put it all together and see it the way others CANNOT see it.

As I see it here.....they are giving out bits and pieces of info they dont know what to do they throw it out compounded all that information and created a masterpiece...and now they all want credit in some way or fashion?

Please...... :nono:

It looks beautiful! I love it!
Keep us posted on the longevity and reliablitity factors!



1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
man i was drunk and angry when i wrote that, cant you tell? :)

the reason why i think its wrong is because now no body benefits. i have no intentions of using JZ coils, but what if someone else who really wanted to do it was reading from the beginning of this thread, only to get cut short. AND lets assume that, maybe this person is good at following directions, but wouldnt be able to figure it out on his own? its almost like his times been wasted.

and FYI, if my skill level isnt high enough to figure the rest out on my own, my dads an engineer and would be able to set this up no problem.

theres no jealousy here. how could there be when i dont even want to run this setup?

ill leave my drunk anger filled post up there, i am sure some body will get a laugh out of it.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
siman said:
Dont sweat it bigaaron.....they are just being spoon fed everything they know so they expect you to just spoon feed them the rest as well.

Great minds think alike.....we can point out who doesnt really think like a great mind in here cant we? LOL

Some people have bits of information and they just dont know what to do with it ( some college graduates are this way )....but it takes a great mind and a strong will to put it all together and see it the way others CANNOT see it.

As I see it here.....they are giving out bits and pieces of info they dont know what to do they throw it out compounded all that information and created a masterpiece...and now they all want credit in some way or fashion?

Please...... :nono:

It looks beautiful! I love it!
Keep us posted on the longevity and reliablitity factors!



You call it like you see it? Please you have been banned because you saw with beer goggles on.

I suggest you get your facts straight.

and now onto to Bigaaron

I usually don't get involved with this type of shit but unlike siman, I do not hold back and call it like it is.

you came in THIS thread with an IDEA but no product. As a matter of fact judging from the initial posts. You had no fucking clue how the basic DIS fuctioned in our cars up until someone linked you to the autoshop101 pdf (mind you the website linked is not the real autoshop101) that shows you the basic information of the DIS in our car. Fuck you were asking what a fucking CDI and DLI was???

bigaaron said:
I think igf is the tach output, not an input from the ecu. So iga igb and igt are the 3 inputs to the ignitor, right?

bigaaron said:
..... Please explain the CDI or DLI equipment, if you don't mind. So is the problem that the output from the 7m ignitor is not on long enough per cycle to charge the coils fully?

Again it is all dandy info that you could have easily SEARCHED by your lazy ass self but no. You come in here and asked SUPRAMANIA.

After MSD confirmed what CHEVYEATER told you about DWELL time. Then you built you little logic circuit. Hmm sounds like you DID use the advise on here regardless if you had the idea in you head prior.

How about them apples???


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
If it is so easy and I am such an idiot, then do it yourself. I told you, the dwell time was NOT THE PROBLEM. Now I will not give anything out based on principal alone. I suck, do it yourself, get over it.


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
How do light bulb manufacturers make light bulbs if one dude invented it? How can they take credit for a "new" type of bulb?

Because they either IMPROVED upon a known, working process, or took bits and pieces of the working system and INTEGRATED it into a new design. That is why we have PATENTS and INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Just look at a Patent...there are MANY MANY references to OTHER patents and how their "new" process incorporates some of these features, ideas, etc.

comprehende' Figgie?



Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
bigaaron said:
If it is so easy and I am such an idiot, then do it yourself. I told you, the dwell time was NOT THE PROBLEM. Now I will not give anything out based on principal alone. I suck, do it yourself, get over it.

don't be a stupid fuck

i run a standalone.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
siman said:
How do light bulb manufacturers make light bulbs if one dude invented it? How can they take credit for a "new" type of bulb?

Because they either IMPROVED upon a known, working process, or took bits and pieces of the working system and INTEGRATED it into a new design. That is why we have PATENTS and INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Just look at a Patent...there are MANY MANY references to OTHER patents and how their "new" process incorporates some of these features, ideas, etc.

comprehende' Figgie?


dude you really need to get your fucking facts straight.

Edison did not go to a public forum and gather the public forums IDEAS and run with it. And actaully the light bulb is the same. The patent for the light bulb has expired (75 years after the fact). Halogen light bulbs are a DIFFERENT pattent. Same with HIDs, mercury vapor etc. All different and thier patents (save for HID) are also.. EXPIRED.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
bigaaron said:
If it is so easy and I am such an idiot, then do it yourself. I told you, the dwell time was NOT THE PROBLEM. Now I will not give anything out based on principal alone. I suck, do it yourself, get over it.

no you nimrod it was the problem as the 7m coil could not charge the 1jz COPS under boost running one 7m ignitor to 2 1jz cops in parallel.... seems like dwell to me slappy.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
siman said:
Excuse me Figgie? :icon_mad:

What have I done to YOU?
What facts do I have wrong?


Ohhh, you edited your threat. :hsugh:

to me nothing but as usual (if you recall why you got your ass banned from here the first time around with the stupidity of the 1jz 2jz thread). You posts are always laiden with total speculation and heresay. Absolutely NO FACTS.
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